What is your favorite video game?
Apr 13, 2022 at 10:09 AM Post #122 of 182
I played the first last of us game 5 times in a row with a friend taking turns, cause we loved it so much. Great story, very cinematic.
Half Life Alyx is incredible, as is vr in general. I'm loving sim racing atm — project cars 2 right now, super immersive and very realistic. The F1 style cars are a blast!
Also, rocket league is a ton of fun with a friend in 2 on 2. Insanely high skill ceiling and fascinating to watch the pros.
Apr 13, 2022 at 6:21 PM Post #123 of 182
For me, and don't hate me, is Destiny 2. I just love the gameplay and how everything feels. The next game is a toss up of the first three Resident Evil games on PS1, as well as the RE1/RE2 remakes. Silent Hill1/2 are also up there with the Evil Within games.
Apr 14, 2022 at 1:04 AM Post #124 of 182
After playing From Soft's Dark/Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring, I can't really enjoy any other games. They just raised the bar on the depth what the game can entail in terms of combat, lore, visual aesthetics, and variations of play style that's offered to players that any other games are just subpar. I cannot enjoy any 1st person shooter games any more.

Out of all the games I've mentioned, my fav game would be Dark Souls 3, not Elden Ring. Reason why I take DS3 over DS1 is that the combat feels so much smoother than DS1, which is really dated. DS3 has much neededly polished character movements/controls that was too stiff in DS1.

Also, the visuals and aesthetics are improved by a large margin with high weapon and spell varieties brought over from DS2. So, overall DS3 is the most replayable for me. So, I would say it's my fav game at the moment.

Although I find that Elden Ring has really polished the feel of the character movements, the boss designed are really imbalanced and magic is too OP. This makes melee tedious at times, and with spirit summons, beating bosses doesn't feel very rewarding. Also, with subsequent playthoughs, the open world becomes a chore to go through.

I tried a magic playthough and at some point magic became too OP that I got bored since there is no challenge. Also, it feels like the game just falls off after Limsgrave area.

From Soft's games shine best with the dungeon designs, and this is the reason why I like DS3 better. It's pure dungeon goodness form From Soft.

But, the lore of Elden Ring is very interesting. And also the character movements/controls are most polished to date. But, with bringing open world, comes negatives that results from it. For one, what locations are summonable seems arbitrary.

From Soft's games are a rare quality in today's mundane AAA games landscape. Playing rare quality games opens up your eyes on how mundane other games are.

If they did a remake of DS1 with today's graphics like Elden Ring and polished movements/controls, It would likely be my fav over DS3. DS1 has excellent world/level designs.

Also, sound quality of From Soft are just excellent. I really like the sounds of DS3, it's really well mastered.

These games loses a bit of luster once you can predict enemy positions. I wait for a day when they make games that's much more replayable if they can make enemy placement unpredictable in subsequent playthoughs (but, also very likely be punishing. lol.). I wonder if there is a way to cook up fresh dungeons and enemy placements to keep things fresh every time? Or if they can put out new dungeons for purchase every so often.
This guy's parody of Dark/Demon's Souls, Elden Ring lore is hilarious. lol If you are familiar with those games, you'd understand the joke.

Apr 24, 2022 at 2:08 AM Post #125 of 182
Red Dead Redemption 1 / 2
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last of Us
Mass Effect series
Bioshock series
Dishonored series
Metro series
Half Life series
Apr 25, 2022 at 5:18 PM Post #126 of 182
Man, I luv this lore intro. From the original PS3 Demon's Souls. Not the PS5 remake. I like how it's presented with the narrator. Luv the crackling of the fire sound and the music that arrises. Old Demon's/Dark Souls had the best names of characters.

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May 1, 2022 at 8:21 PM Post #127 of 182
For me it is a tie between Zelda Ocarina of Time and Zelda the Windwaker.
For nostalgic reasons my final vote probably goes to Ocarina of Time. It remains amazing how chock-full this game is with polished gameplay, amazing dungeons, various weapons and items and everything works flawless. And the soundtrack is amazing as well. This was/is one the few games that hit me emotionally. It has true depth.
Secret of Mana is another favorite. Again, with wonderful music that gives the game proper depth.
Mario 64. Resident Evil 4. too many to mention.
And I still find Medal of honor - Frontline to be a master piece. It didn't get the best reviews at the time, but that atmosphere, those visuals partnered with that Hollywood type WO II soundtrack is simply extraordinary. That one deserves a re-make (but obviously with the soundtrack unaltered)

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Aug 31, 2022 at 3:57 AM Post #129 of 182
GT1,2,3 was my teenage years
Sep 17, 2022 at 10:29 PM Post #132 of 182
Out of all your favorites, which ones have you played the most?

For me its:

Final Fantasy XI (Online)

I started this back in the Playstation 2 days and entirely with dialup! It was such a grind leveling up back then. You HAD to party with 6 people unless you were a very specific job. I finally quit this game in February but still miss it. It just felt like I had done nearly everything I ever wanted to do in the game. It got to be too repetitive.
I had the most fun when I did group events with a "static" party. One of my favorite events was called Sheol C.
The Puppetmaster and Dancer jobs kept me interested in this game for a very long time.

Fallout 3

One of the few games where i'm up to at least 1000 hours for sure. These days the combat does feel outdated.
I love the feel of every single area. Every single area seems to have a story behind it.

Dark Souls 2
Maybe at least 500 hours on it at least.

Fable 2

After buying every single property and doing every quest I just wish it had more content. By the end I just wanted to keep playing it forever.
My opinion of Microsoft really dropped after they closed the studio that made this game.
Hopefully there is a Fable 4 out someday. Fable 3 was really terrible though.
Sep 18, 2022 at 6:57 AM Post #133 of 182
Out of all your favorites, which ones have you played the most?

For me its:

Final Fantasy XI (Online)

I started this back in the Playstation 2 days and entirely with dialup! It was such a grind leveling up back then. You HAD to party with 6 people unless you were a very specific job. I finally quit this game in February but still miss it. It just felt like I had done nearly everything I ever wanted to do in the game. It got to be too repetitive.
I had the most fun when I did group events with a "static" party. One of my favorite events was called Sheol C.
The Puppetmaster and Dancer jobs kept me interested in this game for a very long time.

Fallout 3

One of the few games where i'm up to at least 1000 hours for sure. These days the combat does feel outdated.
I love the feel of every single area. Every single area seems to have a story behind it.

Dark Souls 2
Maybe at least 500 hours on it at least.

Fable 2

After buying every single property and doing every quest I just wish it had more content. By the end I just wanted to keep playing it forever.
My opinion of Microsoft really dropped after they closed the studio that made this game.
Hopefully there is a Fable 4 out someday. Fable 3 was really terrible though.
Good old memories.
Fallout 3 was one of the Highlights of my Youth, especially since my father was equally addicted to it and we both spent easily 1000h on it with all the dlc
Sep 21, 2022 at 5:28 PM Post #135 of 182
Deux Ex ... the original one from year 2000 ... played on 5000$ pc with a "3dfx-voodoo 5 5500" graphics card (the first or one of the first graphics cards ever produced with two separate gpu's and in need of external power afaik)

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