What are the best headphones to match to the X-Cans V2?
Jun 27, 2001 at 8:10 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


Headphoneus Supremus
Jun 26, 2001
lol... I guess the question is in the title...

I presume that the X-Cans is now warmed up (is hot to touch, and has been on for 2 1/2 hours)... and, listening to it through my CD1700s... well, its like a little glimpse of heaven... completely new sound quality than what i've heard before...

Moral dilema though... (damn those Headwizeans!!)... do I stay where I am... or... is there a new headphone upgrade in the pipeline...

You tell me... Are the CD1700s good enough in there own right to run out of the X-Cans... or... would a (not too costly) upgrade reap me more benefits?!
Jun 28, 2001 at 2:59 AM Post #2 of 9
Is there some specific sonic shortcoming that you (consistently) hear while listening to your headphones/amp? If not, relax, take a breath, forget about hardware, and LISTEN TO THE MUSIC! That's what it's about! (and you already have a fine system to do it on!)

It is my strong belief that, once a certain minimum standard of reproduction has been reached, far more pleasure comes from buying music than audio equipment!
Jun 28, 2001 at 3:17 AM Post #3 of 9
You do have a good point there Mike...

The midrange ability of this "system" now is phenomenal... vocals that you can REALLY believe are there, and that you can FEEL your way around (hard to explain but... erm... maybe people know what i mean)

Treble, well, thats more subdued than i've been used to, but, I do remember quoting that my QED amp was bright, so i would presume that the X-Cans are MUCH more neutral

Even the bass... The quality of it seems superb, very musical... not too deep, but also not too shallow... just right

The reason for this question in the first place though, is that the CD1700s were everyones favourites 6 weeks ago, and now all of a sudden, they are being bad mouthed, I guess I just wanna stay with the current favourite... but, as I said at the top, Mike, you are right... as long as I'M happy

(Just as long as i don't end up being the only one liking these, and backed into a corner throwing rabbit punches lol)
Jun 28, 2001 at 8:42 AM Post #5 of 9
Well, the hottest talk in the town is Sennheiser HD-600s + tube amps =
Jun 28, 2001 at 11:07 AM Post #6 of 9

Originally posted by Duncan
I presume that the X-Cans is now warmed up (is hot to touch, and has been on for 2 1/2 hours)... and, listening to it through my CD1700s... well, its like a little glimpse of heaven... completely new sound quality than what i've heard before...

Dammit Duncan!! This is the sort of info I wanted to hear, but at the same time didn't want to hear! Now I REALLY got to find me one of them v2's!!

Jun 28, 2001 at 5:39 PM Post #7 of 9

Originally posted by Duncan

The reason for this question in the first place though, is that the CD1700s were everyones favourites 6 weeks ago, and now all of a sudden, they are being bad mouthed, I guess I just wanna stay with the current favourite... but, as I said at the top, Mike, you are right... as long as I'M happy


As you yourself have pointed out if you like the combination that you have then GREAT stick with it for now! Trying to keep up with "the latest thing" is only going to make you a)Unhappy in the long wrong and B)skint pretty fast

Acclimatise to the new "better" sound you have now, after all you've only had the amp what three four days if that? How are you going to know if the changes you make are for the better without a solid reference? If you want to spend money
go out and buy a load of cds that you want and be amazed at how your new system make them seem much better!

One other thing what interconnects are you using as this "could" make a bit of a difference. I am using a set of QED qunex1's which are £20.00 each and seem to be doing fine!
Jun 28, 2001 at 5:52 PM Post #8 of 9
Interconnects, Yeah... thought of that one... I re-arranged my speaker system, and have now got my AudioQuest Quartz cable running solely between the CDP and the Amp...

New tubes... Hmm... I'll give it some time, and, when i'm used to the sound, I'll search for some... I'll definetly keep the Siemens hint in mind

One question though...

What is the sonic difference, and how do i swap between weighted, and unweighted A class? Does that refer to the kind of tubes you use?!?

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