Trafomatic Head 2
Oct 15, 2022 at 3:01 AM Post #226 of 316
Honestly, pretty day and night. Maybe I exaggerate, but still. The Mullard mids are fantastic, the overall sound is more open, better separation, more detailed and keeps the magical Mullard smoothness. Now don't get me wrong, with the stock tubes, the Head 2 is already an incredible amp, but with the Mullard, it's the best headphone amp I got to listen to.
Sounds fantastic! I can’t wait to test my Head 2 with the Mullards, when it arrives.
Dec 11, 2022 at 1:37 PM Post #229 of 316

Dec 17, 2022 at 1:05 PM Post #230 of 316
anyone would like to sale Head 2 or could recommend shop with good price?
Jun 30, 2023 at 1:38 PM Post #231 of 316
Just wanted to repost this warning for Trafomatic buyers.

PSA: Immediately disengage with Prana Distribution.

It has come to the attention of the community that Fred is no longer to be trusted --
with over 20k in orders, he has taken advantage of his position and has stolen through the network.

Sasa is aware and I hope has announced he is no longer a distributor.

I learned first hand about Fred and Prana Distribution. Paid for a Trafomatic Head 2 amp and after numerous lies received it a year later. Beautifully designed amp…but I’m not even sure if Sasa got paid. Beware.
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Jun 30, 2023 at 1:53 PM Post #232 of 316
I notice that Prana Distribution is not listed / mentioned in the ‘dealer’ portion of the Trafomatic website.
Jun 30, 2023 at 5:05 PM Post #235 of 316
I did … it rang a while and switched to a voice recording (Bengali / Indian / Pakistani)
Jul 1, 2023 at 12:19 PM Post #237 of 316
Hi All,

It's Fred from Prana Distribution. As there are a number of scenarios floating around, I thought I would take this time to provide some input.
Firstly, why Zoom Info believes we're in the freight forwarding business I can only guess. We've never been contacted by Zoom, nor have we been listed as a freight forwarder with a state or federal institution. Our outgoing message is my early morning voice. If I sound South Asian, that's news...I was born in New Orleans and sound like a mish mash of US accents depending upon the time of day and how much sleep I've had.

We have been very lucky to import and distribute Trafomatic Audio for 12 years. In our industry, that's an eon. We're a small company and we've done our best to meet their needs and highlight what makes them such a special manufacturer. Since the pandemic, which coincided with the birth of my daughter, we have felt a shift in the tectonic plates beneath our company. We opened a showroom the same week that the pandemic shut down public venues in our area....should have been a red herring. Still, we knew that changes were coming. My desire to travel constantly dissipated with having a family. Also, the lion's share of our clients were pointing us in a more specific direction. Saying 'goodbye' to a friend and a company that you deeply admire and enjoy, is a difficult prospect. We take great pride in having been part of the development of what is now their upper echelon gear, more specifically the Drina (whose smaller sibling is the Elysium) Mono blocks, the Tara 30A Preamplifier and the Collins Phono Stage. They are master works that we contracted based upon concept alone, to a music lover who had experienced most every other top amplifier on the market. The trickle down from those pieces is what you see in the Lara, Luna, Glenn and Pandora. We were also the first to order the Primavera, ( having spoken to Sasa about a deep desire for a top tube amplifier for headphones) Head 2 and Eos..... All to say, we feel part of their history and they have certainly been part of our history.

In recent years, I have not had the bandwidth to do Trafomatic justice. (To whit, the Aries SE came out which is a fantastic piece of engineering and a phenomenal sounding amp. In the old days, I would have sold quite a few of them. I'd love to see a true headphone out on it). We also took on Destination Audio and then Mal Valve both tube amplification companies, either of which could be considered direct competitors to Trafomatic though I did not view them as such at the time. Destination is more of a whole system approach (single ended) and known for their speaker design, while Mal Valve (push pull) also makes a full array of electronics, speakers, an electrostatic headphone and a turntable. Regardless of whatever my view was at the time, I was spreading myself to thin. This led to the inevitable split with Trafomatic within the last month at the behest of Sasa.

We have an unpaid invoice. We asked Sasa to let us satisfy those items and he felt we should directly refund the headphone amp purchases of which there are only a small number (we've handled 3 thus far)...the rest of the invoice is dealer related and will be satisfied accordingly. If anyone feels they've fallen through the cracks, I urge you to contact me directly, either by phone 617.669.3275 or via our website ( ). I often don't answer the phone but will return any messages left within 24 hours. I hope this sheds a little light on the situation. I should add, that at no point did we take an order for a Trafomatic product past our relationship.

It has been an honor working with Trafomatic and I'm sorry to see it come to an end in this fashion, but it was our need for change, and my inability to make the hard call that put us here. I wish nothing but the best for Sasa, Mica, Goran and the rest of the gang at Traf.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Jul 1, 2023 at 12:47 PM Post #238 of 316
Hi All,

It's Fred from Prana Distribution. As there are a number of scenarios floating around, I thought I would take this time to provide some input.
Firstly, why Zoom Info believes we're in the freight forwarding business I can only guess. We've never been contacted by Zoom, nor have we been listed as a freight forwarder with a state or federal institution. Our outgoing message is my early morning voice. If I sound South Asian, that's news...I was born in New Orleans and sound like a mish mash of US accents depending upon the time of day and how much sleep I've had.

We have been very lucky to import and distribute Trafomatic Audio for 12 years. In our industry, that's an eon. We're a small company and we've done our best to meet their needs and highlight what makes them such a special manufacturer. Since the pandemic, which coincided with the birth of my daughter, we have felt a shift in the tectonic plates beneath our company. We opened a showroom the same week that the pandemic shut down public venues in our area....should have been a red herring. Still, we knew that changes were coming. My desire to travel constantly dissipated with having a family. Also, the lion's share of our clients were pointing us in a more specific direction. Saying 'goodbye' to a friend and a company that you deeply admire and enjoy, is a difficult prospect. We take great pride in having been part of the development of what is now their upper echelon gear, more specifically the Drina (whose smaller sibling is the Elysium) Mono blocks, the Tara 30A Preamplifier and the Collins Phono Stage. They are master works that we contracted based upon concept alone, to a music lover who had experienced most every other top amplifier on the market. The trickle down from those pieces is what you see in the Lara, Luna, Glenn and Pandora. We were also the first to order the Primavera, ( having spoken to Sasa about a deep desire for a top tube amplifier for headphones) Head 2 and Eos..... All to say, we feel part of their history and they have certainly been part of our history.

In recent years, I have not had the bandwidth to do Trafomatic justice. (To whit, the Aries SE came out which is a fantastic piece of engineering and a phenomenal sounding amp. In the old days, I would have sold quite a few of them. I'd love to see a true headphone out on it). We also took on Destination Audio and then Mal Valve both tube amplification companies, either of which could be considered direct competitors to Trafomatic though I did not view them as such at the time. Destination is more of a whole system approach (single ended) and known for their speaker design, while Mal Valve (push pull) also makes a full array of electronics, speakers, an electrostatic headphone and a turntable. Regardless of whatever my view was at the time, I was spreading myself to thin. This led to the inevitable split with Trafomatic within the last month at the behest of Sasa.

We have an unpaid invoice. We asked Sasa to let us satisfy those items and he felt we should directly refund the headphone amp purchases of which there are only a small number (we've handled 3 thus far)...the rest of the invoice is dealer related and will be satisfied accordingly. If anyone feels they've fallen through the cracks, I urge you to contact me directly, either by phone 617.669.3275 or via our website ( ). I often don't answer the phone but will return any messages left within 24 hours. I hope this sheds a little light on the situation. I should add, that at no point did we take an order for a Trafomatic product past our relationship.

It has been an honor working with Trafomatic and I'm sorry to see it come to an end in this fashion, but it was our need for change, and my inability to make the hard call that put us here. I wish nothing but the best for Sasa, Mica, Goran and the rest of the gang at Traf.

We will have another announcement concerning our new audio venture which shows a narrowed field of partners (a few big announcements) as well as
a full introduction to our piano partner. There will be a section for headfi, albeit just the tip top of the hobby (I love it all, but can only do so much)

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Thanks for sharing. I love my Head 2. It's a great amp, but there is not that many floating around in our hobby and that's a shame. This amp deserves more recognition.
Jul 2, 2023 at 2:18 PM Post #239 of 316
It’s an amazing amp. Took over a year to get it, I’ll never sell it.

I hope they find a distributor that is willing to keep it in stock and make it available to the community. People deserve to hear this thing.

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