The Qudelix-5K thread
Apr 8, 2024 at 11:01 PM Post #4,726 of 4,880
Thank you, gentlemen. I appreciate your time and energy. :relaxed:

The Q5K DAC and amp are working fine. The only thing not working is the PEQ. Unfortunately, that is the only reason I need the Q5K. It sounds the same as my phone without the PEQ.

I found a GEQ app called Poweramp Equalizer. I also have a Radsone ES100 that is still working so I'm not panicked about this.

I enjoyed the Q5K for the time I've had it. If I can flash the firmware back and get the PEQ going, I will continue to use it. It sounded really good.
Apr 8, 2024 at 11:08 PM Post #4,727 of 4,880
Thank you, gentlemen. I appreciate your time and energy. :relaxed:

The Q5K DAC and amp are working fine. The only thing not working is the PEQ. Unfortunately, that is the only reason I need the Q5K. It sounds the same as my phone without the PEQ.

I found a GEQ app called Poweramp Equalizer. I also have a Radsone ES100 that is still working so I'm not panicked about this.

I enjoyed the Q5K for the time I've had it. If I can flash the firmware back and get the PEQ going, I will continue to use it. It sounded really good.
Sorry but you're being kind of vague, what about the PEQ is not working? PEQ works perfectly here, either as 2x10 or the old 20 bands, which can be selected from the DSP/Option tabs in the app.

Poweramp Equalizer has a PEQ as well if you didn't know, that's how I've always been using it.
Apr 9, 2024 at 12:01 AM Post #4,728 of 4,880
I really do not like this nor the flames that are likely to precipitate from this post but, for now, I will proceed on good faith.

PEQ did not work at all under the 3.0.1. Nothing under PEQ worked. I'm not going to create a list. Nothing means nothing. All gray.

Under 3.0.3, I was able to enter values in the Spk EQ screen, at one point. I was also able to turn on the Spk EQ, although I cannot right now. All fields worked when I was able to turn the Spk EQ on, except Headroom, pre gain, xfeed. Under Usr EQ, nothing works nor ever has. It's all grayed out. I cannot turn on the Usr EQ and have never been able to.

When the Spk EQ was working, I could not save them to a custom preset. They are still in there from yesterday, though. I can see them right now, although grayed out.

OK, on to Auto EQ Preset. This screen lets me type my headphone make/model. The search works but touching the result does not load the Spk EQ, or change any setting. There is a quick flash of a white box that reads, "FETCHING" and then it returns. There are no buttons or anything for me to try. Going back to Usr EQ shows a default chart while Spk EQ shows the chart I entered yesterday, when I was able to turn on the EQ for a few minutes.

I've done dozens of System Resets, Reset All Settings (a few times), and power cycled my phone a half dozen times. I also tried the app from a different phone (my phone is Android 13. the other phone is Android 14). Same result. Q5K batt is at 90%. I've made sure headphones are plugged into the Q5K with music playing the entire time, so I can know it is connected via BT.

When searching for a solution, I found several people with the same problem on Reddit (r/headphones). Unfortunately, none with resolution. A DM to one of the posters revealed he never figured his out.

So, I went to the Qudelix website. I posted there, although I should not have. There is a suggestion to come here, so I did.

OK, let's talk about feature regression. None of my confluence filters work. That is no longer how it's designed. This isn't a feature addition; this is a feature change. OK, I might be able to tolerate that, although I am auser who is not served well by it. I would have preferred they left the old config and add the new approach as an option but I get what they are doing.

Previously to yesterday, I hadn't tried the Chrome extension but I was able to install that and it worked well, for the most part. Some of fields showed "N/A", (but are correctly populated in the app), but none of the fields which wouldn't display were needed. I think this was probably working correctly. is not OK. I can probably find a Windows system with a browser that it works on but I only have W10, right now. I cannot cite the version of Chrome without the laptop and my wife is using it. Almost all fields remain grayed out. Two of my headphones are in the supported list, three are not. My IEMs are not. The supported list is really short. Generally speaking, looks like it's going to be a nice thing, one day. I respect the developers and what they are trying to do.

Oddly, surfing to with Firefox/linux works well. I suspect properly. It even has the Harman 2018 house curve, which is the closest to my preference. Of course, this isn't needed with the new Q5K config model but the site looks interesting.

Anyway, it looks like I could get the Qudelix app to do what I want without using Squig. I create confluence filtes every day as part of my job, although not in the audio spectrum.

It's not so much that something is broken. It's more that very little works.

I will leave this here. If anyone knows of a way to get v2.x firmware onto the Q5K, I would be extremely grateful. Please DM me if this thread turns hostile. Thank you for your time.
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Apr 9, 2024 at 2:35 AM Post #4,729 of 4,880
OK. I uninstalled/reinstalled the app and the was able to turn on the EQ again for about 3 minutes before it turned itself off. While it was on, I could tell the sound was different. The EQ was definitely working. Sound was distorted, like it was clipping. Sounded like too much pre-gain. It showed -6.5.

No User EQ. Auto EQ Preset working the same.

Unfortunately, I did not get a pic of the EQ screen while it was working but the only change was the slider dot was red (it let me turn it on) and the fields were active and open for edit.

A second uninstall/reinstall did not get the EQ working again.

Earlier today, while searching for firmware, I found a couple of mentions of v3.0.4. My device is at v3.0.3 (pic attached for no apparent reason. lol!) and shows no available updates.

If someone can assist in recovering this device, I will pay it forward to the other folks on Reddit with the same issue.

Thank you for your time.

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Apr 9, 2024 at 2:53 AM Post #4,730 of 4,880
I really do not like this nor the flames that are likely to precipitate from this post but, for now, I will proceed on good faith.
Sorry there should be no flames at all, and myself I am trying to help.

From your description you may have internet problems if the Qudelix app cannot fetch profiles. On my side they load seamlessly and go to the Spk PEQ section. I can also enable and disable both the User and Spk EQs individually without a problem and both make a difference in sound so I can tell they are actually working.

My advice if you can't figure this out would be to reach out to the Qudelix support. I am pretty sure it's not a firmware problem but there may be something else at play, even after you reset the device.



1712644971324.png works for me just fine in Firefox as well, and also in Edge and Chromium.
Apr 9, 2024 at 3:01 AM Post #4,731 of 4,880
OK. I uninstalled/reinstalled the app and the was able to turn on the EQ again for about 3 minutes before it turned itself off. While it was on, I could tell the sound was different. The EQ was definitely working. Sound was distorted, like it was clipping. Sounded like too much pre-gain. It showed -6.5.
Ok, I'll give it to you that is properly weird and I would probably reach out to support, especially since you are still under warranty.
Apr 9, 2024 at 3:36 AM Post #4,732 of 4,880
Thank you for your civility. I'm glad your device works well. You seem happy with v3 of the firmware so that's great.

I'm not screaming for warranty. I just want my v2 firmware back and I'd like the PEQ to work.

You've been vague about rolling back firmware. I now conclude you have no idea how to roll back firmware and there probably is not a way for a user to do so. I'm extremely skeptical Qudelix will help with rolling back firmware but I will ask.

This device is only worth so much of my time. It's time to move on with my life so I can get back to enjoying music.

Thank you for the consideration. Happy listening!
Apr 9, 2024 at 3:43 AM Post #4,733 of 4,880
You've been vague about rolling back firmware. I now conclude you have no idea how to roll back firmware and there probably is not a way for a user to do so. I'm extremely skeptical Qudelix will help with rolling back firmware but I will ask.
Apologies for not offering information, I was more focused on the issue you are having.

I think it's possible to rollback to a certain extent via the Chrome app. From the app, click on the firmware version and the ones in red are still available to roll back to. The ones in gray are locked out. If you click on the red button with the firmware version as label you will be able to go back to that one.

For me, 2.3.2 is the only v2 firmware available for rollback.

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Apr 9, 2024 at 4:41 AM Post #4,734 of 4,880
Sitrep... Firmware back at v2.3.2. Device working. I'm happy.


There was v3.0.3 residue left in the Android app, after regressing the firmware. It showed "User EQ / Spk EQ" and some other stuff that was v3.0.3 style.

I was able to manage it perfectly with the Chrome extension. Got my curves back in. I can enjoy it when running tomorrow.

But, the Android app is not 100%. I ended up uninstalling the app, agreeing to delete the data, then reinstalling. That got it to where it can mostly manage the device but with bugs. For example, the PEQ presets do not show up. Saving a new one results in just the first letter of the preset name showing in the lest, regardless of what I name it. Turning the EQ on and off in the app has no effect.

Anyway, I don't care. I can manage it perfectly with the Chrome extension. It's a set and forget for me.

Thank you for your help. Also, thank you for being a good person. I hope this detail helps someone else. I will pass this along to others struggling with the same issue.
Apr 9, 2024 at 6:29 AM Post #4,735 of 4,880
Sitrep... Firmware back at v2.3.2. Device working. I'm happy.


There was v3.0.3 residue left in the Android app, after regressing the firmware. It showed "User EQ / Spk EQ" and some other stuff that was v3.0.3 style.

I was able to manage it perfectly with the Chrome extension. Got my curves back in. I can enjoy it when running tomorrow.

But, the Android app is not 100%. I ended up uninstalling the app, agreeing to delete the data, then reinstalling. That got it to where it can mostly manage the device but with bugs. For example, the PEQ presets do not show up. Saving a new one results in just the first letter of the preset name showing in the lest, regardless of what I name it. Turning the EQ on and off in the app has no effect.

Anyway, I don't care. I can manage it perfectly with the Chrome extension. It's a set and forget for me.

Thank you for your help. Also, thank you for being a good person. I hope this detail helps someone else. I will pass this along to others struggling with the same issue.
Glad it's sorted. For the Android app try to clear data/cache from the settings, maybe it gets copied back when you reinstall.
Apr 9, 2024 at 4:08 PM Post #4,736 of 4,880
Thanks again, Kalibri.

The primary takeaway, for me, is a stark realization of how much I would miss the Q5K if I no longer had it. It isn't a device I thought about, until faced with the idea of not having it.

The PEQ can be replaced with software, and that might be preferable. I prefer connecting my IEMs directly to the phone with no outboard DAC/amp but then I lose the ambient microphone. That is a safety issue when I run or ride my bike. I love having music when I run. That's part of what running is about to me.

If I am forced into the v3 firmware train in the future, I will just switch to Poweramp Equalizer for PEQ and still use the Q5K for the ambient microphone. That's what I should have done in this situation. I could have spent $3 and had two days of my life back.

There aren't many devices that can replace the Q5K. I'm grateful to have mine.
Apr 9, 2024 at 5:33 PM Post #4,737 of 4,880
Thanks again, Kalibri.

The primary takeaway, for me, is a stark realization of how much I would miss the Q5K if I no longer had it. It isn't a device I thought about, until faced with the idea of not having it.

The PEQ can be replaced with software, and that might be preferable. I prefer connecting my IEMs directly to the phone with no outboard DAC/amp but then I lose the ambient microphone. That is a safety issue when I run or ride my bike. I love having music when I run. That's part of what running is about to me.

If I am forced into the v3 firmware train in the future, I will just switch to Poweramp Equalizer for PEQ and still use the Q5K for the ambient microphone. That's what I should have done in this situation. I could have spent $3 and had two days of my life back.

There aren't many devices that can replace the Q5K. I'm grateful to have mine.
No worries and I understand what you mean, I always wear TWSs/IEMs when I'm out running too. I hope the problem you had will go away in the future, I believe they've done some nice things on v3.

I also hope some day they come out with a successor to the 5k that's slightly bigger with better buttons and battery life. But I guess we'll see.

Happy to have helped, have fun!
Apr 11, 2024 at 1:21 PM Post #4,738 of 4,880
I found another phone that has never had the Qudelix app. Installed it and tried to manage the Q5K. It doesn't work. This device cannot be managed by Android at all anymore, from any phone.

If someone finds themselves in a similar situation, keep in mind the v3 upgrade is a one way trip from the phone management perspective. The device still works fine and manages perfectly from the Chrome extension, it just cannot be managed by phone anymore with the firmware back leveled to v2.3.2.

I'm OK with this. Obviously, it would be better to have the app working but I look at the Q5K as a calibrated headphone. I set it and forget it.
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Apr 11, 2024 at 1:29 PM Post #4,739 of 4,880
I found another phone that has never had the Qudelix app. Installed it and tried to manage the Q5K. It doesn't work. This device cannot be managed by Android at all anymore, from any phone.

If someone finds themselves in a similar situation, keep in mind the v3 upgrade is a one way trip from the phone management perspective. The device still works fine and manages perfectly from the Chrome extension, it just cannot be managed by phone anymore with the firmware back leveled to v2.3.2.

I'm OK with this. Obviously, it would be better to have the app working but I look at the Q5K as a calibrated headphone. I set it and forget it.
Download older version of the app from here -
Install manually and dont update it through playstore.

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