The Official JRPG Thread (aka Japanese Role Playing Games)
Mar 10, 2012 at 10:50 PM Post #16 of 1,043
Vesperia is my fave current gen RPG, not even a competition.

I enjoyed Lost Oddyssey a lot. The thousand dream stories were amazing, and I don't even really like to read. That's how good they were. I was kind of disappointed by the lack of flashiness in the combat. I expected a lot more after the amazing beginning with the sporadic combat. Same can be said about FFXIII-2 which was awesome when you were on Odin fighting Chaos Bahamut with Lightning. Nothing was as cool. They gave us the best parts of the game at the very beginning, which was a mistake, because nothing else compared.

I want to play Symphonia, badly. Back when I tried it, I didn't care for the SD-looking characters, but I've come to appreciate Tales a lot more than before.

My friend still owns it, I think, but I don't have a Nintendo console.

I own Tales of the Abyss on the PS2. Considering I played Vesperia before Abyss, it was a step backwards, so I didn't fully appreciate it. I did get far, but didn't finish. I started playing something else, and couldn't get back into it after that.

As for SO4 and its cliches, I don't mind them one bit. I'm a huge anime fan, so I'm used to such things. It does play out like one big anime. And I LOVE long dungeons. Makes me feel like they ARE dungeons. Something Square-Enix needs more of. Their recent games don't have dungeons. More like a few rooms with monsters. SO4 had a large sense of scale. The worlds felt huge, which I appreciated. It felt epic to me.

SO4 is one of my fave games of all time. And deargod, Welch should've been playable. She was hilarious. But that game was:

Reimi early on
Meracle/Arumat in the end game

That = kill all, lol.
Mar 10, 2012 at 10:59 PM Post #17 of 1,043
my fav are FFX,especially for their killer an orchestra.even bought the soundtrack.and also,with the news of a remake just makes me so hyped up!
btw,nobody mentioned persona?that game was cool to with catchy sundtracks
Mar 10, 2012 at 11:07 PM Post #18 of 1,043
Couldn't get into any persona. The game's combat systems aren't flashy enough for me either.

I owned Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, as well as that one monster catching game that had Dante from Devil May Cry as a cameo (its Lucifer's Bell in Japan, I think).

I like the settings in those games, not so much anything else. Those games focus too much on buffs, debuffs, and status effects. I tend to plow through my rpgs with brute force. I have a preference, agile physical attackers over slow brutes, mages, or status inflicting characters.
Mar 10, 2012 at 11:12 PM Post #19 of 1,043
with brute force?
haha.i hear you.but imo,i don't think need much buff/debuff actually.i think i probably only used atttack+magic.rarely used buff/debuff in persona.
however,final fantasy,now THAT needs to use some strategy,thus the need for buff/debuff.cause i think only in final fantasy have monsters/bosses with millions of HP
Mar 10, 2012 at 11:55 PM Post #20 of 1,043
What Final Fantasy? Almost all of them can be won by sheer force. Only certain bosses and monsters need strategy.

And yes, FFXIII and III-2 can be won out by sheer force assuming you spent time leveling. I was trying to catch a Behemoth for so long in XIII-2, by the time I got one, I was ridiculously over leveled. Talking about having end game stats about 30% of the way into the game. The Behemoth gives too many CP, and just killing it a lot of times while trying to catch it will practically ruin the difficulty of the game. It did to me. I got Lightning, Amodar, and Omega very early because of it.
Mar 11, 2012 at 12:14 AM Post #21 of 1,043
talk about dlc huh?no money to buy any dlc yet,so gonna have to wait.
game stat at 30% into the game???talk about hardcore!imo,ff13-2 was more of a button masher when your too high leveled.i even SLEPT because it was just too easy.although,haven't finished the game.wanna kill raspatil but because it have 3.7m of HP,it needs strategy and can't be won by sheer force only.well,gonna resume until end game sometime soon
Mar 11, 2012 at 12:34 AM Post #22 of 1,043
Is Raspatil the one flying C'ieth in the Archlyte Steppe? That thing... OMG, he's tougher than the last boss. He puts up a shield every fewminutes that heals him as well. Took forever, and everything happens so fast, you have to switch Paradigms like every few seconds just to come out barely ahead of his healing.

I did everything in that game except unlock the the 3rd setting of Vanille and Fang's hometown. In order to do it, I have to win a crystal from Serendipity, and I'm so tired of Chocobo Racing + slots. Its so rigged. I also didn't bother buying the Sazh DLC. I couldn't care less for more gambling. I'll watch the cutscenes on Youtube or something...
Mar 11, 2012 at 1:13 AM Post #23 of 1,043
I want to play Symphonia, badly. Back when I tried it, I didn't care for the SD-looking characters, but I've come to appreciate Tales a lot more than before.
My friend still owns it, I think, but I don't have a Nintendo console.

There was a PS2 version...only in Japan, though.
At the very least, you can check out pawn shops, craigslist, and other such places for the older Wii models with GCN backwards compatibility on the cheap. I've seen them for as low as $75 before. It might cost a bit more for a GCN gamepad, memory card, and component cables (at least Wii component cables are MUCH easier to find than GCN ones), but it might be worth it to you for the GCN backlog, along with Xenoblade and The Last Story.
Mar 11, 2012 at 3:03 AM Post #24 of 1,043
I owned a Wii, there was like NO games I cared to play on it. The few I do, well, I'd rather borrow a Wii or something befre going to those lengths. I'm not a fan of motion controls or anything of the sort either.
Mar 11, 2012 at 4:09 AM Post #25 of 1,043
no,raspatil is the c'ieth at the beach of oerba 400af.if you have played that far,you probably fought it.if you have searched for it though.if i remember correctly,fighting raspatil will give you 50k of cp BASIC.hmm...i'm not like you,i haven't progress that far.but i know what you are talking about though.have to read a guide on gamefaqs to like complete the game
i didn't bother about the wii since most of wii games are only exclusives to wii only which kinda sux...eventhough the ps3 have the move system,but still ain't gonna release for the ps3...and having to buy a new console just to play the wii games are so not gonna happen
Mar 11, 2012 at 5:30 AM Post #26 of 1,043
That may be the one I didn't fight.. One of the Oerbas was unlocked (need the last crystal from gambling in Serendipity, which I gave up on). The only location I didn't unlock was Oerba with the Beach area accessible, so I guess its the only boss I haven't faced, though it is optional, and I'd probably destroy him now. Even Long Gui was a cakewalk. Seriously, maxed out the Crystarium so early.

I honestly felt like starting over. I messed up the game with needless Behemoth slaying. Funny, as I didn't even use Behemoth once I saw I was strongenough to beat Lightning and Amodar. They are a pain at first.
Mar 11, 2012 at 6:15 AM Post #27 of 1,043
i feel you bro...the next instalment should include a new game+ that we all have been missing.either that or we will have to wait a load of expansions
Mar 11, 2012 at 12:49 PM Post #28 of 1,043
I owned a Wii, there was like NO games I cared to play on it. The few I do, well, I'd rather borrow a Wii or something befre going to those lengths. I'm not a fan of motion controls or anything of the sort either.

Fair enough. You probably have neighbors that own one for all I know.
As for motion controls, it depends on how they're implemented. The IR pointer is the greatest thing to ever happen to console FPSs, nearing the accuracy of a computer mouse while feeling much more immersive, but the Wii itself is rather underpowered for that genre, to say nothing of the lack of mods and dedicated servers and whatnot that the PC usually gets.
The accelerometer, on the other hand...I believe that's where most of the "waggle" complaints stem from. While I had no problems with swinging the Wiimote or Nunchuk to attack in Zelda: Twilight Princess, normal attacks in the Wii port of Okami were so unreliable compared to the PS2 original that I had to resort to Power Slash-whoring.
As for MotionPlus, that's something the Wiimote should have had from the very beginning. I don't know how well it'll work just yet, but I sure hope it delivers, because the swordplay in Zelda: Skyward Sword has me hyped! (It reminds me a lot of this old PC game called Die By The Sword, except they never really made the direction of your swings matter as much. By contrast, Skyward Sword does require directional swings to kill certain enemies, like having to cut all three heads off with a single swing or slice along a mouth opening.)
Actually, come to think of it, that's why I'm a bit more preferential to Nintendo as far as consoles and handhelds go, in spite of some baffling decisions (*cough*online infrastructure*cough*). They tend to think about how games are played and change that up to deliver something I can't just get on my PC because nobody's willing to support an input method other than KB+M or gamepad (usually just the X360 one these days).
...Back on topic. I should probably look up whether or not Xenoblade and The Last Story even use motion controls at all. It's certainly not required for Wii games in general, but not using them does kind of defeat the purpose.
Mar 11, 2012 at 1:15 PM Post #29 of 1,043
I'd be wary of Skyward Sword. The combat controls fine for the most part, although there are still some niggles (enemies mirror your remote movements for blocking purposes, and counter swings in certain directions are nigh impossible to get right 100% of the time). Also the game is a step back in content. There's only one town, and traveling between it and the rest of the world requires flying to and fro.... which gets stale after about the second time. And there's a lot of repetition, fetch questing, gimmicky items, etc. Not terrible if you loved the previous games, but not as enjoyable either. Do like the vibrant color and ability to dash though.
Mar 11, 2012 at 3:07 PM Post #30 of 1,043
I don't know if it matters, but the first Parasite Eve was the only RPG I liked, mostly due to the horror content within. I can't get into Final Fantasy and the only ones I ever played was FF77 and FF10. I like 10 a bit and FF7 was ok, a tad overrated for what it is.

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