Rate the video games you're currently playing
Oct 5, 2005 at 5:46 AM Post #16 of 6,973
I've temporarily stopped playing PC games - though most recently I was playing Call of Duty (still), and World of Warcraft. Both excellent games. Currently I'm using my new PSP playing the following:

Hot Shots Golf Open Tee: PSP (8.5/10)
Incredibly fun with a good amount of long-term play value. I haven't tried Tiger Woods on PSP, but I played Tiger '05 on PC and I find this more fun. I haven't tried it multi-player, but single-player challenge mode - career mode where you collect items to outfit and improve your abilities - is a lot of fun.

Namco Museum Battle Collection: PSP (7/10)
Back to the days of old-school arcade. Includes 17 arcade classics plus 4 which are re-worked versions of Pacman, Galaga, Digdug, and Rally-X. For some mind-less simple arcade action that brings me back to when a quarter could last you a long long time at a machine, I think it's great.

Twisted Metal Head-On: PSP (7/10)
I've spent 99% of play-time in single-player story mode which started out challenging at first and now has become too easy. This game can be played over the internet but I've only briefly tried it. I imagine it would be a lot more fun doing the multi-player.

Death Jr.: PSP (7.5/10)
This game seems to receive a lot of varied reviews. So far I'm only about 25% through and I've enjoyed it except for 2 things. My hand starts to cramp up because the levels are long and using the tiny analog controller to move and nearly every other button (including the d-pad) for other stuff is tough. The camera can also be a pain to deal with.
Oct 5, 2005 at 6:26 AM Post #17 of 6,973
Gran Turismo 4/PS2 - 8/10 or 10/10
Forza Motorsport is more well rounded, but I have the Logitech Driving Force Pro baby! That makes GT4 much more satisfying for me. Finally, it feels like I'm really driving. For comparison, I'd say Forza is a solid 9/10. If they made the DFP for Xbox, Forza would be 11/10.

We Love Katmari/PS2 - 9/10
Pretty much more of the same, compared to the original, but some of the objectives are more varied, like rolling a Sumo wrestler into foods to make him big enough to defeat his rival. Just as endearing as the first, and you learn the darkly comic backstory of the King of All Cosmos.

Burnout Revenge/PS2 - 9/10
I hate the stupid launch controls for crash mode, but this is a great sequel to Burnout 3. It's a little more forgiving in ways that I wanted, so it ends up being less cheap, but you still have to be a damn good racer/fighter on the higher levels. Traffic checking is unrealistic, but fun, the shortcuts are sweet, and Burning Laps are actually fun now.

NHL 2K6/PS2 - 8/10
The core gameplay is fantastic. The pace is great, and while it didn't feel much better than 2K5 at first, I went back, and the differences do add up to something significantly improved. I love the new realtime play calling and icon passing. The best hockey game, but let down by many small issues.
Oct 5, 2005 at 7:17 AM Post #18 of 6,973
Jeez, I haven't played any really recent games, and the only title I'm really looking forward to is MGS3: Subsistence. I'm sure it's already 10/10, but for games that are actually out, all I've been playing is...

Time Crisis - 9/10
Funner than you'd think for an oldschool light gun game, and cool as crap. Not much else to say about it except that it's integral to play it with the Namco Guncon. It's less fun without it. It does get pretty intense, but it does lack in story. But who cares? It's FUN, and will be for quite a while!

Final Fantasy 6 - 11/10

I mention this game because as soon as I can, I'm going right back into it on emulator as soon as I can. It's my all time favorite, but after recently discovering that the ending changes depending on who is in your party, I can't resist one more ride, even if it will be with cheats to speed up results.
Besides that, there is not a single aspect that I think doesn't shine with this game, it is what I compare all RPG's to, even FF7, because everything was done right.

Oct 5, 2005 at 12:25 PM Post #19 of 6,973
Metal gear solid 2 + 3: 7.5/10 + 8.5/10

MGS2-Good game, although somewhat repetitive and a has convoluted story.
MGS3-Same as above, although story is much better IMO.

Zelda Wind Waker: 5/10

How this passes for zelda game I'll never know.

Devil may cry 3: 7/10

Not as fun as the first one, but not too bad overall. Gets better after the initial runthough.

Resident Evil 4: 6.9/10

Lame sci-fi b-movie story, leon's a mindless idiot, and it all wasn't really resident evil. Just some action game with the title tagged. Final boss possibly the worse (as in stupid) in all resident evil history.

Fable: Lost chapters: 5/10

Choosing sides my arse. There's barely jack of a story, you're pretty much on a set path the whole time, fighting is highly repetitive, some missions are just plain cheap, too short overall.

Megaman! :?/10

Just a bunch of megaman games I played, great nostalgia.

Metroid fusion: 6.5/10

Alright game . . . but too short, and was more like a sidequest than a sequel.

Metroid Prime: 7/10

Too . . much . . . scanning!

Atelier Iris: 6/10

Non-addictive story and lack of much variation pushed me away. Didn't even finish the last half, I was so eh.

Twisted metal head on: 4/10

Wipeout pure: 6/10

Lumines: 6.9/10 (just not my thing)

Darkstalkers psp: 5/10

spiderman the movie (gc): 3/10
Oct 5, 2005 at 12:47 PM Post #20 of 6,973

Originally Posted by XxATOLxX
Gran Turismo 4: 11/10.. Its freakin sweet. I think I've spent more hours taking BMW's around Nurburging than playing the other races in the game itself

hahaha... same here. I don't even join races anymore

Devil May Cry 3 - 5/10 I dont like that much, first one still the best

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - 10/10 great game, much harder than the previous 2
Oct 5, 2005 at 1:08 PM Post #21 of 6,973
Well... I've gone back to basics lately...

Metal Gear Solid on the PS one!
What a Classic!! If you haven't played this you haven't played at all! Metal gear Solid is brilliant stuff. Of course graphics are better now but the plot was incredable. I've never seem a better storyline in a game. Oh lets not forget what happens when you die.... "SNAAAAAAAAAAKEE!?"

I love MGS and I'll always give it a perfect score. 10/10

Final Fantasy 7 and 8. Love them both to death. Once you know what your doing with materia on 7 Diamond Weapon is not as much fun. Omega weapon on FF8 though! Not to be messed about with.

Both brilliant with great storylines 10/10 again.


Going back in time again!

Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Its what started it all off for me anyway. My first game. I'll always love that game

10/10 for being a true classic like so many other games of the old days.


GT4 - Good game with cars that are so pretty and so many of them! Great game but I got bored eventually. I expect I'll get back into it soon though.

8/10 at the moment


Halo 2 - Put it on legendary... just put it on. Get a mate round and be prepared to spend 6 hours on the first level. 3 on one bit! Brilliant stuff and 4 player is top stuff (Nothing beats golden eye for the N64 though!!!). Has the ability for 16 player deathmatches.... it just has to be done!

Oct 5, 2005 at 1:34 PM Post #22 of 6,973
Tales of Legendia (PS2) 10/10

This game is amazing, and easily the best RPG of 2005. It's not released in English yet, so you guys won't see it until '06. I've been playing the import and loving every minute of it. Even if you hated Tales games in the past, you can't hate this. This the first game in a very long time where the story and characters have affected me so much. I know some people who actually cried at a certain point in the game. The graphics are beautiful, the music is extremely well done, and the battles are classic Tales real-time fighting, what can I say.
Oct 5, 2005 at 2:21 PM Post #23 of 6,973
Right now I am totally hooked on Far Cry Instincts I'd rate it right up there with Halo which is at the top of my list for FPS. I'm about half way through and it has a nice single player campaign. You may want to set it on hard though or it might be too easy. Excellent replay value too as you can go back and select levels you've completed and enjoy them again and find alternate routes and ways to eliminate your foes.

I just finished Burnout Revenge which was great but not as fun as Takedown. The tracks are interesting and the ramps are what it's all about! It was just a bit too short IMO and what's up with the 10 takedown limit on multiplayer roadrage?? I can't believe they didn't fix that from the last one and make it adjustable.

Other than that I will always go back and play both Halo games, Mercenaries, Rainbow Six, and Burnout Takedown.


Halo 2 - Put it on legendary... just put it on. Get a mate round and be prepared to spend 6 hours on the first level.

Go solo from start to finish on Legendary... it's a challenge but it makes the game much more fun
Oct 5, 2005 at 5:03 PM Post #24 of 6,973

Originally Posted by seeberg
Final Fantasy 6 - 11/10

I mention this game because as soon as I can, I'm going right back into it on emulator as soon as I can. It's my all time favorite, but after recently discovering that the ending changes depending on who is in your party, I can't resist one more ride, even if it will be with cheats to speed up results.
Besides that, there is not a single aspect that I think doesn't shine with this game, it is what I compare all RPG's to, even FF7, because everything was done right.


Oct 5, 2005 at 5:04 PM Post #25 of 6,973
I may have to pick up Far Cry Instincts since it's supposed to be improved in many ways over the PC version. Plus, my PC needs a new video card. I still can't play Far Cry smoothly on it.

I just hate playing FPS games with a console controller.
Oct 5, 2005 at 5:46 PM Post #27 of 6,973
Currently playing:
Dungeon Siege 2 (PC) - 8.5/10 - hack n slash fun, quite pretty, good ol fun.

Metroid Fusion (GBA) - 8/10 - Metroid goodness, albeit a bit too simple at times; excellent looking and great fun

Oh, and I need to pick up Dawn of War: Winter Assualt expansion pack (PC)
Oct 5, 2005 at 7:00 PM Post #28 of 6,973

This game is really a lot of fun. I know, it might not be the best game for xbox. evar. for you guys, but it is for me. I really like the music in it. I really hope Fable 2 doesn't cliche the music as was the case with Halo-to-Halo 2.
Well, I hope it doesn't follow any of the ways of Halo-to-Halo 2. How disappointing. I know they made it simply for xbox Live, but still...


Final Fantasy VIII > All other Final Fantasys thus far.

Omega Weapon was easy for me.

A lame waste of Heros, too.
Ultima Weapon was much harder simply because I was at an earlier level when I fought it. It sucks when your people with Revive and Recover die by its one-hit kill. Defend doesn't even block it.
It sucks.

PS. I cannot figure out what Ultimacia says at the end of her speech. I try and try to keep her speaking, but I always end up killing her after she says "And..." and nothing else.
If someone with Final Fantasy VIII can try and figure out what she says, I'd be really curious to know.
Oct 5, 2005 at 7:11 PM Post #29 of 6,973

Originally Posted by ricardo diaz
Omega Weapon was easy for me.

A lame waste of Heros, too.

Yeah good old hero's and holy wars! Maybe try it without the lionheart and leveled up properly...oh dear that was hard work!

I've always wondered about the end too...I waited about once...not for long though...I enjoyed squalls Limit breaks too much!
Oct 5, 2005 at 7:49 PM Post #30 of 6,973

Originally Posted by taylor
Starcraft - I remember when it came out. The only other games I had ever played were Doom and Warcraft 2. I popped the Starcraft CD into my 133MHz Compaq. The loading screen took a full 30 seconds. Once I got in the game, it was amazing. It was awesome in every concievable aspect. You could even go to this special online thing and play with friends. Not even the K-Mart Blue Light internet with the banner across the screen that didn't quite go away when starcraft loaded could ruin my gaming experience. I was thrilled as I accompanied Jim Raynor on all sorts of adventures in the Tarsaronis Sector. There are so many aspects to the game that make it amazing. The campaign was brilliant, the regular multiplayer was well balanced and designed, UMS maps were ghetto but so much fun, money maps weren't anywhere near balanced but the progression, amazing. After a couple years I went from the standard 'toss turtling carrier noob to having all sorts of crazy strategies to beat 'toss turtling carrier noobs. And minimaps, insane, fast paced, and just so much fun. 64x64 map (about the size of a medium-large town for people who know RTS but not SC) with 8 players. Even now, nearly a decade later, I still get back on Starcraft and kick it with Micro Spiral. 11/10

Well said. When i first tried those micro maps i couldn't stand them...i mean, how can i build 12 centers and nuke silo's to wipe out my enemies? Nonetheless, i started seeing the light and enjoy micro maps immensely. Although, I haven't played in ages, just look up my stats (nick is gloco). I've been around for a while

I still would love (or die) to play a good 3v3 game for an hour...or two. Those were the best, just a constant battle of the ages...mass hydras vs mass gol's vs mass tanks vs. mass goons...you get the idea...

Warcraft 2 got me into pc gaming and i have a lot of good memories of playing 2 hrs+ before we would call a truce and just end the damn match because we were at a stand still. Still, using those death knights juiced up on speed and shield and using that rotting spell to wipe out someone's army was a load of fun. Lots of defensive planning went into winning which made war2 online a bundle of joy to play. Mass ogres with bloodlust and some dk's were sweet. Even nuttier was the fact that you had to have like 24 barracks to keep up since you could only queue up one build at a time. Or using townhalls (upgraded to castles) to act as buffers so the enemies couldn't walk right in and devestate the money trail.

Or even worse, when you would get backstabbed...i used to win some of those when i got backstabbed. Felt great to wipe the floor with idiots like that.

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