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May 14, 2024 at 11:53 PM Post #24,661 of 24,686
I was on it about the lack of strategy, characters compared to the book - which is what 1150 pages? So it was never going to stack up in that way. As far as technically, it seemed like a good TV production, but well short of a full blown high budget movie type technology/film.
That's something I read online on reddit. I read that the producers weren't all that familiar with the source material.

This had me intrigued. They consistently say 'Attack on Titan' is the greater anime they've ever seen. I guess I will have to try to sit through it again to see if it hooks me. It already failed me once. I

What is it about this is so popular I wonder

Surprised that the host says Attack on Titan. lol I may probably fail again if I see, and say over-rated. I agree with the host, Slam Dunk is the best anime! lol He got good taste. lol Or we're probably a bit old-fashioned in our taste.

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May 15, 2024 at 2:46 PM Post #24,662 of 24,686
That's something I read online on reddit. I read that the producers weren't all that familiar with the source material.
So they skimmed the Cliff Notes? Often popular books don't resonate with me, but Shogun is classic. Not to mention Tai-Pan, Noble House and King Rat.
May 15, 2024 at 5:52 PM Post #24,663 of 24,686
The Courier - 7/10

New one on Netflix. Worth watching, but barely.
One thing that surprised me was the amount of sex/nudity in this one.
There is one scene that I couldn't believe Netflix allowed.

PS Still hoping Amazon Prime decides to release more seasons of "Documental".
They stopped airing them in the USA most likely because they were too "vulgar".
They're up to Season 12 in Japan and they're pretty hilarious.
My favorite is the all female version called "Joshimental".
Season 1 is better than ANY season of Documental!

It's a competitive reality comedy show where you have to eliminate other people by making them laugh.
The hard part is you yourself can't smile or laugh at your own jokes. If you do, you're out.
The winner gets a ton of money as a prize.

It's a rather bizarre show and some of the jokes are way over my head, but it's still very funny.

It seems to be so popular that fans made English subtitles for every season.
May 19, 2024 at 4:12 AM Post #24,665 of 24,686
Power - 5/10

New Netflix documentary.
I was surprised how little I learned watching this documentary about the police.
I don't think it really gave me a whole lot to think about at all.
It was rather slow and not very interesting. The soundtrack is a bit annoying too.
I'm not giving it a low score because I disagree with anything it has to say.
If you want to see some good documentaries on similar subjects, check into those by Raoul Peck.
"Exterminate All the Brutes" from HBO and "I'm Not Your Negro" (one of the best documentaries ever made).
The last one is based on the writings of James Baldwin and is narrated by Samuel L. Jackson.
I liked it so much that I watched it twice in two days!

After watching that I went onto Youtube and watched every interview, speech and debate with James Baldwin I could find.
They're so good! I haven't read any of his books yet though.
May 19, 2024 at 2:13 PM Post #24,666 of 24,686
And then another General Yi Sun-sin movie. I like the last one, so probably check this one out. I like the turtle ship for warfare.

Saw this. It was a bit drawn out, and didn't really introduce anything new besides what happens at the very end. I didn't like this one as much as Hansan. Hansan was the best one of the General Yi trilogy IMO. I would give this 6.5/10

Most exciting parts is when the turtle ship comes out for the purposes of ramming into the ships. I'm not sure if the first movie had turtle ships, which might be the reason why I didn't like it.
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May 20, 2024 at 8:59 AM Post #24,667 of 24,686
jung_e 2024 netflix

a beautiful dystopian panorama sci fi. Sure the action drops for the drama but you get that vibe from the get go. Im rating this high as the slower pace is exactly what i want from my korean films, not frenetic shoot ups for the sake of it. 3.85 puffs out of 5
May 21, 2024 at 9:39 PM Post #24,668 of 24,686
I feel lucky to have grown up in the 90's with such quality movies and music. lol I wonder if today's kids would feel the same if they saw something like this or is this an old fart talking? Would movies like this or the original Matrix, Jurrassic Park be considered quality in today's view or out-dated I wonder? For me, 90's was high art times. I think it was peak when content was made for sake of content free from politics.

Jan De Bont didn't have all hit list of movies, but he was great behind the camera, and this was his other movie I liked.

Another Dutch camera dude I liked was Anton Corbjin. Very stylish photography.
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May 23, 2024 at 11:11 PM Post #24,670 of 24,686

Action was awesome! George Miller is great at visual storytelling and just knows how to sequence action scenes. Not much of a fan of how the story went however, especially how it just takes a dive at the end after all those rich action scenes. Miller's ideas are so cool! The way he shoots is just great. Worth watching in the theatres. 8/10

costumes and sets are so stylish! And the black paint foreheads is pretty cool too. But that chariot bike though... Too far fetched.

Women with sniper rifles is a fun sight.
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May 24, 2024 at 7:36 PM Post #24,671 of 24,686

Fury Road makes much more sense now that I saw Furiosa. Furiosa's story does seem necessary lead onto Fury Road.

Miller is willing to share a lot of info. I like that about him. I'm learning a lot about why he does certain things from his explanations. He has a lot of interesting thoughts. I can't believe he directed Happy Feet, such a contrast from Mad Max.
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May 25, 2024 at 7:49 AM Post #24,673 of 24,686
Atlas 2024 netflix

Jlo I dunno. Someways right other ways, wrong visual and acting cues. But whatever welcome to a visual feast of robotic personal tank defence against indestructible (?) ai. How friggen cool is that. So frankly I had to many puffs and got to watch it again, but I want to so 3.75 out of 5.
May 25, 2024 at 5:19 PM Post #24,674 of 24,686
Recently rewatched Fury Road. Just amazing experience. One of the best movie ever made. Period. I like the way Fury Road looks compared to Furiosa, although Furiosa seem to have more color palette, I feel Mad Max should be more like Fury Road.

I found the character actions/acting better played out in Fury Road compared to Furiosa. the way the story is told is done a lot better in Fury Road, but the story went over my head since I didn't know what happened with Furiosa before the film, in which the movie Furiosa fills. So, Fury Road was a much better experience after seeing Furiosa. I feel like there needs to be some background context in order to better digest Fury Road.

The sound of Fury Road so amazingly done. It is the movie to test your surround sound system on. Just amazing sounds. Just the way the scenes transition was much smoother with Fury Road. Such great camera work.
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May 25, 2024 at 11:57 PM Post #24,675 of 24,686
Saw the first two Mad Max, and it was so different that I was quite disappointed. To be honest, I didn't expect them to measure up to Fury Road, but I also didn't expect them to be that different, and they were pretty bad. None of the really cool concepts in Fury Road and beyond is in the original movies. Crazy how much better Fury Road is compared to the early movies. To be honest, they were both a waste of time, and I won't even waste time on the 3rd one.

Both were what I expected of 70's movie, and I really dislike 70's movies. Acting was terrible and the action was uncreative to say the least.

Great movies have very good production team, which was the case for Fury Road. All the great shots would not have been possible without the right crew. Seeing this, I'm much more appreciative how much work went into it, which includes the amount of stunts and practical effects.

Although I really disliked the first two movies (from the lens of today's movie standards), I can't deny that (at the time) there probably wasn't post apocalyptic concepts that was displayed in Road Warrior. So, they must have been very original concepts for it's time.

Oh so Fury Road is Brendan McCarthy's vision. That's what it seems like, but there were several concept artists involved in the project. there must have been some really creative minds in the project for it to turn out the way it did.
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