Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Nov 26, 2023 at 2:32 PM Post #48,496 of 48,583
Does Schiit Hel+ have any surround processing ? it has more juice than the G6 but no surround ?
The Schiit Hel+ does not come with any hardware surround sound processing.
At one time Shiit did offer surround sound processing software, but appears to be no longer offered from Schiit.
Dec 6, 2023 at 3:45 PM Post #48,497 of 48,583
Happy Holidays fellow gaming enthusiasts!

Wanted to pop in and mention that I picked up new headphones, the Monolith AMT. These will probably be my endgame headphones, as it does everything I wanted from a good set of cans. They are wide, very dynamic, extremely fast, have great imaging and depth, layering, separation and detail, and effortless rendering. My only caveat for them is the wonky stock tuning, where Monoprice thought that a flat response though the mids and treble region was a great idea. Fortunately the issue is easily addressed with the use of a Parametric EQ and a FR chart. :) They roll off after 60Hz, but they take EQ extremely well, and you can get it much deeper.

As for gaming, forget it. It is King. Even the HD-800S. The superb imaging and stage width accommodates HRTF imaging, and offers depth for the distance cues. In fact, I found using the Music setting for Redscape was too wide, and lowered it to the Movie setting. And the great separation means not having to lower bass to hear footsteps. I was running around the Fractured Peaks in Diablo 4, and the snow crunch was crisp and lifelike. Blizzard did a great job with their audio mastering. The downside to these cans is that you will know when the audio is poorly mastered. Even with spells casting and a fight going on, I was able to hear Ghouls running in from an entranceway.

Yeah, they are pricey, but fortunately they are on sale right now for $420 new. ($600 + EXTRA30 code) This headphone is a worthy TOTL contender with other kilobuck offerings. I just love ribbon drivers!
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Dec 6, 2023 at 4:45 PM Post #48,498 of 48,583
That's a pretty crazy good deal especially considering their MSRP is $1,000. The only thing that makes me cautious - based on my own preferences - is that headband looks like the same one as the M1570's. That and their weight is just .7oz less than the 1570's. While I absolutely adore the sound of the 1570's (still a great recommendation by you, I should mention) my R70x's have also taught me to appreciate a lightweight set of cans.
Dec 6, 2023 at 9:31 PM Post #48,499 of 48,583
That's a pretty crazy good deal especially considering their MSRP is $1,000. The only thing that makes me cautious - based on my own preferences - is that headband looks like the same one as the M1570's. That and their weight is just .7oz less than the 1570's. While I absolutely adore the sound of the 1570's (still a great recommendation by you, I should mention) my R70x's have also taught me to appreciate a lightweight set of cans.
Not the same headband. The one on the M1570 reminds me of Focal headbands. This one is ala GoldPlanar.
Dec 13, 2023 at 7:58 PM Post #48,501 of 48,583
I highly doubt they are better than the HD 800 S. I am sure they are good though.
The bass extends way deeper than the HD-800S, but still is tight and clean, and image a bit differently, and in a better way. None of my dynamics or planars image like these. The speed of the ribbon drivers are also faster than the HD-800S. I also find the HD-800S soundstage width a bit artificial, and lacking in intimacy. One thing the HD-800S is better in, is weight. :)
Dec 19, 2023 at 6:42 PM Post #48,502 of 48,583
I was thinking of reviewing 3 pieces of gear.

How you guys feel about:

Fiio BTA 30 Pro
iFi Gryphon
Antlion Modmic Wireless

Headphones are a little.. of a problem due to my position, but I can stretch some dac/amp and accessory reviews for our purposes.
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Dec 19, 2023 at 6:45 PM Post #48,503 of 48,583
I was thinking of reviewing 3 pieces of gear.

How you guys feel about:

Fiio BTA 30 Pro
iFi Gryphon
Antlion Modmic Wireless

Headphones are a little.. of a problem due to my position, but I can stretch some dac/amp and accessory reviews for our purposes.
Love to hear your thoughts on the Modmic Wireless. I love mine.
Dec 19, 2023 at 8:09 PM Post #48,504 of 48,583
Same, I've had my Modmic Wireless for 3.5 years and still use it periodically. Though since getting Maxwell in February I've only used it a few times. I think I posted some pics a few pages ago with the Modmic Wireless attached to a Koss setup. Basically KSC75 drivers with grado style pads on a KPH40 headband, then modmic mount attached.

I hope someday we get an updated version from Antlion.
Dec 19, 2023 at 11:50 PM Post #48,505 of 48,583
I was thinking of reviewing 3 pieces of gear.

How you guys feel about:

Fiio BTA 30 Pro
iFi Gryphon
Antlion Modmic Wireless

Headphones are a little.. of a problem due to my position, but I can stretch some dac/amp and accessory reviews for our purposes.
We should team up! Since I'm no longer in the same position as you, and frankly I could use someone to help keep me accountable XD
I just wrote a review on the APOS Ray 12AU7 tubes (positive review), and I have the xDuoo TA-22 and Sennheiser HD 660S2 on the docket to do soon.

My last YouTube video was on the iFi ZEN Air lineup (positive), I think you will like the iFi products as I did, but apparently there have been some shenanigans committed by the company (including downgraded power supplies from what was advertised, Diablo being less powerful than advertised, ex-engineer on the forums having some choice words about the company). I still think the ZEN Air DAC and CAN were great values and surely several other of their products are good; it remains to be seen if there will be further damage to the brand. If the Gryphon is a winner, it could help steer interested customers towards good products and clear of... shenanigans.
Dec 20, 2023 at 12:40 AM Post #48,506 of 48,583
I was thinking of reviewing 3 pieces of gear.

How you guys feel about:

Fiio BTA 30 Pro
iFi Gryphon
Antlion Modmic Wireless

Headphones are a little.. of a problem due to my position, but I can stretch some dac/amp and accessory reviews for our purposes.
Qudelix 5k should be a good review imo, I'm using it for PS5 and it's pretty awesome
Dec 21, 2023 at 10:00 PM Post #48,507 of 48,583
Qudelix 5k should be a good review imo, I'm using it for PS5 and it's pretty awesome
Well I brought these three up because I bought the Gryphon, the BTA30 Pro for myself, and I've been sitting on the antlion modmic wireless for like over a year.
Dec 22, 2023 at 6:13 AM Post #48,508 of 48,583
I was thinking of reviewing 3 pieces of gear.

How you guys feel about:

Fiio BTA 30 Pro
iFi Gryphon
Antlion Modmic Wireless

Headphones are a little.. of a problem due to my position, but I can stretch some dac/amp and accessory reviews for our purposes.
I'm not very active here but I've been reading this thread for years. Any reviews you are allowed to do are welcome in my opinion.
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Dec 22, 2023 at 7:33 AM Post #48,509 of 48,583
The Gryphon would get my vote - it looks like a nice piece of kit.

Has anyone here any experience of the Schiit Magni Unity? It's relatively new so I'm finding it difficult to find feedback and/or reviews.
Dec 23, 2023 at 6:34 PM Post #48,510 of 48,583
The Gryphon would get my vote - it looks like a nice piece of kit.

Has anyone here any experience of the Schiit Magni Unity? It's relatively new so I'm finding it difficult to find feedback and/or reviews.
I heard it at Canjam Dallas. I actually preferred it over the Ragnarok or Mjonir or whatever they had as the high end there.

That and the Midgard sounded absolutely stellar to me. If I didn't already have the Jot 2, I would have one of those at home by now.

Just don't ask me for why I liked it over X and Y. Just thought it sounded great with the 800 which is a headphone I like off very few gear.
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