Hardest boss fight ever!
Nov 11, 2019 at 3:44 PM Post #2 of 217
Surprised there has been no replies to this thread.
For me it has been dancer of the boreal valley in Dark Souls 3.

On my first playthrough it took me maybe 20 tries.
I just could not get her attack patterns down.
Then the camera was kind of frustrating.
During the last phase I had to hide behind pillars during some attacks.
I'm so terrible at fighting her that I usually don't bother until level 70!

On my second playthrough I got her on the first try, but just barely.

It's weird how I can go through nearly every other boss without any major problems.
Even the Pontiff fight is no problem for me. I just have to be very aggressive when I fight him and not focus too much on defense.
I can actually win that fight most times by just spamming the R1 button (and dodging a lot).

The final boss also gave me a lot of problems too.
Took 20 or more tries on the first playthrough. Thought it was impossible at first.
I later found out it's sometimes best to not fight him much during certain phases that give you problems.
The pike phase always gave me problems.

PS it's funny to think how hard Dark Souls 1 was during my first try.
The Gargoyles fight made me fling my controller more than once!

Ornstein and Smough was also a VERY frustrating experience.

These days I really can't stand Dark Souls 1 anymore.
It's too slow paced and the controls are much worse than DS2 and 3.
The level designs are only really good in a few levels.
And who actually likes playing past Anor Londo? Not me!
So many terrible level designs at the end of the game.
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Nov 18, 2019 at 8:40 AM Post #4 of 217
Ebrietas in Bloodborne.
But the boss fight that left me the most frustrated and cursing out loud was the final boss in the Xbox 360 Conan. The rage.
Nov 18, 2019 at 8:44 AM Post #5 of 217
You guys might not take me seriously, but I had trouble with Kingdom Hearts. The final main boss, mystery guy and boss at Colosseum. I still need to beat the two extra bosses. :sweat:
I actually completed all the upgrades and finally beat Sephiroth in the colosseum :D.
The final boss (main story) became severely outmatched! HAHAHA
Nov 29, 2019 at 9:09 PM Post #7 of 217
I actually completed all the upgrades and finally beat Sephiroth in the colosseum :D.
The final boss (main story) became severely outmatched! HAHAHA
nice lol! I really wanted to get the ultimate blade, and up my character, but I decided not to spend the extra 20 hours on the game. I also bought Kingdom hearts 2 and 3, but I haven't play those yet. I will get to it though!
Dec 18, 2019 at 4:48 AM Post #10 of 217
I was having trouble with borderlands 3. The bosses are a bullet sponge joke so much it mage me dislike the game. Didn't finish.
Dec 27, 2019 at 11:25 PM Post #11 of 217
Probably the final boss in Sekiro (won't name names to keep it spoiler free). Had to put the game down for a few weeks after so many attempts.

I've played and beaten all other soulsborne games but something about this one was really tripping me up.
Jan 28, 2020 at 9:40 PM Post #13 of 217
Difficult to say, but all the From Software bosses mentioned were tough; somehow I beat Orphan of Kos solo on my second try. Though I'm sure I couldn't do it again!! Nameless King is the one on the dragon, right? He drove me CRAZY, I just couldn't beat him, I'd get the dragon and then get annihilated by him. I did finally get him, but damn was it difficult!! I absolutely ADORE all From Software games I've played, I recommend them constantly to everyone I know who's into video games. I need to beat one of the last bosses in Sekiro still, second to last, or third to last technically. Bloodborne is probably my favorite game by From, because of the gothic horror feel, but the fight mechanics are superb in all their games. I really enjoy the way you can get back most of your lost health by being aggressive in Bloodborne. I noticed someone mentioned Borderlands as well; I was never able to solo-beat a few of the bosses in that game, Voracidous, Hyperion, and Master Gee. I'm sure I'll get each one some day, but they have proven to be impossible for me to beat by myself so far. I actually bought a PlayStation 3 just so I could play Demon's Souls, and look forward to the boss mentioned above. I'm glad to see there are quite a few like-minded people here when it comes to video games. I'm not a huge video game head, until From Software puts out a new game, then I can play insane amounts of time.

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