Funny comments from the forums.
Sep 5, 2019 at 10:19 AM Post #916 of 960
Another from Jason Stoddard's Schiit Audio thread, this time discussing the launch of their new turntable, SOL ...

Congrats Jason - looks like a SOLid product.
Sep 5, 2019 at 10:29 AM Post #917 of 960
Moaaarr audio memes from Head pie

(Some NSFHF)





Sep 7, 2019 at 12:17 PM Post #918 of 960
From Schiit Audio's Mike Moffat thread, recently devoted to coffee obsessions ...

Gosh, hope no one took "obsessive" as derogatory, surely wasn't meant that way. We are on an audiophile forum, where we endlessly parse the microconcerns of a hobby which leaves normal people mystified (as in "You spent how-fripping much on a DAC? And what's a DAC, anyway?")

Just struck by the range of "normal" human behavior. Almost everyone likes music, but most are content to listen to an MP3 on the phone via $2 earbuds. Compare that to using your best surgeon's touch to gently lower the stylus onto a slab of freshly cleaned, dried and de-static-ified vinyl which may have cost more than you dare tell the spouse, then sprinting to sit in the sweet spot for perhaps 18 minutes before you have to get up and turn the disc over.

And there's a similar order-of-magnitude difference in dedication between gulping a Styrofoam cup of whatever's in the breakroom pot, versus tracking down a source for beans grown by monks on a mist-shrouded mountain, keeping the beans in cryogenic storage before roasting them in a countertop autoclave that holds a temperature to within .1 degee C and times with an atomic clock, placing the warm beans in a grinder that's better engineered than most German cars, then rushing - quick, before the ambient air in the kitchen turns the grind rancid! - to get the result into a device that might have been designed by NASA engineers who were feeling steampunk and which cost more than some cars, and going through all that before 8 a.m.

Surely, obsessive is not too strong a word....
Nov 17, 2019 at 5:55 AM Post #921 of 960
Certainly couldn't afford it :frowning2:
Ground breaking audio requires sacrifice my friend.
Option #1
Why pay your mortgage. You can skip out on a month or two. They say you can refinance with better mortgage rates now a days and skip out on a month of payment on most terms. Skipping out a month of pay means new audio!

Option #2
Sell something. You know most of what you got is not going to cut it after you get such ground breaking audio. Might as well sell the goods the whole lot. None of what you have is gonna matter afterwards. Places take clothes for cash as well. Look into that as a bonus

Option #3
Uber and Lyft. Yes it might be time to get that side hustle. Requirements can't be that tight if you see news of Uber driver shooting passengers. If you know what I mean.

Option #4
If you be kinda hard on your body, party too much ect and you know your life has some limitations. There are dark places in China and some 3rd world countries that will gladly pay you in cash for an organ you don't need. Cus blood and sperm don't pay out as much as you think.

Option #5
I know you all have a collection of something in your house. Most folks have a prized possestion of something old and spendy. An old family heriloom perhaps. Time to use the ebay.

Option #6
If you have good credit. Time to take out a small loan for a down payment on a car. But you know where that money is going. OR a sub option is to actually go for a car but get a junker that requires not much down so you can spend the rest where it counts. Car might be a lemon but at least you got good sound to cruise around with your lemon.

Option #7
People all have someone in their family thats got some cash. You know what to do there cus you haven't asked that person yet to let you borrow $1700. It has to be a first time cus if you asked in the past. They will most certainly not let you borrow cus they don't want that to be a habit. Promise you will pay em back of course and you can then now use options #1-#6, #8-#11 to repay that family member or friend.

Option #8
Try your hand at gambling. You never know but if this option gets you more in the hole,it usually does. Hey at least it is an option with what money you got.

Option # 10
I got a call from a Lawyer from Uganda. Says I have a long lost uncle that left me a lot of money. But the catch is I have to pay a small fee in order to get that long lost money.
He said a small fee which equated to about $5000 but it would have been better it if was $1700. You know where I am going with that. This tactic evidently works as it exists. I saw it on the news too so I know it works.

Final Option #11
All else fails. Time to dig into your life savings. Life is short as you all know. Why not treat your hearing with something ground breaking. Enjoy the best of what audio has to offer in the short span of life that we all have. If your significant other has a fit as that was money you was putting away for a vacation. Most vacations are overrated anyway.
Nov 17, 2019 at 7:47 AM Post #922 of 960
Didn't know such thread exist xD.

I know it's just a joke, but the truth is I just started working, and I don't want to be in loads of debt just because of one small piece of tech that could do nothing but listen to audio. It'll gain me no money, except I sold them out after get bored with them. In which, it will be hard to do too since the price is that high and that's a niche market product. It will be different if I buy them for professional monitoring, which will gain me money, but i'm just an ordinary office worker who likes musics.

Also, these kind of things has been revolving very fast nowadays, especially with the rise of chi-fis that could make great sounding IEMs with affordable price in average. Therefore, there is no need for me to rush for it. Plus, $ is not my currency, & to be honest, $1600 in my currency could be used for my living cost here for probably, at least, up to 4 months.
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Nov 17, 2019 at 7:18 PM Post #923 of 960
Didn't know such thread exist xD.

I know it's just a joke, but the truth is I just started working, and I don't want to be in loads of debt just because of one small piece of tech that could do nothing but listen to audio. It'll gain me no money, except I sold them out after get bored with them. In which, it will be hard to do too since the price is that high and that's a niche market product. It will be different if I buy them for professional monitoring, which will gain me money, but i'm just an ordinary office worker who likes musics.

Also, these kind of things has been revolving very fast nowadays, especially with the rise of chi-fis that could make great sounding IEMs with affordable price in average. Therefore, there is no need for me to rush for it. Plus, $ is not my currency, & to be honest, $1600 in my currency could be used for my living cost here for probably, at least, up to 4 months.

It might be more productive if you viewed this thread (maybe the entire website) as the headphone audio equivalent of an Addiction Treatment Facility, filled with people who knew it was irrational to waste $$ on dope...but soon, cost was the last thing they were concerned with -- all that mattered was the next high. When they try to kick the habit (it happens now & then), relapse is common.

2 choices: either get onboard the Love Train; or sit it out & spend your money on food & sustenance.
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Nov 17, 2019 at 7:27 PM Post #924 of 960
Didn't know such thread exist xD.

I know it's just a joke, but the truth is I just started working, and I don't want to be in loads of debt just because of one small piece of tech that could do nothing but listen to audio. It'll gain me no money, except I sold them out after get bored with them. In which, it will be hard to do too since the price is that high and that's a niche market product. It will be different if I buy them for professional monitoring, which will gain me money, but i'm just an ordinary office worker who likes musics.

Also, these kind of things has been revolving very fast nowadays, especially with the rise of chi-fis that could make great sounding IEMs with affordable price in average. Therefore, there is no need for me to rush for it. Plus, $ is not my currency, & to be honest, $1600 in my currency could be used for my living cost here for probably, at least, up to 4 months.

Run away while there is still a way out!’s only a 10% improvement getting a $2000 headphone. Strange though that some find value in that! And your right nice Chi-Fi gear is great alternative to going hog wild, also getting you 90% there!
Nov 17, 2019 at 8:02 PM Post #925 of 960
Run away while there is still a way out!’s only a 10% improvement getting a $2000 headphone. Strange though that some find value in that! And your right nice Chi-Fi gear is great alternative to going hog wild, also getting you 90% there!
Yep, it might be only a little different between the high tier IEM ($500 or above) with the Chi-Fis that are currently budget friendly. They just more refined than the chi fi
Jul 17, 2020 at 11:23 AM Post #926 of 960
Wow mates, this thread not getting much love these days!?

"Jason Stoddard said:
Installing the new car speakers in the El Camino proved to be a difficult task, but well worth the effort. My Pioneer Supertuner never sounded better -- as long as I didn't accelerate suddenly, brake suddenly, or take any sharp turns."

**OK. Jason really didn't say that, but I'm sure he thought it.
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Jul 17, 2020 at 11:56 AM Post #927 of 960
my response to a question , what are transients? my response, they come they go
Dec 6, 2020 at 10:10 AM Post #928 of 960
Dec 6, 2020 at 5:18 PM Post #929 of 960
@Ableza ... The best I've seen in a long time, maybe the best of all time. Feel free to vote below, y'all.

OK, that is an excellent send-up of pro audio excesses. "side-by-side Power and Glory switches" (who doesn't need that?)
Dec 10, 2020 at 10:45 AM Post #930 of 960
Another gem from Jason Stoddard's thread:

I've taken the liberty of drawing up this thread in a waveform. Maybe it will help any noobs who pass by understand what goes on. I'm sure I have missed a few points too, so feel free to let me know and I will collate the changes and release a version 2.

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