「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Aug 24, 2018 at 8:10 PM Post #176,191 of 177,747

Too lazy to find/do the translations for this one.



Depending on how it goes, very likely that I'll get a 20 series Nvidia card now. Didn't expect Nvidia to dedicate entire chunks of die space just for people the industry I'm in and have this much increase in performance in early benchmarks for some of the applications. Curious how it will do in scenarios where AMD cards slaughter Nvidia completely, but I expect Nvidia to donate quite a few engineers for the important ones to catch up, even if it does take some time.

CPU upgrade is no longer a consideration for me, but still itching to get a VR headset for work...hmmmmm...
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Aug 24, 2018 at 8:30 PM Post #176,192 of 177,747

They're not doing this for people in the industry. This is their own agenda. You think they care what the industry wants when they're the only people they can turn to? You and the rest of the general populace romanticize this too much and it's why they get away with this. They'll make what they want as the future so long as it generates them enormous amounts of cash and enforces their monopoly. The onus is also on software developers which are forced to use the RTX API over the regular Microsoft DXR one just to get access to RTX AI denoising for barely usable performance on the current cards.

Don't get me wrong; ray tracing is the future, and NVIDIA wants to control how late that future is and how much money they can milk out of it.

If you didn't realize, we were always going to get accelerators for ray tracing. This is just how computing works. NVIDIA is just going to make this a very expensive and long process while also making their cards have some very extreme built in obsolescence. You don't go up to Intel or AMD and say "wow, you dedicated die space for an AES 256 accelerator just for my own security? Wow, aren't you amazing!"

You're falling really damn hard for these benchmarks. I just explained how they are comparing this to an old architecture which had no ray tracing accelerators to begin with. Any tiny amount of logic for ray tracing will give you an enormous improvement, but just because there's improvement doesn't mean the actual performance is usable. Besides, if you're working in this field, whichever company you're working for is supposed to have render farms anyways so it's not even any of your concern. You won't be getting your dream of a nice desktop raytracing rendering monster with Turing. You're going to have to wait another decade or two for that.

But hey, feel free to waste $700-$1200+ on a "ray tracing" card that'll just get outdated with the next card which will probably cost $800-$1500+ instead.
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Aug 24, 2018 at 8:43 PM Post #176,193 of 177,747

They're not doing this for people in the industry. This is their own agenda. You think they care what the industry wants when they're the only people they can turn to? You and the rest of the general populace romanticize this too much and it's why they get away with this. They'll make what they want as the future so long as it generates them enormous amounts of cash and enforces their monopoly. The onus is also on software developers which are forced to use the RTX API over the regular Microsoft DXR one just to get access to RTX AI denoising for barely usable performance on the current cards.

Don't get me wrong; ray tracing is the future, and NVIDIA wants to control how late that future is and how much money they can milk out of it.

If you didn't realize, we were always going to get accelerators for ray tracing. This is just how computing works. NVIDIA is just going to make this a very expensive and long process while also making their cards have some very extreme built in obsolescence. You don't go up to Intel or AMD and say "wow, you dedicated die space for an AES 256 accelerator just for my own security? Wow, aren't you amazing!"

You're falling really damn hard for these benchmarks. I just explained how they are comparing this to an old architecture which had no ray tracing accelerators to begin with. Any tiny amount of logic for ray tracing will give you an enormous improvement, but just because there's improvement doesn't mean the actual performance is usable. Besides, if you're working in this field, whichever company you're working for is supposed to have render farms anyways so it's not even any of your concern. You won't be getting your dream of a nice desktop raytracing rendering monster with Turing. You're going to have to wait another decade or two for that.

But hey, feel free to waste $700-$1200+ on a "ray tracing" card that'll just get outdated with the next card which will probably cost $800-$1500+ instead.





I've seen clueless but this is just...wow. I can't believe you're still going.

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Aug 25, 2018 at 4:28 AM Post #176,196 of 177,747
Is that show actually good? it seems like it's super meme-able which usually isn't a good sign for a show actually being good.
It's alright. I like it.

Too lazy to find/do the translations for this one.

From left to right:
"You want it?"
"It's yours if you let us elder sisters* have a look down there"
Bottom right corner: "C'mon!"

*TL note: 姐姐们 = お姉さん達

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Aug 25, 2018 at 9:17 AM Post #176,197 of 177,747
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Aug 29, 2018 at 4:07 AM Post #176,200 of 177,747
I can't take on this quest. my class doesn't let me equip the skill "Flash" anymore.
Aug 31, 2018 at 6:37 AM Post #176,202 of 177,747
I need some crimp terminals to finish off the amp. (for whatever reason I don't like soldering anything mains related even though it's a DIY project and it's not moving from my bedroom forever =P)

So Arrow has free shipping right now with no minimum order limit...I just made a $10 order with them and I'm getting two separate shipments Fedex International Priority because it's coming from two different warehouses.

Feelsbadman, I think they've lost money doing my order, guess I'll have to give them some future business where possible. (i.e. abuse free shipping while it lasts ahahah)

Overlord is greaaaat.
Sep 1, 2018 at 8:15 AM Post #176,204 of 177,747
"la, la lalala la la, la, la lalala."
Sep 1, 2018 at 11:48 AM Post #176,205 of 177,747
@Hitsugi no Chaika: better than expected. Many car references.

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