
100+ Head-Fier
Bling and Zing
Pros: 1. Blingy but not obnoxious
2. Satisfactory build and comfort
3. Generally enjoyable sound profile without tonal oddities
4. "Right" sounding midrange
Cons: 1. Occasional treble zing
2. Fingerprint magnet
My earliest memory of a Shouer IEM was The tape which was. well, a weird IEM that I could not bring myself to like. I have tried a few more Letshuoer models since. Some briefly, some for a few weeks and I must say, they have come a long way since the horrendous Tape. When I was asked if I wanted to be part of a review tour arranged by @BonGoBiLai , I was intrigued but with some reservations.

Cadenza 12 is essentially a 12-driver Hybrid. It has 11 high-performance balanced armature drivers from Knowles and Sonion, which are made up of a conventional blend of dynamic and balanced armatures, and a 10mm silicon surround dynamic driver unit. Together, these drivers form a carefully designed 5-way frequency crossover. With this crossover, you can fully control the output signal because it has both electronic and physical vacuum tubes that can be accurately adjusted. I know the specs are a mouthful so I would just list them below directly from the product page in case you want a summery :


The unboxing experience was flattering though I received my unit already unboxed. To summarize, upon opening the magnetic flap, the upper lid will reveal a transparent piece of paper with Letshuoer branding printed on it. A long black carton that takes up two-thirds of the sponge pad's surface is the first layer. It is printed with the fancy handwriting "LETSHUOER" and contains a stack of exquisitely printed mini posters/brochures that basically advertises Shuoer's classic products. A pair of Cadenza 12 earpieces with accessories are located on the lower part of the cardboard. The accessory list is all follows:


Even though other IEMs may have an ergonomic design similar to the Cadenza's, it's difficult to match other models' distinctive appearance. The outside of the Cadenza's case is composed of a strong titanium chassis with a silver surface finish that reflects light. It is blingy and attention-grabbing without being obnoxious. The shells are larger than usual and feel dense while held in palms. However, equal emphasis is given to ensuring optimal density and a feeling of quality at the same time. The Cadenza's lightweight yet substantial design is impressive, to say the least. For a pair of high-end IEMs, this is a terrific look because it looks the part and is simultaneously comfy and useful.


The stock cable has a half-sleeved design and the cable internals use 204 strands of 6N monocrystalline copper and silver as materials. Sounds fancy on paper and looks the part though the cable also feels thick and heavy. It is a good cable and does its job well. It also modular so can be simultaneously used with different type of outputs without swapping to a different cable frequently.

Cadenza 12 is a very coherent, neutral and transparent sounding IEM which does not suffer from typical Chi Fi oddities i.e. shouty thin vocals, bass thats either too boomy or "Farty" and treble rougher than sandpaper. It is also super easy to drive though and does not showcase any particular penchant for any specific source. Even decent high end dongles are enough though hig end DAPs can definitely amp things up.

It is not completely "neutral" though and has some fun factor blended it, mostly in the upper frequencies. C12's bass is one of the most tastefully done executions under 3000 USD. It does not have the raw animalistic energy of the Legend Evo or Z1R but in no way or form, bass light. It is tight, controlled and engaging and retains proper extension and rumble like a good dynamic driver should. It might not be "fun" or "energetic" in the traditional sense, but sounds like what bass should sound like in real life as it has just the right amont of decay.

Midrange sounds "right" without any unnecessary quirk. It is not thick/lush like warm/warm neutral IEMs but not sterile/thin either. C12's midrange is what proper, no nonsense midrange should be like. Both male and vocals sound clean and articulate without any hint of muddiness. Though I wish electric guitars sounded slightly livelier. Other than that, I have found no particular issue whatsoever that could ruin the midrange experience for me, accross all genres.


The treble is lively and zingy. I have read some complaints regarding the treble quality but I would mostly disagree. I never found the treble misbehaving too much. The zing added some element of fun, not annoyance and I believe my fellow trebleheads would agree. The lower treble, however, is a bit rough at times and I can see why It would be bothersome for some audiophiles.

Soundstage is impressive especially the tallness and depth of it. The width is no slouch either but there are other IEMs in this price range that sound markedly wider. The vocals sound a bit intimate. It does not exhibit diffused, concert hall-like soundstage ("holographic", to be precise) like some IEMs out there do. I actually prefer this approach to soundstage as it helps me to focus on the music more. Imaging and separation performance was phenomenal. I would not call it class-leading as that would be hyperbole but it is definitely up there among the best. The Cadenza 12 is the most impressive Chi Fi IEM I have heard to date I cannot think of many IEMs that are as lively and unique sounding under $2000 as it is. I am looking forward to trying out more IEMs from this brand in the future.


New Head-Fier
Letshuoer Cadenza 12: A Questionnaire to self
Pros: 1. Build quality
2. Lively and engaging sound
3. Competent technical performance
Cons: Maybe too safe for some
The Letshuoer Cadenza 12 is personally one of the most anticipated IEMs I was looking forward to trying out this year. The initial launch price of $2300 honestly can be off-putting for many given it is a significant price bump compared to Letshuoer’s previous forays into high-end IEMs. There are more than 10 fantastic reviews of this amazing IEM on HeadFi already and all of them are quite informative. I will try out a different approach where I will try to address common queries a potential Cadenza buyer might have. Special shout out to @BonGoBiLai for including me in this review tour.


Would you buy a Letshuoer for $2300?

If it is competent enough, why not? Several small-scale new companies are pricing their products much higher. The Subtonic Storm which took the ToTL IEM world by storm (pun intended) last year is the brand’s only IEM and a first attempt too! Letshuoer already has a superb track record so I believe they definitely have the capabilities required for developing ToTLs.

How is the build quality?

Build quality deserves a special mention. It reminds me of the Final A8000 which also has an all-metal construction and flawless build. The Cadenza looks and feels premium in real life. The glossy surface attracts fingerprints though.


Any nitpicks regarding accessories?

The cable is a bit stiff but I have seen worse cables bundled with IEMs that cost significantly more (Aroma Jewel anyone?). The tips are on the generic side and I did notice some improvements with aftermarket wide bore tips. I would highly recommend the Eletech Baroque. I received mine with additional Softears UC tips which also work great. These are very minor complaints though and nothing deal-breaking.


What is the sound profile like?

Cadenza is mostly neutral with some treble boost. It is not particularly bassy nor colored in the midrange. The sound profile is lifelike and does not go off the beaten path. For a $2300 IEM, it is surprisingly balanced sounding. If a risk-averse person was a sound profile, then Cadenza’s sound profile is probably it. This also makes Cadenza a fantastic allrounder, working equally well with all genres.

I am a basshead, should I go for the Cadenza 12?

Cadenza is not a basshead IEM but I think even the hardcore bassheads will appreciate the bass quality. It has a good sub-bass rumble with very tastefully done mid bass. Does not have the visceral grunt of a basshead IEM but it certainly is not bass-shy.

I have heard the treble is spicy. Should I be scared?
The treble is not smooth per se. There is spice and sparkle but surprisingly the treble hardly causes fatigue unless you run it from a sterile/bright source. I am in fact, appreciative of Cadenza’s treble as the sheer amount of upper treble it can push while mostly retaining control is rather rare in that price category. However you are religiously treble averse then something smoother might be more up your alley.


What about the technical performance?

As good as its peers but some competitors perform better, 64audio U12T, UM Maven, and Vision Ears VE7 for example. Great resolution and a fantastic soundstage! Even more impressive is the sublime separation and imaging that trades blows with IEMs that are several times more expensive. Though It does not necessarily outperform competitors all things considered but does not underperform to the point that it becomes jarring.

How does it fare against already established champions in the same price category?

I think It will be a bold statement to declare Cadenza’s superiority over competitors. Cadenza has a unique balanced tuning focused on musicality first. If compared to the 64audio U12T which is its most viable competitor price-wise, I’d say the U12T is markedly superior in the technical front. U12T is more resolving, images more faithfully, and has a bigger stage. Z1R and IE 900 are more fun but both are overly V-shaped sets. Technicality-wise, Cadenza edges both out. UM MEST Mk2 is a great set and I would probably have a hard time choosing between the two. The Cadenza is more natural sounding compared to the MK2 if my memory of the MK2 serves me right. Technical performance is about equal.

Cadenza 12 is an interesting IEM with great tonal balance and I liked it overall. I would still recommend demoing it from a friend or a store before purchasing.
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New Head-Fier
Breath of fresh "Air"
Pros: 1. Lively top end, very open and transparent
2. Beautiful shell design
3. Decent bass and midrange performance
4. Impressive staging and imaging performance
Cons: 1. Stock cable is not ergonomic
2. Not for those looking for a velvety smooth, rounded sound signature.
3. Expensive
According to Wikipedia, "Cadenza" is generically, an improvised or written-out ornamental passage played or sung by a soloist or soloists. To be frank, I was not that aware of the Cadenza 12 before I got my hands on it. I only saw a few sneak peeks on the internet and audio convention feedback from people who got to try it. Thus it was quite a shocker when my good friend @BonGoBiLai reached out and asked whether I would be interested in doing a review of the Cadenza 12. I am somewhat well-versed in classical music terms and given the origin of the name I have high expectations from the Cadenza. Will it sound as musical as the moniker suggests? Or will it be another overambitious marquee project by a modern Chi-fi legend failing to hit the spot?


Unpacking the cadenza was not something I would describe as an extravagant experience Though it did not feel lacking in any way either. Letshuoer provides a semi-sheathed copper cable with modular termination, 3 different sets of ear tips, and a cleaning cloth alongside some documentation. Build quality is flawless. From an aesthetic point of view, Cadenza is a flashy IEM that constantly screams ‘’Look at me!’’ A non-audiophile friend of mine even mistook it for jewelry at first glance.

However like other reviews have already mentioned, the stock cable is not the most malleable or ergonomic. It is my only complaint regarding the accessorisation of Letshuoer Cadenza 12. I used a paracord sheathed aftermarket cable instead which @BonGoBiLai included in the packaging alongside Softears UC tips which was more comfortable for me to wear.


Cadenza is a brightish IEM that sounds very open, clean, and balanced. I consider myself somewhat of a treblehead and Cadenza 12 more than fulfills my need. It makes high hats and string instruments sizzling and exciting. As a connoisseur of classical and orchestral music, Cadenza 12 was simply a boon for my ears. Though Cadenza 12 has some treble-forwardness, it did not sound harsh or sibilant to me. There is this incredible amount of air up top that reminds me of the Hifiman Susvara in a competent DAC Amp setting. Breathy vocals, live unplugged sessions and orchestras sound scarily tantalizing on the Cadenza. Trebleheads are much rarer than bassheads in my circle of audio hobbyists which makes the Cadenza such a bliss for us folks.

I generally do not care much about midrange. I think most IEMs and headphones have serviceable midrange nowadays. That being said, I think the midrange performance of Cadenza 12 is commendable. It is neutral and uncolored and has a good transition to treble. I did not find any glaring issue with Cadenza’s midrange. Instruments and vocals sound as they should and guitars have the right amount of crunch.

I do not consider myself to be a basshead either but I do enjoy some good bass. Cadenza’s bass was satisfactory to my ears. The bass has proper extension and some nice punch and rumble. Though there are IEMs that have a more pronounced bass response Cadenza 12 is not aiming to be those IEMs. I think the bass response fits perfectly with Cadenza’s sound profile.


Soundstage performance was satisfactory especially the verticality of it (height and depth). Details are not microscopic but not lacking either. The imaging performance was great. I played some Apex Legend and Rainbow Six Siege sessions on it and positional cues were very accurate. The Cadenza 12 performs superbly as a gaming IEM although I am not sure if you should spend more than 2000 bucks for gaming alone.


I loved my time with the Cadenza 12 though I am not keen on the pricing. I wish it was priced at least in the IE 900/ Symphonium Crimson range. That could have made it a more appealing purchase. But the question of value aside, Letshuoer Cadenza is a wonderful treblehead experience.


New Head-Fier
Marvelous Midrange
Pros: 1. Midrange timbre
2. Technical performance is adequate and fitting to the price tag
3. Above average soundstage and separation
4. Build quality
Cons: Bass is good but not enough for bassheads
My budget planar journey started with the Letshuoer S12, the OG one. I still use the S12 pro (the later version which came with modular termination) as my everyday carry so I am quite acquainted with the ‘’Shouer’’ sound I would say. I was quite surprised when I received the Letshuoer Cadenza as part of a review tour personally arranged by a friend. Being well acquainted with the S12 pro, I expected a V-shaped, fun sound signature.


The fun has indeed quadrupled, but without the V. I still have my HD 650 that I bought more than 3 years ago and It gets more listening time than both my Audeze LCD X and Meze 109 pro, as I am so much in love with the signature Sennheiser midrange. But that magic was missing among most the IEMs I have come across. Letshuoer Cadenza is something that finally scratches my midrange itch.


Disclaimer: I was sent this unit by my friend @BonGoBiLai as a part of a review tour. I did not get to keep the unit and the IEM was sent to the next reviewer as soon as I was done with the review. Getting to experience the Cadenza 12 was the only reward.

I will only spend a little word on the unboxing experience as previous reviews have already discussed it in detail. I think it was quite satisfactory for the $2000 price tag albeit the presentation is not as chic as Campfire IEMs nor as flattering as the IER Z1R. I have seen other reviewers bashing the stock cable which in my opinion, is fine. I did not find any issue using it but YMMV. Build quality is fine overall; it's a robust metal IEM with hardly visible seams so resin IEMs cannot compete no matter how fancy they look.


I am a big fan of Chi Fi IEMs owing to the value they can provide. But $2000 is a big jump from the sub $200 range, even for a consistent brand like Shuoer which has critically acclaimed products in the kilobuck zone. I was particularly interested in the midrange performance because, from my experience, the midrange is a common ground where Chi Fi IEMs tend to suffer, especially those blindly following the Harman hype.

I simply do not find the lean and glassy Harman midrange to be that appealing. I also do not like the fact that Harman completely ditches midbass in favor of sub-bass boost contributing to its fuzzy, one-note character. I mean subbass is fun and all but the acute lack of midbass simply does not sound right to my ears. I am quite happy that Letshuoer kind of did their own thing instead of blindly following the Harman gold rush.

The midrange performance particularly, is spectacular. It is clean and clear but does not sound thin at all. There is some upper-mid energy but thankfully things never got shouty. The midrange is very pleasant and ‘’right sounding’’ overall, a merit that I cannot say I have observed in many sub $2000 IEM. There is some hint of warmth in the lower mids as well which adds just the right amount of heft to the otherwise bright neutral sound.


Cadenza 12 has elevated treble response which fortunately remains controlled in most instances. Shrill cymbals or splashes are super rare occurrences. Pairing it with a warm source like iBasso DX320 alleviates these rare oddities as well. Overall I’d say, I am quite pleased with the treble performance.

The bass performance is fine. Extension and texturing are commendable but Cadenza 12 is not a set I would classify as bass-centric. Bass can punch hard when the track calls for it but it remains fairly civil otherwise. Bass from single DD flagships in this range are more fun but then again I would miss the fantabulous midrange, a trade-off that I am not willing to make.

Technical performance is adequate. It is not super detailed like some other IEMs in the similar price category but certain aspects are standouts. The soundstage for example is quite spacious, a trait that is above average I must say. I also liked the sense of space/ isolation it provided between each instrument. Singling out instruments and background notes was effortless without breaking the immersion.


I enjoyed my time with the Cadenza 12. It is a loan from a friend so the price-to-performance aspect did not affect me as much. It is pitted against some of the most revered and well-established behemoths in the IEM world. But given how wonderfully it aligns with my preference, I won’t mind shelling out $2000 for a unit of my own.
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100+ Head-Fier
Fusion of Neutrality and Listening Pleasure
Pros: 1. Neutral done right
2. Open and airy
3. Well executed midrange
4. Fantastic separation and layering
5. Good technical performance
6. Supreme build quality
Cons: 1. Treble is not forgiving in poorly mastered tracks
2. Stiff stock cable
3. Cutthroat competition in this price range
Letshuoer is a Chinese IEM manufacturer and they are among the most consistent performers in the budget/mid-fi chi-fi scene. I have tried almost every significant IEM Letshuoer has come up with so far. Starting from the divisive and not particularly well received ‘’Tape’’ to modern cult classics like S12 and S12 Pro. I also got to try the S15, EJ07M and DZ4. All three had fantastic tuning. (The EJ07M I specifically adored.) Given my experience with their prior releases, I am quite confident to give my verdict that Shuoer has pretty much struck the gold mine when it comes to execution. They are not pumping half-baked models left and right hoping for something random to stick.

That being said, eyebrows were definitely raised when Letshuoer announced their 12 driver hybrid Cadenza 12 for a ‘’modest’’ price tag of $2300. I have had my fair share of run-ins with expensive ToTL IEMs. In fact, I think I have experienced almost every single significant summit fi IEMs out there. But those IEMs are generally from brands with a history of making ToTLs. Take FiR Audio from example. The founders are ex-64audio partners who branched out to form FiR Audio and the ‘’Lowest end’’ model they make still costs more than 1000 USD.


Plus the $1500-2000 price range is extremely competitive. There are legendary IEMs like the 64audio U12T, Campfire’s recent mega-hit (Bonneville), Final Audio A8000, Sony IER Z1R, Sennheiser IE 900, and Symphonium Crimson to name a few. Therefore, Letshuoer Cadenza must do something truly exceptional to stand out.

Disclaimer: This review was organized as part of a tour. I have sent the unit to another friend of mine after this review as a part of the tour. All our five reviews will be published together after we are done with the reviews. All photos and extra third-party accessories (Softears UC tips, Earaudio ultra premium cable and Eletech Baroque tips) are provided by me to other tour members. I work closely with a friend @Sajid Amit who runs a YouTube channel focusing on discussion and reviews of IEMs and headphones:

10mm Liquid Silicone Dynamic Driver.
11 High-Performance Balanced Armature Drivers from Knowles and Sonion.
Five-Axis CNC Machined Titanium Ear Shells.
Physical and Electronic Five-Way Frequency Crossover.

Build Quality, Comfort and Accessories:
The unboxing experience of upscale Letshuoer models is generally quite satisfying. Cadenza 12’s unboxing is a standard affair for a $2300 set. I have hardly anything to nitpick here. The Cadenza comes packed in a fairly large box. The accessory package includes a high-quality leather case with Shuoer’s logo imprinted on it, 9 pairs of ear tips (3 pairs of 3 different types), a cleaning cloth, and a modular cable (2.5mm, 3.5mm, and 4.4mm modular terminations are included).


The earpieces are made of Titanium and are built like tanks. Feels quite hefty and substantial when held. The smooth mirror finish is fingerprint magnet though and I would suggest exercising caution while handling the Cadenza 12 as small scratches usually appear more obviously on mirror-finished surfaces. I do not like the included stock cable though. It is a decent cable spec-wise and does its job well but the stiffness reminds me of some Cardas headphone cables. I can live with stiff cables when it comes to headphones but ergonomics is a crucial factor for IEM cables which the Cadenza stock cable fails to nail IMHO. The comfort is excellent. I experienced zero irritation in prolonged listening sessions. However, Cadenza earpieces are on the heavier side so if you are looking for something that ‘disappears’ into ear canals, Cadenza 12 will not fit the bill.


I have already mentioned that Cadenza must do something exceptional to justify its rather steep price tag. So I mustered all the skepticism I could and played the first track. To my surprise, Cadenza 12 is a surprisingly ‘normal’ sounding set. It is tuned to be neutral and balanced with some added spice up top. It is not as V-shaped as the Sennheiser IE 900 nor it is as fatiguing in treble as A8000 or Softears Turii Ti.


The bass response is commendable but not overdone. Cadenza’s does not have the tactility of IE 900 or the physicality of Z1R but it will satisfy most people except maybe the hardcore bassheads. There is a good balance between midbass and subbass and I would praise Letshuoer for not blindly following the annoying trend of complete midbass omission which is all in rage lately.

The midrange is neutral, super clean, and natural sounding overall. It sounds faithful to the recording and avoids relying on lower mid-recession (which usually creates an illusion of transparency at the expense of male vocals). There is some upper-mid energy though that makes female vocals pop more. Male vocals sound great as well though a bit more grunt in the male voices would have been perfect. Cadenza pretty much nails the midrange in my opinion. It is non-offensive, smooth yet crystal clear at the same time. This trait is not something I notice much in Chi fi IEMs, including Shuoer’s lower-end offerings.


Treble is where things become slightly complicated. The treble is fine for the most part. It does not sound as shimmery as IE 900, MEST MK2 or A8000. However, poorly recorded tracks and heavy metal music are not something I enjoy with the Cadenza as the treble resonance accentuates cymbal hits, making them more sizzly and intense than I prefer. Treble remains smooth and controlled in other genres. I love the Cadenza for jazz and classical music.

Detail retrieval is decent for a $2300 set but it is not as incisive as other hybrids and all BA sets in the same price range. 64audio U12T and Symphonium Crimson, for example, sound more detailed when A/B ed. Instrument layering and separation, however, is a masterclass. Cadenza does an amazing job separating the space between each instrument. This makes live music recordings a breathtaking experience. Imaging is precise and comparable to its similarly priced peers. Staging has excellent height and depth but width is just adequate. The 3000 USD Dita Perpetua sounds cavernous in comparison while the Cadenza 12 is fairly intimate.


64audio U12T: The U12T is the closest competitor both specs and price tags considered. It is a cult classic and beloved by audiophiles all over the world. U12T is technically better than the Cadenza. It is more resolving and more microscopic in comparison. However, the U12T is also bland sounding and while the bass is great for a BA set, it is still kinda one notey. I do not think they necessarily 'beat' each other. Many might feel comfortable buying the U12T given its already established status. I personally veer towards the Cadenza 12 a bit more.

Symphonium Helios: Helios is half the price yet easily goes toe to toe as long as technicality is concerned. The Helios is also bright but it is less forgiving than the Cadenza 12 in poor recordings. Midrange on the other hand, is massively better with the Cadenza. Bass response will boil down to personal preference. Helios is subbassy with very little mid bass presence. Cadenza 12 is more balanced in that regard.

Sennheiser IE 900 and Sony IER Z1R: IE 900 and Z1R are insanely fun single DD IEMs but are not directly comparable with the Cadenza 12. Both have very unique sound signatures and are special on their own. Cadenza 12 has one big advantage though. It is a supreme allrounder which the former two are not.

DITA Perpetua: Perpetua sounds like a grown up, more mature Cadenza 12. Both are balanced, pleasant sounding allrounders. Dita is more natural sounding especially in the midrange and has a massive soundstage that the Cadenza 12 cannot really compete with. Perpetual also has a bit more organic and tactile bass response.

Final thoughts: Letshuoer Cadenza 12 is an impressive IEM with commendable technical prowess and a beautiful timbre. It does a great job standing out from the popular crowd following a neutral, minimally colored yet organic approach. The only other IEM that pursues a similar tuning philosophy is the more expensive DITA perpetua. Sometimes raw detail becomes a detriment when we long for balance and ‘’musicality’’. I think Cadenza 12 fits the bill perfectly, albeit the price to pay is steep.
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Headphoneus Supremus
One of the best neutral IEMs on the market
Pros: Superb bass
Great technicalities
Very good and coherent tonality
Very good design and workmanship
Cons: Fingerprints quickly become visible because of high gloss
The Cadenza 12 is the flagship product from Letshuoer. It is the first part of a series called Halo for very special products. With many years of experience in acoustic engineering and lots of patents pending, the result is a high-end IEM consisting of 12 drivers with a 6-way crossover. A 10mm dynamic Kevlar dome driver as well as BA drivers provide here in interaction for the bass range. Also an unusual combination, which I did not know otherwise. The other frequency ranges are covered exclusively by BA drivers. The BA drivers are based on proven Sonion and Knowles. We are dealing with a 12 driver IEM just like the 64 Audio U12t, but without a DD for the bass range, which I have always wished for the U12t. Therefore, I was also very curious how the Cadenza 12 with its large 10mm Dynamiker fires the bass range and otherwise differs from the U12t.



The drivers are intricately hand-selected, so there's no risk of timbre differences when the drivers interact. In addition, each driver is given its own acoustic hole and cut by hand to the exact length. The electronic 6-way crossover and these measures prevent any timing problems.

The storage box for the IEM and accessories as well as the IEM itself are really good for the price range around 2100€. All kinds of things are offered here. First of all, there is the IEM itself, which is housed in a titanium case that is polished to a high gloss. Really very chic. The disadvantage is of course that fingerprints quickly become visible. But fortunately, a cleaning cloth is included. The case is very ergonomically shaped and was chosen based on many iterations and thousands of ear shapes. The Cadenza 12 is not a small IEM. It is quite a size, however, like many other IEMs, I have no comfort issues with it and it sits very comfortably with me and I achieve a good seal with all the ear tips I know. Included are 3 different types of eartips in 3 different sizes. This reminds me a bit of the Shanling M900 which also has this labeling of tips labeled "vocal", "bass" or "balanced". Since I own a lot of tips I have decided quite quickly for the Azla Clear, which produce a super seal and for me the most balanced sound.



A high-end IEM also includes a great cable and that is also included, namely a 204-wire hybrid cable made of copper and silver with the purity 6N! It is soft and flexible and looks great. The best thing about this cable is that it can be operated with the three included adapters 2.5mm, 3.5mm and 4.4mm to all kinds of sources. This is actually how I wish all IEM products worked. Letshuoer and Shanling show how it's done! A fancy leather case and a metal picture are also included. The logo of Letshuoer is a bulldog. And on the picture you can see a violin playing person with a bulldog head. A funny idea in my opinion. So I have to emphasize again the workmanship of the IEM as well as this presentation box are just fantastic!

For the sound test I use my iBasso DX320 MAX Ti with which I drive the Cadenza 12 per 4.4mm balanced. As with almost all IEMs, gain level 1 is easily sufficient for loud to very loud levels.


Next to the U12t, the Cadenza 12 is for me the most neutral IEM I know. Like the U12t, it is a bright tonality, but with a slight boost in the lower mids, it feels a bit more warmth like the U12t. The presence region is a bit lowered for it and the treble is a bit more boosted.

The most noticeable feature is the bass range. The intensity and punch of the Cadenza 12 is simply fantastic. So is the quality and speed, which puts a U4s in the shade, which also has a DD for the bass range. The U12t can't compete with the Cadenza 12 in terms of bass texture, but they are on par in quality and the U12t is even a bit faster due to its BA bass. The last time I was so excited by a dynamic bass range was with the Volür. Just as intense and crisp is the Cadenza with its large 10mm DD and the BA modules to work. For metal, EDM, pop, rock and all modern genres, the Cadenza 12 makes a great figure and disappoints with its presentation in the bass certainly no one.

The soundstage is above average and quite comparable with the U12t. Especially the depth is very good. Everything is coherent and the instrument separation is neither washed out nor accurate and is on a good level. I also find the positioning of the vocals successful, as they appear a bit smoother and more distant than on the U12t. The latter separates even more precisely.

When I compare the U12t to the Cadenza 12 they are both neutral playing IEMs, but then where is the difference? I mentioned at the beginning that the Cadenza 12 feels about more warmth than the U12t and thus delivers a more musical and rounded sound overall. The U12t sounds more technical and really teases every little detail out of the recording with razor sharp imaging. It requires higher attention from the listener than is the case with the Cadenza 12, which plays smoother. So the U12t is more like the acoustic magnifying glass and the Cadenza 12 the IEM for more relaxed listening.

The highs on the Cadenza 12 are a bit boosted and yet there is no hint of the treble playing up too sharp or the sibilants being annoying. Resolution-wise, I don't really miss anything here either. The resolution is higher than on the U4s and about the same as on the Volür. I have to use my Multiverse Mentor to hear individual sound events even more cleanly and in more detail.

I must confess that a Cadenza 12 was never on my radar before. That there is next to the U12t another neutral 12 driver IEM, which strikes in the same notch and brings a DD for the bass range was not known to me. The company Letshuoer should have in my opinion but in any case on every TOTL IEM list. Because the Cadenza 12 is a truly fantastic IEM with a very coherent and neutral sound and a superb bass range. If you are looking for a neutral TOTL IEM with very good technical characteristics and a neutral/warm tonality for you the Cadenza 12 could be the one. I find the price of about 2100€ also appropriate for the presentation and the technology of the IEM when I look at the competition. Personally, I am already curious which IEM comes next from Letshuoer on the market in the Halo series!


Reviewer at hxosplus
Do it like a headphone
Pros: + Extra musical and engaging
+ Balanced and natural sound signature
+ Realistic tonality and timbre
+ Dynamic and powerful bass
+ Immersive and holographic
+ Excellent technicalities
+ Full bodied texture
+ Very coherent sound
+ Sounds like a full sized headphone
+ Great unboxing experience
+ High quality modular cable
+ Luxurious carrying case
+ Excellent build quality
+ Very comfortable
Cons: - Might sound too conservative for some users
- Demanding in source quality
- The cable is stiff and heavy
This is a brief version of my LETSHUOER Cadenza review.


Executive summary

The LETSHUOER Cadenza is hybrid IEM 12 drivers, a six-way electronic crossover and five acoustic bores. It uses a 10mm LSS Kevlar dome driver for the bass, Sonion composite mid-woofer drivers, Sonion composite mid-tweeter drivers, Knowles composite tweeter drivers and Sonion composite super tweeter drivers. The actual number of the drivers used per each frequency range is not disclosed to the public.

The Cadenza is lightweight and compact sized for an earphone that houses 12 drivers. It is very comfortable as it fits like a glove and after a while you forget that you are wearing it.

The Cadenza is luxuriously designed like jewel, it is minimalistic, gorgeous and beautiful looking. Build quality is absolutely stellar, the surface is meticulously finished with a technique that doesn’t attract fingerprints or stains while the material is hard enough as not to be scratched.

The modular stock cable utilizes 204 strands of 6N mono-crystalline copper and silver in a hybrid weave construction. The cable comes with three, high quality, interchangeable plugs (4.4mm, 2.5mm and 3.5mm). The cable has excellent quality and is very durable but it is quite stiff and heavy for portable use.

The accessories include three types of silicone ear-tips in three sizes each (vocal, balanced, bass), a luxurious carrying case made with real leather, a cleaning cloth and a copper plate which has the LETSHUOER mascot engraved at it. You can also convert the wooden package into a luxurious storage box with four equally divided spaces where you can store your gear.

The Cadenza is very easy to drive but also mildly sensitive to source noise. It scales great and will reveal its potential only with a high quality source.

The Cadenza has a very balanced and musical tuning that pairs well with all sources and types of music. The Cadenza is not a flagship made to impress with extreme technicalities and analytical sound but rather an earphone that communicates the music in the most natural manner. The overall sound performance and presentation reminds more of a high quality full sized headphone rather than an IEM and this is a great achievement on its own. It is rather difficult to summarize the sound performance in a few words so readers are encouraged to visit my website and read the full LETSHUOER Cadenza review.
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Headphoneus Supremus
Reviewer at Headfonics
Letshuoer Cadenza 12 ($2300): Is this worthy of the name flagship? Yes. Yes it is.
Letshuoer Cadenza 12 ($2300): Is this worthy of the name flagship? Yes. Yes it is.

Cadenza 12



When Will messaged me that he had what he considered to be one of the most resolving, thoroughly satisfying sounds he had heard in quite some time from an IEM, I let him go on for a bit. He then mentioned it was the Letshuoer Cadenza 12...I let that sink in...he talked some more, and I listened. My mind wandered to a previous model I had reviewed from the previous company (before the name change), the Tape. Some liked it, some loved it’s cassette-like looks and marveled at what was one of the first piezo’s out. I was at the opposite end. I will openly admit that I really, REALLY did not like the Tape. It’s sizzle up top, and lack of dynamics from my perspective made me wonder how the other reviewers could stand it. Then it occurred to me (like a Whack-A-Mole game), that my tastes differed from others and I could understand why some liked it. I’ll put this politely, I really did not like the Tape.

So as Will was expounding upon why the Cadenza 12 jumped to the top of his list, I appreciated his insight, for we usually agree on what we like and dislike; but come from two different favored sound signatures. So, after Will’s time, and review here on eCoustics, the unit was sent to me. He asked that I withhold judgement until I had a thorough listen. I trust his judgement, and his review creds, so I did. What follows are glowing words for the Cadenza 12 (C12), and astonishment at what I would personally call the “rebirth” of a company that now gets it. Astounding, indeed.

This unit will be sent to the next lucky reviewer when my time is up, and all I can say is that I will be sad for it to go. Very sad.



In The Box:


Gear used/Compared:

Astell & Kern CA1000T
Shanling M6 Pro

Empire Ears Legend X
UE Live (Custom)


Dark Side of the Moon
Tidal Jazz
Massive Attack
Pink Martini


Once one hits a certain price point, there is an expectation of an unboxing event. A production really. The C12 does not disappoint. Coming in a mirrored silver sleeve, the unboxing is indeed an event from the beginning. Taking off the sleeve, a clamshell-like box clad in black reveals itself. A magnetic clasp holds the top in place. Once opened you are presented with an opaque cover sheet laden with the logo. Lifting that you discover the square case in one third, the IEM’s themselves in another, and a sterling Letshuoer dog, their mascot. This mascot doubles as a stand for your IEM when on your desktop for all to see. It is a heavy piece as well so mind where you place it.

Lifting the lower part where the IEM resides in soft foam, you are met with a paperboard wrapped sleeve around the dividers mentioned below. Under that you find slots for the three types of tips in s, m, l of Vocal, Bass & Balanced types. I favored the bass, and in medium size, which is one size smaller than I usually use due to the shape of my canal. As a result, seal and isolation were VERY good as a result.

Another reviewer noted setting aside 30 minutes for the unboxing. I cannot disagree, since time spent exploring is part of the overall experience. I will note that the soft layer of felt over the foam inserts looks quite cheap, and does not stay in place. To me this belies the overall expectations and involvement. A positive of the box is that Letshuoer included a flexible insert, so you can arrange the inside to accommodate many IEM’s or DAP’s (or dongles). This is good thinking and one could easily tuck this into your suitcase when traveling. A well thought out plan, and one I hope more manufacturers incorporate, instead of throwaway or simple cardboard. Investing a few pennies more per unit means a change in a couple of dollars. So be it.

I will mention that the felt cover of which I spoke above would become so much of an annoyance to me that it would end up in the trash receptacle. Opening the box, or removing anything from the case means that piece constantly moved; especially taking the logo stand out and accessing the tips. Throw it away...

The paperwork on the other hand is all premium and amongst the best I have seen in any flagship.




The C12 is a hybrid IEM utilizing a single 10mm dynamic diver and eleven balanced armatures per ear. The dynamic driver uses an LSS Kevlar diaphragm for increased rigidity while reducing weight. Letshuoer feels that the C12 benefits from the higher performance driver in addition to the balanced armatures (ba’s).

The ba’s are a mix of Sonion and Knowles models. The Sonion are used for the mid-bass and midrange drivers, along with super-tweeters that are paired with the Knowles tweeters. In essence, the Sonion surround the Knowles frequency-wise. The six-way crossover and five handmade sound bores ensure that all those drivers remain in-phase and work together seamlessly focusing on the merits of each driver within their respective range.

Letshuoer could have gone for less expensive (but still very high quality) off-the-shelf drivers from both vendors (like many do, to the detriment of those models...) but instead decided to invest in custom drivers that took much longer to engineer and test.



There is no denying two things about the C12: 1. It looks superb in the mirrored finish, and 2. It is big. To me this is not the largest IEM I have tried, but it is close. Tip rolling therefore makes it a necessity for proper fit. The nub on the conche becomes annoyingly blunt after longer sessions of two plus hours, and I find myself adjusting the unit near-constantly to avoid that.

Using the medium bass tips, helped to alleviate the conche pressure, but I could still feel it. The shell itself is gorgeous (but fingerprint prone...) due to the mirrored finish, laden with the “Letshuoer” name. I will say that between Will and myself, the faceplate is showing scratches, so a thicker or tougher coating might help.

In typical teardrop shape, there is a single small vent hole on the inside top of the shell, right next to the Phillips head screw; which gives access to the shell. Swooping toward one’s ear, the shape melds well with the fairly wide screened nozzle. A bit wider than I prefer, but when you consider all of the sound tubes and drivers, it can be excused. Thankfully there is a nice lip, which helps hold tips in place. The backside of the shell also carries (in faint lettering, which is near impossible to read) an “L” or “R” along with the model and serial numbers. My feeling is that Letshuoer wanted to give you the information, but not highlight that lettering too much.


The cable comes in 2-pin 0.78mm variety with a unique 4-pin attachment for the jacks. Included are 2.5bal, 3.5se and 4.4bal. What makes this unique is that the jack housing screws off (onto the cable), then you can pull the jack itself off. I would be careful doing so, and I could not achieve a tight fit when attaching the jack to the inserts. Orientation is paramount as well, to allow the screw on jack cover to mate properly. I novel idea, but with a couple of quirks. Build of the cable is fabulous and it comes stock with 204-strands of 6N Monocrystalline Copper and Silver in a hybrid weave configuration to reduce impedance and improve signal integrity. The hybrid cable is sturdy and well-built, despite being a little tough to work with (besides the attaching of jack tips) and not so forgiving at times. Above the Y-splitter, the wires are visible in shrink wrapped silicon. Below, the cable is shod in the same, but with a form-fitting cloth cover giving it that extra stiffness.

I would rate the overall quality of the IEM and cable as “nearly” worthy of a flagship moniker. Improvements would make this top of the class.




Going back to my ongoing discussion with Will, I appreciated what he said, and mostly agreed. Bass (especially using the bass tips of foam/silicon mix) reaches deep and well under control. There is good grunt, but controlled leading into sumptuous mids. Taylor Swift’s voice sound superb inside my head, and is clean, crisp and detailed. Pushed slightly forward and up to me, this is the highlight. Treble notes follow naturally with good reach and clarity; lending to a more smooth character than sheer quality. The C12 is different enough from others in this range that it can be considered based upon its pleasantly vibrant character and feel.



Bass while not reaching the nether regions of my Legend X nonetheless exist on quality. Note weight and dynamics rule the roost here instead of sheer quantity. I would call it engaging rather than having that eviscerating quality of sheer subwoofer power like the LX. As a result, there is a smooth push into the mids. The engagement of the low end could be attributed to a slightly slower decay, which to me mimics going deeper. A false sense of depth, kept well under control. The dynamic driver of common 10mm size does its job without overpowering or embarrassing the signature.

Those mids come is sweetly and with a vibrant smoothness not unlike the UE Live. Other have noted that the bass is their favorite part. For me it is the mids, which seems odd to me since I prefer the low end. Female vocals sound sweet and defined, but without becoming piercing. Lending to that smooth character there is still plenty of definition in the layer as conga drums and piano come across with that vibrant tonality such as on “No Hay Problema” from Pink Martini. A song such as this demands accurate representation, but also that sumptuousness Latin music is known for. The C12 does not disappoint.

Others have found the treble to be a bit short on quality, but with my upper hearing deficiencies, I appreciated the near-tamed response. I found the C12 represented cymbal hits accurately but with a bit of grain in the lower treble. This did not bother me, as there was not the added sparkle sometimes associated with the upper end as a cover for the less than tight control.

Rolling this all together, I find the soundstage to be taller than wide, with very good depth as well. Think of sitting near the mid-back point in a tall narrower venue. Still excellent seating and placing of sound, just not as wide as others in this range. To me this helps with dynamics. There can be more focus on the layers here instead of placement. The results come out the same, but the increased dynamics result in excellent sound. Once “Safe From Harm” by Massive Attack comes on, my senses face a cacophony of emotions and I reach for the volume turn it up.



Letshuoer Cadenza 12 ($2200) v Empire Ears Legend X ($2300):

My unabashed love for the Legend X has been written about many times. The bass is (still) superb passed only by the LX EVO and Fir Audio M4/M5 & Elemental models. Adding the Eletech Socrates makes this my reference point for all comers. If there is one aspect, I would find lacking, it is overall clarity and detail. To me, this does suffer a bit from that marvelous bass response. The C12 does better here with more detail present, but keeping that “warmer” signature. Parenthetically speaking, because the LX is warmer while the C12 helps necessitate the warmer signature through excellent responsive mids and the treble note of which I spoke above. I still prefer the LX, but the C12 makes a worthy effort.

Letshuoer Cadenza 12 ($2200) v UE Live ($2400, Custom):

The UE Live was my first custom followed by the CFA Supermoon and UE Drop. Fit is very good, since this is oriented towards performers. The first difference to me is in the details. There is no comparison to me, the Live wins. The C12 is good. Very good. But it suffers from the multiple driver count to me, and trying to please many users (and genres). The UE Live is purpose-built for one thing: communicating as much information to the user (performer) as possible with the least number of distractions. As such, this really is not a fair comparison. That said, the C12 comes across with a more velvet-like signature, without becoming too warm or rich. Not as reference as the Live, but also with excellent dynamics and note weight. Where the Live might come across as “thin” due to the need to pass information along, the C12 adds a thicker signature. Both come across as very good, but from very different perspectives.



Going back to my opening, I came at the C12 with some trepidation, even with Will’s knowledgeable opinion. It is not that I didn’t trust him, it was the bad memory of the “other” one. But I also understood that Will does not throw platitudes and accolades around without warrant. So it was that I waited.

And what I heard from the off was a worthy candidate and then addition to the flagship moniker. The bass hits fairly hard, and with good character. The mids come across without offense, and the treble note hits my sweet spot (as in not offensive). With the proper tip, the Cadenza 12 is an excellent monitor for the price and should be considered in that near-rarified air of top-class IEM’s. Is it the best? No, but it wasn’t meant to be. This is an exercise in revitalization. And Letshuoer has largely succeeded. This is a very fine unit, just pitch that felt cover.

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New Head-Fier
LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 : The Virtuoso's Symphony
Pros: Excellent warm-neutral sound signature
Punchy and well-defined bass without bleeding into other frequencies
Wide soundstage, precise imaging, and superior separation
Microdetails are clearly defined
Keen treble
Outstanding packaging
Sturdy titanium alloy shells that are bulky yet lightweight
Cons: Shells are not smudge and scratch-proof despite their pros
Less clinical/technical compared to some other TOTL options
High price point, recommended to try before buying

We recently had the pleasure of thoroughly reviewing the LETSHUOER Cadenza 12, their latest flagship in-ear monitor, and we are excited to share our thoughts on this exceptional product. As an upgrade from the Galileo we reviewed before, the Cadenza 12 boasts an impressive 12 multi-hybrid driver configuration, incorporating premium drivers from Sonion and Knowles Balanced Armature. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to HiFiGo for granting us the opportunity to review this flagship model, and to Neil Nino Clark for facilitating this review tour. Without further ado, let's delve into our comprehensive review of the LETSHUOER Cadenza 12.


  • I have no affiliation with LETSHUOER and have not received any monetary compensation for this review. The unit was provided by HiFiGo in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
  • I am not a professional reviewer and will use simple terms for easy understanding by beginners and experts alike in the hobby.
  • Please take the words in this review with a grain of salt, as trying out the unit yourself is still the best way to gauge the experience.


The packaging of the LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 is nothing short of exquisite. It comes in a meticulously designed three-layered box, starting with a cardboard box featuring LETSHUOER's branding, followed by a silver carton, and finally, a sleek black jewelry box containing the in-ear monitors and their accessories. The packaging is a true testament to LETSHUOER's commitment to luxury and attention to detail, leaving a lasting impression from the moment it's unboxed.

The cardboard box is well-crafted and prominently displays LETSHUOER's branding, adding to the overall aesthetic appeal. The silver carton adds an additional layer of sophistication, further elevating the unboxing experience. The jewel of the packaging, however, is the sleek black jewelry box that houses the in-ear monitors and accessories. It's not only visually stunning but also functional, providing secure and organized storage for the monitors and ensuring they arrive in pristine condition.

The premium packaging of the Cadenza 12 adds to the overall sense of value and sets the tone for the quality and craftsmanship of the in-ear monitors. It's a thoughtful touch that reflects LETSHUOER's commitment to delivering a premium listening experience from the moment the package is opened.

What's Inside?​

  • Cadenza 12 in-ear monitor
  • Cadenza 12 Plate
  • 3 pairs of Symbio-like hybrid eartips
  • 3 pairs of "bass" eartips
  • 3 pairs of "balanced" eartips
  • Half-sleeved modular cable
  • Earphone case
  • Warranty cards
  • User guide


The LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 features a robust build with a slightly bulky and relatively heavy shell. Despite its weight, it remains comfortable to wear for extended periods of time without causing discomfort. However, it's worth noting that the shell is not scratch-proof, and some light scratches may occur over time, although this is a minor concern compared to its sound performance.

The modular cables included with the Cadenza 12 are of good quality, allowing for termination swapping. However, it's worth mentioning that the process may not be as user-friendly and may require assistance from peers. On the bright side, the included case is a notable improvement from the Galileo, featuring a magnetic closure that securely snaps into place, ensuring safe storage and transport of the monitors.

The package also comes with plentiful eartips, including hybrid eartips, which is a nice touch. However, it's worth noting that the "bass" eartips may not significantly affect the bass texture and weight as their name suggests. Nonetheless, the inclusion of a variety of eartips allows for customization and finding the best fit for individual preferences, further enhancing the overall comfort and performance of the Cadenza 12.


Profile: The in-ear monitors boast a vibrant and engaging sound signature with a touch of warmth, while maintaining an overall neutral profile. This combination results in a lively and dynamic audio experience that brings music to life. The warm tonality adds richness and depth to the sound, without compromising the accuracy and clarity of the audio reproduction. The balanced profile ensures that different frequency ranges are well-represented, making these monitors suitable for a wide range of music genres, from rock to classical and everything in between. Whether you're a casual listener or an audiophile, these monitors are designed to captivate your ears and elevate your music listening experience.

Bass: The bass is well-rounded, with a subtle lift that adds warmth to the overall sound without overpowering the midrange. Unlike some bass-heavy in-ear monitors, the Cadenza 12 maintains clarity and definition in the midrange, preventing any muddiness or distortion. The midbass is a standout feature of the Cadenza 12, offering a punchy and tight performance that is sure to impress. While it may not produce the deepest sub-bass rumble, it makes up for it with its well-defined and dynamic midbass performance.

The Cadenza 12 bass delivers a well-balanced and refined audio experience. Its warm representation without excessive emphasis on low frequencies, along with its punchy and well-defined midbass, makes it an excellent choice for audio enthusiasts who appreciate quality and precision in their audio playback.

Midrange: The midrange of the audio output is characterized by its clarity and precision, allowing for an accurate reproduction of vocals and instruments. Although there is a slight boost in the lower frequencies, the midrange maintains a natural tone without excessive lushness or euphonic coloration. Instruments are rendered with lifelike detail, showcasing fast decay and realistic timbre. The upper midrange is well-defined and energetic, without any harshness or recessed characteristics, adding to the overall dynamic and vibrant sound signature.

Treble: The treble is well-extended and detailed, though it can be overly bright and cause fatigue with certain eartips due to its high frequency emphasis. Choosing the appropriate eartips can help address this issue, and with a proper fit, the treble is clear and shimmering without any harshness. Instruments such as cymbals and hi-hats are accurately reproduced with good resonance and crispness.

Soundstage and Imaging: The Cadenza 12 exceeds expectations in its technical performance, boasting an expansive soundstage with excellent height and spaciousness. Imaging is precise, with instruments accurately placed and microdetails rendered with clarity and precision. The separation between instruments is outstanding, even in busy tracks where budget earphones often struggle with muddiness. Tracks like "Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen and "The National Anthem" by Radiohead are handled effortlessly. Tonally, the Cadenza 12 offers a natural and realistic presentation without sounding overly clinical or unresolving.


Noble Audio Viking Ragnar

Noble Audio Viking Ragnar ($4000): Priced at twice the cost of the Cadenza 12, the Noble Audio Viking Ragnar offers a different listening experience. The Ragnar is more analytical, with a focused and tamed treble, and boasts superior resolution and detail retrieval. On the other hand, the Cadenza 12 provides a more affordable flagship experience with a more fun-sounding tonality, making it a compelling choice for those who prefer a warmer and more natural sound.


Kinera Urd ($650): The flagship of Kinera, the Urd, is priced lower than the Cadenza 12 and leans towards a safer tuning with less emphasis on bass and laid-back treble. However, the mids are more euphonic and engaging, with a bias towards female vocals and plucked string instruments, making it a good option for those who prioritize these qualities in their listening experience.


Simphonio VR1 ($2299): Priced similarly to the Cadenza 12, the VR1 offers a warm-balanced signature with a darker overall tonality compared to the Cadenza 12. The major difference is that the Cadenza 12 utilizes twelve drivers, while the VR1 relies on a single dynamic driver. The Cadenza 12 has the advantage in handling different frequencies and maintaining consistency, resulting in a more natural sound compared to the darker tonality of the VR1.

  • Excellent warm-neutral sound signature
  • Punchy and well-defined bass without bleeding into other frequencies
  • Wide soundstage, precise imaging, and superior separation
  • Microdetails are clearly defined
  • Keen treble
  • Outstanding packaging
  • Sturdy titanium alloy shells that are bulky yet lightweight
  • Shells are not smudge and scratch-proof despite their pros
  • Less clinical/technical compared to some other TOTL options
  • High price point, recommended to try before buying


In addition to its impressive performance, the Cadenza 12 also boasts a sleek and stylish design, with a durable build that can withstand, if not most, the rigors of daily use. The attention to detail in the craftsmanship is evident, from the metal housings to the high-quality cables and connectors. The fit and comfort of the Cadenza 12 are also noteworthy, with multiple ear tip options and an ergonomic design that ensures a secure and comfortable fit for long listening sessions.

One of the standout features of the Cadenza 12 is its exceptional soundstage, providing a wide and immersive listening experience. The instrument separation is superb, allowing for each element of the music to be distinct and well-defined. The bass response is powerful and controlled, while the midrange is detailed and transparent, and the treble is crisp and extended without being overly harsh. The overall tonality of the Cadenza 12 is balanced and natural, making it suitable for a wide range of music genres.

It's important to note that the Cadenza 12 is not for everyone, as its premium price tag may be prohibitive for some potential buyers. However, for those who are serious about their music and demand the best in terms of performance and build quality, the Cadenza 12 is a top contender. It's advisable to audition them before making a purchase decision, as personal preferences may vary. Despite its price, the Cadenza 12 delivers a listening experience that is truly exceptional and worth considering for audiophiles and music enthusiasts alike.
Nice review, you even compare it with bigger guns.
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New Head-Fier
Letshuoer Cadenza 12: Unboxing and First Impressions
Pros: - details for days
- complete package out of the box
- great accessories
- solid build
Cons: - very expensive
- bass guitar replay is not the best


This tour unit was kindly provided by HiFiGo, and I’m incredibly grateful to them for giving ordinary folks like me the opportunity to hear a TOTL in-ear-monitor (IEM). For the life of me, I will not be able to purchase this costly pair. Kudos to them for keeping their ear on the ground and being interested in the take of us hoi polloi.


Disclaimer: I am not connected with HiFiGo or Letshuoer, and all opinions, conjectures, and errors herein are my own. To the best of my abilities, I will try to remove bias. Since this is a tour review unit, human nature’s confirmation bias might be lessened. I am also not a technical expert or audiophile. I’m just an enthusiast who loves listening to music and enjoys gears that help me do that.

Out of the Box



The unboxing experience of the Cadenza 12 is what you’d expect at this price point ($2,299/PhP125,000). The presentation is superlative with a cohesive design language. The outer box is shiny silver, foreshadowing what you will see when you open the box. The inner box is equally lovely with suitable materials, perfect for storing those special IEMs and audio gears. It also comes with some nifty storage dividers that allow you to have compartments.





The included accessories are classy and well-made: the carrying box is one of the best I’ve seen, with the right shade of gray and silver highlights using what I think are good materials (not sure if it’s genuine leather), with strong magnets that give a reassuring snap when you close the lid. There are three types of ear tips for vocals, bass, and balanced tuning. As I’m wont, I went for the medium bass ones.

Before opening the box, I wondered why it was so darn heavy. Upon opening it, I discovered that it had this metal plate depicting what seemed to be a dog with a fiddle. That’s a fresh take on the ubiquitous waifu accessories/stands with many IEMs nowadays. I’m a little on the fence about this, though, on the practical side, what with shipping fees and customs duties to worry about. Not to mention security concerns: couriers and delivery personnel might be more curious about a box that’s too heavy for its size.

I like the stock modular cable with a paracord black sleeve up to the y-splitter, revealing a classy bronze-like thick cable leading to the IEM connectors. I’m guessing copper, but I could be wrong. The fact that the Cadenza will work out of the box sans any cable and tip rolling is a massive plus for me.

Sound Impressions


In my initial sitting, I used all stock configurations (cable and IEM) plugged into the Aune Flamingo Tube amp playing the Eagles’ Hotel California at 24-bit 194 kHz hi-res lossless Apple Music at 65 to 70 dB. This is my first time hearing a TOTL at this tier/level, so please bear that in mind. Here are my initial impressions:

  • Oh boy, talk about layers and layers of musicality. The details on this pair are top-notch. The song’s soft intro sounds busier than in my other IEMs.
  • The “dueling” double lead electric guitars of Joe Walsh and Don Felder are more textured and nuanced, with their unique guitar techniques more prominent than all IEMs I’ve tried. This will sit well with musicians and instrumentalists who would approach this iconic song analytically—dissecting the riffs, tone, rhythm, tempo, and harmonization of two talented guitarists.
  • The Cadenza 12’s detail and resolution justify the purchase price for those purist and serious audiophiles looking for that elusive plus factor that separates a TOTL set from the rest—they might find that missing sound and replay here. The surprising detail retrieval and ability to present the whole gamut of a song’s sound replay as recorded or mastered without being fatiguing is an enormous feat. I believe it has been achieved here.
  • Vocals are more articulate, not overly forward, but rather more present (if that makes sense). Inflections in the voices hitherto unheard or pushed back during busy portions surface to acoustic consciousness, leaving the peripheries. Again this is not to say that vocals are pushed forward, but rather more present, articulate, and “illuminated.”
  • Low frequencies and bass are more satisfyingly layered than other sound replays by lesser IEMs. They say the devil’s in the details, and details are legion in this pair. Low rumbles are much more satisfying not because of the sound replay’s physicality and “thumpiness” but more so the texture and richness of the tonality. I have yet to decide that this is my preferred way of acoustically presenting bass, particularly bass guitars, but I am sure there are those who will like it a lot.



I still have to spend more time with these very expensive IEMs to come up with an informed conclusion. Suffice it to say that they are ticking off many of my “like boxes” and only a few of my “dislike” ones. I hope to catch you on the next, more substantial review of the Cadenza 12. Thanks for reading!

#Letshuoer #Cadenza12 #Unboxing #InitialImpressions #MALEAudioReviews


New Head-Fier
Pros: -very balanced sound
-amazing vocal layerin
-on point instrument timbre
-a true virtuoso in music indulgence
Cons: -If you are looking for ultra detailed TOTL
-If you are looking for a basshead banger, it is not this one either.
-Guitars may lack some edginess and aggrresiveness.
Letshuoer Cadenza 12- "Alive"


This is a review tour unit. Thank you so much HiFiGo and LETSHUOER for trusting reviewers in the Philippines.

Let it be clear that as a reviewer, my opinions are my own and does not represent the majority, nor the intent of the companies involved.

I understand that some people may be apprehensive when reading reviews, especially when companies provide samples. I understand how you feel, I was once there, and still am actually (I still buy sets and read/watch reviews from other people)

Having said that, the least we can do is to transcribe what we hear with as much transparency as possible. The goal of the companies is to advertise their new products and we as reviewers are just the first mediums. Imagine selling a product without actual user feedback haha. So, there will always be biases in our side, albeit not from coping since we didn't spend anything. 😎

Anyhow, I will try my best to be honest as possible, and let me start by saying that , YES I am biased. Why? Because I have my own preferences. I have my own library. I have different sets to compare. I have a different music taste. Growing up in an island (Cebu) where almost every household has at least 1 person who can play guitars, I have my own opinion on how instruments sound without going thru speakers. Recent recordings are eqed during mix to the engineers preferences on what he thinks is natural. So in theory, we listen to the engineer's HRTF.

Please cross reference reviews.

Lets start

-Shanling M3X using UAPP, Hiby ang stock player

-stock cable in 3.5mm

-stock balanced tips and AET07(best for me)

-Volume measured and listened at 75-78 dbs.

I grew up listening to 90’s music. Alternative, punk-rock, screamo, rap, Philippine OPM, Anime songs, JPOP, KPOP, metal, reggae and a lot more.
The artists I regularly listen to are:

Incubus, 311, BMTH, Matchbox 20, The Goo Goo Dolls, Paramore, Polyphia, The Calling,, Babymetal, Metallica, Slipknot, Bon Jovi, Coheed and Cambria, Deftones, Red Hot, Green day,

⭐OPM(Original Pinoy Music):
E-heads, Slapshock, Parokya, Urbanddub, Up Dharma Down, Bamboo, IV of spade, Kamikazee, Rivermaya

IU, Yoasobi, Yorushika, Milet, Reona, Maroon 5, Coldplay, Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, Taylor, Dua Lipa, Oliva Rodrigo, Billie Eilish

Carpenters, Micheal Learns to Rock, Celine Dion, Bob Marley, Sitti, Daft Punk, Pink Floyed, Earth wind and fire, Amber rubarth, Sia, Yosi Horikawa

I listen to more, but I can’t just list them all here.haha. Just giving you an idea on what I listen.


You are greeted with a hefty box. Probably almost 2 kilos haha. Inside is properly arranged and layered to give you a slow orgasm of unboxing a TOTL set.

The box also comes with dividers if you want to use it as storage for DAPs or other sets.

What you get inside are:

1.) You get 3 kinds of eartips in SML.

💥there is an eartip for treble and vocal clarity. They are similar to symbio tips wherein foams are stuffed inside a silicone

💥a bass enhancing eartip. Well, it enhances bass

💥and a balanced eartip. For me they still sounded warm, or kindof U-shaped.

2.) a very premium case. They look like engagement ring cases. It's magnetic and they snap quite satisfyingly

3.) Interchangeable connector/Modular cable that is very thick and of very good quality. Nicely braided in both left and right, while the other half is wrapped with a cloth-like material. I like this cable

4.) a steel frame of an animal playing violins. Yeah you read it right haha. This thing is probably the reason why the box is so heavy.

5.) Papers 😎


The design and build of the Cadenza is very premium. The case is made of titanium.

It houses a 10mm LSS Kevlar dome driver. Whatever that is..😅 I honestly do not know what that is haha.

I think Sonion BAs are handling the mids, and Knowles and Sonion ESTs for the treble.

The ergonomics is just superb. Very comfortable in my ears and I do not notice any sharp edges. Easily the most comfortable IEM I have ever worn. PERIOD


I get a balanced tonality with good extension in both ends. This must be the most balanced TOTL set I have heard. Most sets in the $1000 and up usually excel in specific areas. The Cadenza is different though because it is an all rounder, from bass, mids, vocals, treble and technicalities. Finding the right balance in those aspects is what makes the Cadenza unique in its own.

Bass is a bit elevated to maintain warmth in vocals and in making instruments sound natural. Although they are not boosted to basshead levels, I hear very good separation of the subbass and midbass. There is sufficient kick and slam with minimal effect in the lower mids. Going back to the bass, I actually like how they are presented because there are so many nuances that can be heard in a track.

Mids, especially vocals, are not in your face forwardness. When I say this, it does not mean you don't hear the vocalist at all, because you do haha. Voices are less forward because of the bass texture and in my percetion, my attention is shifted around the upper bass to lower mids. This is not to say that vocals sound bad, ohh deng Eimi Fukada even sounds phen... - going back to vocals, they sound rich and has a natural space around them. That space is very realistic in my experience. I could close my eyes and imagine the "singer" (ehem😈) is by my side.

Instruments sound organic too, timbre wise. Bass guitars have enough authority and guitars aren't too edgy, but extends very well. Other string instruments like violins sound really good as well. Snares have good body and snap, and pianos have good note definition.

Treble is another part that I like from the Cadenza. Alhough it needs some refinement, I can still say that they have a very satisfying treble performance. There is enough air that gives a perception of a 3D space, and yet cymbals do not sound thin at all. I am saying this because most sets with good extension tend to screw up how cymbals sound. But not with the Cadenza. It seems that the splashes are being played by a separate speaker.

Technicalities. I dont really know what to make of this because most TOTL sets I have tried wowed me with their clarity, resolution and just with how they sound overall. Safe to say, most TOTLs sound clinical. The Cadenza is in a different approach though, because the vocals sound so real. I think the focus of Cadenza is making the timbral accuracy as close as it can get to how instruments and vocals sound in real life. The space around them is just so real for me that it always made me pause. Writing this review was really hard because my focus shifts to the emotions of Fuka.....I mean the song.

Another thing the Cadenza excels at is in separation and imaging. There is so much space between instruments and vocals, making tracking notes a breeze.


✅ In the track "fearless" by Taylor, guitar harmonics sounded very good. The strums and plucks were very nuanced.

✅Bruno Mars' vocal reverb was amazing in the track "when I was your man". I was lost for words because I could feel his emotions.

✅In the track "plastic love", instrument separation is really good. At around 20 seconds, the guitars were plucked at the right while the drum bells were rolled, and it was very clear and very discernable.

✅vocal layering is crazy impressive. The vocal melodies are very seamless during chorus of "Flu" by IU

✅in the track "wish you were here" . I have never heard the hi tom that detailed in the intro. It was so realistic in pitch that i can almost discern the tension of the lugs. Crazy right? haha

✅in the track "rich kids" by Polyphia, at around 1:05, two guitars are playing simultaneously, one on the right and the other on the left. And it's quite hard to follow both because they follow the same progression but different in scale. But not with the Cadenza. It was simply crisp and detailed in both right and left channels.

✅another track from Polyphia, the "ABC", the Japanese lines at 1:36 were very discernable as well. I mean, I can also discern this as well with other sets, but not as realistic in tone with the Cadenza.

✅Big Mountain's "carribean blue" was freakin immersive. Vocals is right at the center, and instruments are around my headspace.

✅In the intro of Reona's Birthday , I could hear the male voicing pretty clearly like they are being played from a separate speaker and captured by a different mic, which it should be. I found it to be very surpising.

❌If you are looking for ultra detailed TOTL, it is not this one. There are other options with smooth yet detailed treble response. I am not saying the Cadenza is lacking in that area, but people might want more details when spending this much.

❌If you are looking for a basshead banger, it is not this one either. There may be other TOTLs that handle bass very well, like the Sony Z1R, Vision ears Phonix, or even the Annihilator. The bass of the Cadenza is a bit polite compared to the ones I mentioned.

❌Guitars may lack some edginess and aggrresiveness. Slipknot and metallica riffs weren't as satisfying as other sets. But Surprisingly good on Incubus tracks particularly "nice to know you" , so I don't really know if its a con or not.


-Please be reminded that my scoring is always based on its price range.

TUNING - 2.5
BASS - 3
MIDS - 3
TECHS - 2.5

=14 ( S rank,exceptional, but needs auditioning because of the price tag)

Check my scoring criteria here:

⚜️COMPARISONS on similarly priced TOTLs

⏯️QDC Gemini/ Anole VX


-Both Gemini and VX share the same tonality but thelatter seems to be resolving and hurts the wallet more haha. When compared to Cadenza 12, both the Gemini and VX has more focus in the treble and are digital sounding. The Cadenza sounds more natural and organic, and it seems the vocals are better as well, at least for me. The QDC twins win it on resolution though. They sound more detailed and nuanced in exhange for drier mids.

⏯️Flipears Aurora

-The aurora comes across a bassier set compared to the Cadenza 12. It is a bit similar to fatfreq tonality wherein bass is elevated but with much better resolution and transients. In comparison to the Cadenza, the Aurora comes out to be more engaging and more suited for hiphop and rock. The Cadenza is more balanced and is a better all rounder.


In my unboxing video, I only gave it an A+ because I felt that there was something missing with the Cadenza. They did sound TOTL enough at that time, but it didn't have that last bit to make it to S in my ranking.

Here is my video for that:

However, the longer I listened to them while experimenting with other eartips, I found the right pair and the Cadenza made me shake my head, it could cum lol. I am utterly mesemerized because of how good they are in rendering stage.

This set is really skilled at giving you good music, and just pure music with natural vocal space and proper instrument timbre. Sure they graph weird and it may never pass other targets when looking at FR, that's another story. But just with sheer music indulgence, I applaud the team for creating this beauty. However, this set is not a cheap set. I do not advice blind buying TOTLs. I highly suggest auditioning this set if given the chance.

Letshuoer named the Cadenza "True Virtuoso", which I kind of agree.

They are sooo good that it makes your music ALIVE. :)

WHERE TO BUY(non-affiliate):
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Thank you for the review. I can't wait for my turn!! Lol.
What were the eartips you eventually settled on for the Cadenza 12?
I am using tangzu sancai.. :)
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500+ Head-Fier
LETSHUOER CADENZA 12: The Eminent Virtuoso Performer
Pros: △ A very sturdy titanium alloy shell chassis to ensure high durability.
△ The fact that it is a titanium alloy shell, it is quite light and its UIEM style contours fits well into my lug holes.
△ High quality modular stock cable for termination versatility for different outputs.
△ Inclusions are of high quality.
△ Probably, the best product packaging presentation that I have encounter so far.
△ Balanced to warmish-neutral tuning that is quite very engaging and lively, TOTL-tuning has some of the unique tonal profile.
△ Punchy, sufficient warm bass response yet it is very clean and well-controlled, absolutely no smearing on other frequencies.
△ Adequately warm, evenly textured and immaculate midrange.
△Superbly tremendous vocal projection.
△Sufficiently shimmering and crisp treble quality.
△ Very airy and sparkly treble extension to add up more brilliance and harmonics.
△ Outstanding overall technical performance.
Cons: ▽ Mirror-finish surface of the shells (I hate wiping it out constantly due to dirt and smudges)
▽ To be honest, very pricey and expensive unless you are a deep pocketed audiophile who can wad out on it.
▽ Of all things that a TOTL flagship level IEM product packaging forgot, a mere cleaning tool.
▽ Definitely not for uber-bassheads, and also for dry and analytical connoisseurs.

(Note: TOTL= Top of the line)

Cadenza is a virtuosic performance of a solo performer of a specific musical instrument in a very complex and technically difficult part of a piece of passage on classical music in either orchestra or opera.

Putting a word "Cadenza" on a certain device should exhibit a very competent, meticulous and technically skilled performance with an elan. Will this device that does have a specific model name will even live it out on its name? Let's find out how I will do some assessment and do some thorough testing on this set.

LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 is the latest top of the line flagship model from Letshuoer. Before that product introduction, let me share some information about Letshuoer as a company. LETSHUOER (previously known as Shuoer Acoustics) was established by a group of talented veteran audio professionals in 2016 whose goal is to provide the global audience some high-fidelity audio reproduction gears and to deliver the best possible tuning that audiophiles and casual music lovers could have from their offerings. They were also an OEM company before. The founder and current CEO, Mr. Danny Du (To on their official site) was a former senior engineer of Panasonic and has garnered some decades of experience in audio engineering and manufacturing process. Even his partners and senior staff members in the business are equally experts and veterans in their specific role with particular expertise in the field of audio technology. With these people involved in producing some exquisite and good workmanship of their audio products, we can certainly put our trust in their proficiency to deliver on such quality. They release some products that garner some attention and earn a good reputation from audio enthusiasts with the likes of Shuoer Tape, Shuoer Singer, LETSHUOER S12 and its Pro variant, LETSHUOER EJ07 and LETSHUOER Galileo which I made an initial impression of.


Let's focus on the main point of this review, LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 is a hybrid multi-driver set which is composed of 2 types of transducers, a single dynamic and 11 balanced armature drivers. The said dynamic driver is a 10mm Liquid Silicone Diaphragm which I'm really familiar with as I owned at least 2 IEMs from other brands with the same type of dynamic driver. Liquid Silicone Diaphragm drivers are known to have nimble, very sensitive, good elastic properties and superb transient response due to the combination materials consist of Kevlar and Silicone diaphragm which also perform a good absorption of excess vibration and less distortion. The balanced armature drivers that were implemented along the Liquid Silicone Dynamic Driver are of high quality and deliver a high performance of each specific frequency. These balanced armature drivers that LETSHUOER use to implement on Cadenza 12 are a combination of Knowles and Sonion which are both premium audio solution companies on their respective rights.


These drivers are enclosed in a titanium alloy shell chassis along with an electronic crossover which acts as a frequency divider that segregated into six-parts to give a distinctive timbre of each driver along with 5 acoustic bores that are connected to drivers for the channelling acoustic waves without a hitch and avoiding possible distortion and phase issues.

The titanium alloy shells of Cadenza 12 takes a UIEM-style shape in a well-polished mirror-like surface with some smooth contours of it and they are of a large size given the number of drivers on its internals. We are also aware of the typical properties of titanium alloy: exceptional corrosion resistance, high tensile strength and good thermal conductivity. The overall aesthetics of Cadenza 12 are rather minimalist and utilitarian in my opinion but it gives its character to be presented as intended. The interlocking mechanism that was implemented on this set are recessed 0.78mm 2-pin connectors.


The fitting of this set is actually very comfortable on how it rests well into my lug holes despite its heft on its shell chassis. This is one of the most comfortable metal shell chassis IEMs that I've ever wear in TOTL flagship range along with VE Erlkönig and Noble Audio Katana. As for sealing and insertion, it gives me a good passive isolation as it blocks a substantial amount of external noises from the outside surroundings.


As a TOTL flagship IEM, it should have a premium and high quality cable and LETSHUOER never fail to deliver such exquisite cable. The said cable has 204-strands of 6N Mono-crystalline copper and silver wires in a weaving hybrid pattern construction and it is also of a modular design with detachable stainless steel termination plug and a locking screw mechanism on its metal jacket to provide a good rigidity. The available modular adapters for this cable are 3.5mm single ended, then 2.5mm and 4.4mm which are both unbalanced.



When it comes to product presentation. LETSHUOER provide the most luxurious and premium unboxing experience on their TOTL flagship product. This is the biggest packaging box that I have ever encountered so far for an IEM. It has a big, square-shaped cardboard box with silver coloured-finish. And then inside of it, there's another black-coloured accessories box that reminds me of some jewellery and watch boxes. The contents of the box are presented in a well-organised placement of inclusions.


Here are the contents of the included accessories:

■ a pair of LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 IEMs
■ 3 pairs of Bass ear tips in different standard sizes.
■ 3 pairs of Balanced ear tips in different standard sizes.
■ 3 pairs of Vocal ear tips in different standard sizes (reminds me of Symbio W ones)
■ Cadenza 12 stock modular cable.
■ A Cadenza 12 commemorative copper plaque.
■ 3 types of termination adapters, 2.5mm, 3.5mm and 4.4mm connectors.
■ Cleaning Cloth
■ Warranty Card
■ Instruction Manual
■ Product Postcards


As for amplification and scalability on required power output, even with the amount of drivers that Cadenza 12 has on its internals, this set can be driven well even on devices with decent power output. But putting them in better sources will give you a very good amplitude level and it sounds very dynamic and fuller within its frequency range spectrum. I've tested the Cadenza 12 on my different devices from LG smartphones to USB DAC dongles.


Regarding its tonality, LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 has a balanced-neutral to warmish-neutral sound profile that gives a more organic yet very detailed sound. It has more emphasis on midrange and treble with some ample presence of bass.


(This graph was provided by @koyawmohabal a.k.a Practiphile)

Here are some of my observations on its sound characteristics from each frequency range.


The bass of Cadenza 12 is rather balanced in the overall sound presentation. It has a sufficient slam, incisive and clean as it segregates well and it doesn't smear to other frequency regions.

It shows a good quality amount of sub bass as it rumbles and reverberates if a sub bass-laden track needs it. From drum machines, low pitched bass guitars and synthesisers from classic rock to synth-pop tracks, I discerningly felt those low registered pitches.

Mid bass have satisfactory texture to give an ample body on instruments like violas, bass guitars, bass drums kicks and vocals like bass-baritones. Bass guitars have that resonant and earthy sound that gives a growl and abrasiveness especially of Patricia Morrison's line on Sisters of Mercy's "Lucretia, My Reflection", while violas sound very sonorous and warming in my ears on how its resonant sound evokes gloomy and intense feelings. On bass drum kicks, it sounds so resonant with sufficient thudding. And for bass baritones, it has decent deep and sufficient power to give that weight on vocals that I was still able to enjoy the voices of Barry White and Andrew Eldritch of Sister of Mercy.

This is not definitely a basshead's bass quantity but a more quality bass for a reference type of listener.


This particular frequency region is one of the highlights of this set. It has a sufficient warm, smooth, pristine and detailed sound to give a substantial note weight, almost tonally precise and clarity on both male and female vocals. On male vocals, baritones have this velvety and lushness on them as listen to Eric Clapton and Lenny Kravitz. Then on countertenors, it has this smooth and yet fiery sound with the likes of Rob Halford of Judas Priest and Elton John. Moreover, on tenors, lyrical types has a clear and bright on how Freddie Mercury, Justin Timberlake and The Eagles' Don Henley belted out their vocal prowess to sound more brassy and dazzling, more ringy, robust and intensely powerful dramatic tenors like Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo. On females vocals, contraltos like Tracy Chapman and Annie Lennox have this "chesty", dark and smoky trait on their vocals. And then, on Mezzo-sopranos, they have this soothing, smooth and velvety sound that is quite very comforting and lucious to my ears especially on vocals like Andrea Corr, Deborah Harry of Blondie and Belinda Carlisle of The Go-Go's. And the last type of female vocals, the sopranos has this sweet, light and silvery sound on lyrical types like Alison Krauss and Mariah, then a more emotive, rich and darker tone of typical dramatic types like Tarja Turunen and then, the coloratura ones like Diana Damrau and Olga Peretyatko has these agile, shimmering, rangy and airy quality on their impressive vocal range. The vocal rendition of the Cadenza 12 was its strongest asset that few IEMs even were able to match its accuracy, transparency and intricacy.

Almost all classes of instruments that I have tested here have a correct tonal colour that is quite very natural sounding. Strings like acoustic guitars have this crisp and lingering tone that I was able to hear the plucking, and a vibrant and eloquence of violin on every motion of the bow string along with the finger notation. Brass instruments like trombones have this "dramatic", intensity and eruptive sound while trumpets have this substantial, fuller, brilliant and vivid sound depending on the type of register tone. Woodwinds like flutes have airy, silvery and poetic features and saxophones have sonorous, lively and reedy sounds on them. Then on percussive, toms have this hard, deep and resonant sound, then a sharper and precise sound of snare drums. On Celeste, it has this ethereal and shimmering sound to give that distinct "heavenly" sound. And last but not the least, Pianos are very balanced sounding, it has a warmth and luscious at the same time, a tad brighter tone.


Treble has definitely more emphasis on this one in the overall frequency range spectrum. It has elevated upper mids to the presence part of the treble region. And then a tad gradual slope to give that smoothness and ascending gently on the brilliance part to give that sense of air and sparkle. This is a well-done treble quality, with a good amount of shimmer to give a more definition on details yet it has those smooth response to avoid any unnecessary harshness and sibilance.

Cymbals sound so natural that they are lustrous and resonant sounding with a good dose of sizzle to give a more airy sound and doesn't sound too splashy at all. Cadenza 12 does indeed have a well-extended treble air. Even the hi-hats sound very life-like in that aspect, its recognisable timbre has a short, buzzing dull sound.

This is quite a unique sound for a treble-focus sound signature that might be tolerable to some treble sensitives.


As a TOTL IEM, it is given that it should have the best possible technical performance, and Cadenza 12 didn't fail to deliver it. It has a good spacious sound field dimensions, above-average to wide on width on which I think there are some other TOTLs sets that are a bit wider than this set. It also has a remarkable height ceiling and impressive depth that it has good distance between front to back. Overall, it gives me a sense of a decently spacious head room as I able to perceive them.

Imaging was presented in an immersive 3D-like presentation in which I was able to locate the placements of instruments and vocals in an utmost pinpoint precision with its spatial confines. It has impressive separation on how it sets apart each element like instruments and voices to give its own distinctive outline of frequency and dynamic layering in the sonic canvas. In that aspect, even the most complex, multi-instrumental tracks will be able to have pristine and the handling of each specific instrument very stable without any issues like sounding veiled and disarray.

The drivers inside of Cadenza 12 perform perfectly on how they deliver a cohesive and homogenous sound that the envelope of sound quality perfectly matches it. It has fast transients, better time alignment performance (for a portable audio equipment) and phasing issue is non-existent.

In resolution capabilities, both macro-dynamics and micro-detail retrieval are remarkably impressive. It has a very solid and corporeal layout on its macro-dynamics and a clear-cut of recovering some nuances and subtle datas and information in a track on a pitch-black sonic canvas.

As for tonal colour, it takes a more organic, a tad warmer approach to give a more natural, clean analogue sound than being dry and too analytical.


Effect Audio X Elysian Gaea


■ Gaea is actually much cheaper as it costs about US$1300 if my memory serves right about its pricing. Like Cadenza 12, it is also a hybrid driver set but in lesser quantity as it has only 1 DD and 4 Sonion BAs along with a proprietary venting system on it. Its shells are also large and its made of composite materials consist of resin and laminated wood and it is pretty much more of a looker and very eye-pleasing than a utilitarian look of Cadenza 12. It has a proprietary MMCX variant connector which make the cable swapping a bit more complicated.

■ Gaea takes a more safer tuning approach which is a U-shape sound signature that is slightly more improvement on a typical Harman curve. It has more sub bass focus bass region as it is fast and well controlled, a bit recessed but transparent, leaner, neutral midrange and an upper mids emphasis to give a definition and more energetic but in some tracks, it has noticeable sibilance. It's a bit too bright in my opinion in some instances.

■ On technical side of things, I put the Gaea in above average category, it has an above average sound/speaker stage, a spot on quality imaging, separation and layering but on timbre, they are not the most natural sounding due its bright U-shaped tonality that they are a bit unnatural in my ears.

Unique Melody Mason FuSang

20221113_114530 (1).jpg

■ Mason FuSang is also a hybrid multi-driver IEM albeit instead of a typical dynamic driver, it uses a Bone Conduction System driver. Its shells are made of composite materials made of medical-grade resin and carbon fibre and it has a very eye-pleasing aesthetic design on its faceplate. The stock cable is an 8-core, 24AWG OCC Litz cable. And this IEM is x2 more pricey than Cadenza 12.

■ Mason FuSang's sound profile is more of balance-neutral tuning. It has a more punch and deep lows, an even more texture, even more immaculate and yet neutral midrange and more airier treble. This is the set the really replaces my all-time favourite IEM of all time as the eminence one.

■ Mason FuSang has the widest staging for a hybrid, multi-driver that I've ever heard and if compared to Cadenza 12, the latter will even sound narrower in comparison. Then from imaging to layering, they have almost the same performance. The timbre of Mason FuSang is equally natural but it has a trait of being clinical sounding too.

FiR Audio NE4


■ Like Cadenza 12, NE4 is a multi-driver hybrid set but with lesser numbers of balanced armatures. It has a 10mm self-developed dynamic driver and 3 custom-made balanced armature drivers for each frequency range. Another unique featurs of NE4 is that it has a proprietary "Kinetic Bass Port" as it has a large vent hole on it for better bass response and another vent system to eliminate driver flexes. The shells of NE4 is made of CNC-milled aluminium alloy on its cavity bass and a sapphire glass on its face plate which has good resistance to scratches and of high strength with good thermal conductivity.

■ NE4 has balanced-neutral sound signature as it has satisfying slam on the lows, a balanced and a tad warmer midrange with some sense of transparency that is quite impressive on vocal tracking and the treble is rather on a balanced side but notably it has a sufficient air on the brilliance part.

■ It has a spacious head room due to wide soundstage, good depth and height reach but the imaging is rather a 2-dimensional stereo panning is a bit linear. It has a good separation of elements and decent spacing of frequency and dynamic layering but it will be a bit unrefined compared to Cadenza 12.

As I concluded this review article, with my analysis on this product for a few days, LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 is definitely has a TOTL-level tuning and technical performance. This is not an analytical set that audio detail eccentrics that will fall in love upon as it is not a clinical sounding set that will dissect every frequencies and layer of a music track but it is leaning towards on musicality that it should sound very natural and tonally accurate as best possible to be more engaging on both audio enthusiast and casual listeners alike without compromises due to altering the intended sound reproduction.

To be honest, I can't still imagine that how fortunate am I, that I was able to put up a full assessment on a TOTL flagship product on this site. I am no stranger of TOTL IEMs as I was able to test some of the best sets in the high midrange to high-end segment before but the duration of time was quite short and I feel unsatisfied and hungry for more high-fidelity pleasure. Having a LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 in my possession even for a short time was indeed a bliss and this is probably one of the happiest moment in my quest of pursuing the wonders of audio technology.

The LETSHUOER CADENZA 12 is currently available at [HIFIGO]. You can check it out if you are interested. Non-affilliated link guaranteed.



PLUG TYPE: 3.5mm

Some Tracks Tested: ( * = 16-bit FLAC, ** = 24-bit FLAC, *'* = MQA, '*' = DSD, *'= .WAV)

Alison Krauss -When You Say Nothing At All *
Jade Wiedlin - Blue Kiss**
Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks **
Mountain - Mississippi Queen *
Queen - Killer Queen **
Guns N' Roses - Patience *'*
Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven '*'
Sergio Mendes- Never Gonna Let You Go '*'
Pearl Jam - Daughter **
Roselia - Hidamari Rhodonite *
Assassin - Fight (To Stop The Tyranny)*
Celtic Frost- Visual Aggression *
New Order - Blue Monday *
The Corrs- What Can I do (unplugged version) *
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child *
The Madness- Buggy Trousers *
Metallica - Motorbreath **
Mariah Carey- Always Be My Baby *
Destiny's Child - Say My Name *
Malice Mizer- Au Revoir *
Mozart - Lacrimosa *
New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Dvorak- Symphony 9 " From the New World." *
Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold (Sting cover)*
Michael Jackson - Give In To Me *
Exciter - Violence and Force *
Diana Krall - Stop This World **
Debbie Gibson - Foolish Beat *'*
The Sisters of Mercy – Lucretia My Reflection**
Suzanne Vega – Luka **
Lauren Christy – Steep *
Ottoman Mehter - Hucum Marsi *
Diana Damrau - Mozart: Die Zauberflöte*


I am not affiliated to LETSHUOER nor receive monetary incentives and financial gains as they provide me a review unit for an exchange of factual and sincere feedback from yours truly.

Once again, I would like to send my gratitude to HIFIGO especially to MS. YUMU SONG and MS. LVY YAN. And I also say thanks to NEIL NIÑO CLARK a.k.a @koyawmohabal for providing this review unit. I truly appreciate their generosity and trust towards me and other reviewers.

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Steven Mc Towelie

New Head-Fier
New Flagship from LETSHUOER
Pros: Sound
Cons: Price
I write here my first review, so please bear with me. In a German forum I organize for a few years so-called round trips with headphones and IEMs. A huge thanks go to Hifi-Passion, who kindly provided us with this insane IEM from Letshuoer, like by the way so many other IEMs before.


The IEM was provided to us on loan and there are no conditions on how the reviews have to turn out.

Packaging and accessories:
Normally this is not something I am interested in, but here it just has to be appreciated.


The Cadenza 12 comes in a black casket, which by the way, with the help of the included dividers, you can later turn into a transport/storage box, very nice idea.


In the box, of course, you first find the two earpieces, which look like liquid chrome, they are made of a titanium alloy and look really cool.

The earpieces themselves are equipped with 6 drivers each, hence the 12 in the name. There are Ergonomic TI chassis, LSS Kevlar DD, Knowles BA, Sonion BA together with a 6 way crossover.


Next you find a fine leather transport box, in which you also find the cable, next to that you find a In my opinion, unfortunately, completely superfluous metal object, where the sense behind it has not yet opened up to me.

If you take out the part with the earpieces, you will find a large selection of tips, silicone and also foam.

As expected in this price range and actually also a prerequisite, very good, the earpieces look very homogeneous and also feel like that, everything is top here.


The cable also makes a very high-quality impression, although a bit stiff, the interchangeable connectors are screwed, not simply plugged, as with some other cables, and also give the impression, here one has not looked at the cent.


It took a while until I had the courage to take out the earpieces, plug in the cable and then hear the first sounds with it, I had some jitters that they do not hold what the price suggests, because let's face it, in the so-called high-end also cavort many blenders, not so here with the Cadenza12, here you can really hear every penny that was invested also in the final product.

The sound:
Hammer, madness, wonderful, to cry.

Absolutely unbelievable, I had found my favorite IEM in the Thieaudio Monarch Mk2, but after a few tones with the Cadenza suddenly landed in the district league.
If you listen with the Monarch Mk2, you hear very good sounds, a balanced tonal tuning, all in all, it's just beautiful and coherent, at least for me, it was, it still is.

With the Letshuoer, however, another dimension is added to old familiar music titles, or rather the IEM gets them out of the overlay of the other sounds. I had the feeling, all instruments and singers were recorded with several microphones, everything seemed more plastic, but just smaller background noises/sounds were accurately represented.

You know that sometimes from remastered albums, there is a rattle, which actually played very quietly in the background, suddenly made louder, What is annoying with remasterings is completely different here, you can now hear the rattle exactly, but not louder, but just more precise. While with other IEMs you hear 10 tracks from the control desk, here with the Letshuoer all 184 controls are up, every voice, every instrument and every effect gets a space around it, a separation I haven't heard before.

I always have a bit of a hard time determining the stage, it depends mostly on the sound engineer of the music in question, I would say that the stage is normal here, but I find the depth better than with most IEMs.

So you can tell, I find the IEM not so bad :wink:

I have meanwhile test music that I have heard since my apprenticeship as a salesman for hi-fi equipment in the mid-80s, on hundreds of speakers and headphones, such as Joe Jackson's Body and Soul, the first album of the same name by Dire Straits, Massive Attack etc. etc., but for example with the album Laughing Stock by Talk Talk, which I really know by heart, with the Cadenza I had the feeling of hearing the record for the first time, and almost in 3D.

The Cadenza12 is very realistic and naturally tuned, a bit bright perhaps, but never shrill or sibilant, velvety, smooth and yet clear, everything is where the dear Hifi God wanted it to be.

Bass is a boon to my ears, always present, never intrusive and when it has to, there is real thunder, such as on Daft Punk's Throne soundtrack, or some tracks by Massive Attack.

I always have a hard time with flowery descriptors for sound, but here the bass is black, the mids flow smoothly and all the curtains in front of the treble are gone.

The IEM must be heard, I'm already very curious about the Penon Impact, whether the can similarly inspire, play both probably from the tuning and the price in a league.

What do I do now with the experience, I was but not so long ago not ready to spend more than 1000€ for a pair of small earphones, but the Letshuoer Cadenza12 has shown me that you really get something for your money, to what extent you have to afford it, everyone can only decide for themselves.

But here again the cons summarized, so that at least something negative comes out with this review:

- They are not small IEMs
- Sound tubes a bit thick
- Cable a bit stiff
- Price is tiny little bit high


So if you're looking for an IEM in this price range, or are willing to spend that kind of money on it and aren't looking for an esoteric tuning, should definitely listen to the Letshuoer Cadenza 12, I can imagine very well, he will find many friends

I am now looking on the dark net for a buyer for my left kidney...


1000+ Head-Fier
A Safe and Enjoyable TOTL
Pros: Neutral-warm tuning works well with everything. Great detail retrieval. Nice set of accessories included
Cons: Neutral tuning isn’t overly exciting, Price

I really liked the S12 from Letshuoer but I’ve honestly had little interest in checking out some of their mid-range IEMs. When I was asked about checking out a future flagship, I was interested to see what they could produce given the hybrid setup and design I was told about. The Cadenza 12 is a 12 driver hybrid using a single dynamic driver and a mix of Knowles and Sonion balanced armature drives(11 in total). The Price for this shiny little IEM is $2299 MSRP and $2099 for pre-order at the moment. While I’ll have some thoughts on the price later on, time to get into the review!!

Quick shoutout to Joseph from Letshuoer for letting me borrow the Cadenza 12(for a whole month!!) to both check out and review. While I always appreciate the chance to test and review products sent in from manufacturers or dealers, it never affects the rating of my reviews.

The Cadenza 12 can be picked up direct from Letshuoer or from HiFiGo as well. I’ll be linking Letshuoer below.

Discussion thread below as well

Onto the review of the Letshuoer Cadenza 12! My personal preference is a hybrid/tribrid IEM where I get good hitting bass and have a detailed treble with decent mids. When it comes to an over ear headphone I prefer a spacious sound with a deep low end, the mids to be more forward and the highs to be a little bright with some sparkle. I listen to a lot of genres but I hover in the classic rock, blues and edm music with some rap here and there.

Gear Used​

IPhone 14 Pro Max with headphone adapter, THIEAUDIO V16 Divinity, EA Gaea, Hiby R6 III and SMSL SU-9 feeding the SP400 amp.

Looks and fit​

This is a somewhat boring shell design to my eyes. I will note this is a high quality feeling shell with good balance in terms of weight both in the hand and in ear. The shell is titanium and is polished to a mirror finish. This has survived pretty well with over a month of heavy usage both at work and back home. I consider myself to be pretty gentle on my audio gear in general but I’m happy how well the finish has held up. The fitment was great and the nozzle has an intense ~90 degree bend but it fits perfectly in my ears with my preferred spinfit W1 tips. I think the nozzle is a little on the thicker side but I found no comfort issues when using it at work or at home for long periods of time(more than three hours at once). The weight in the ear doesn’t feel heavy and overall I like the comfort. This has definitely been one of my favorite fitting IEMs. I would have personally preferred a matte finish or dark polished color to offset the eventual scratches I will cause to the finish but I’m a little picky about this kinda stuff.

Isolation and sound leakage​

This shell is darn close to a sealed design. It has one tiny pin hole vent per shell and I do my sound leakage test via holding my fingers on the nozzles and only listening from arms length for any volume leaking from the vents. In this case, barely any volume leakage even at my preferred volume. The passive Isolation is pretty good and with my ear shape, I barely hear any outside noise. I would say these would work great in quieter environments.

Packaging and accessories​

So the leather looking box it comes in acts as a 4 way partition style carrying case which is pretty neat. When you open the box up, you’re greeted with the IEMs and a little mini envelope containing the basic warranty cards, cleaning cloth and a showcase of Letshuoer’s current IEM and dongle lineup. Under those we have the adjustable partition slabs and three different styles of tips included. We get some bass tips, balanced tips and some Symbio W looking tips. Which are the silicone outer material with memory foam inside. We also get a really awesome compact case that is wrapped in grey leather or leather like material. It locks in via magnet when closed and feels ultra nice and it’s not obnoxiously big and I’m a huge fan of this case. We also get a stand/slab design of the Letshuoer mascot. I don’t remember if this is supposed to be a dog or frog but still an interesting addition to have. Better than another typical waifu I suppose. I found the usefulness of the case and the included accessories(not including the mascot thing) very useful and I like that we're making the most out of the box it comes with instead of being wasteful.


These final impressions were done off the SMSL SU-9 connected to the SMSL SP400. These impressions are what the Cadenza 12 sounded like to my ears. This was also using the Spinfit W1 tips. I went with the W1 since they included a bunch of different style tips and while those were all fine, I got the best comfort as usual with the Spinfit tips and the W1 is my current favorite fitting tip for my ears. Things like ear tip selection and DAC/amp selection will produce different results and impressions vs what my ears hear on my specific gear.

The Cadenza goes for a safe and neutral-ish tuning. I would call this a neutral to warm tuning or even just neutral with a good bass boost type of tuning. The bass has really good impact/slam and it reaches down pretty low. The bass also has a fullness to the sound and doesn’t sound lean or thin which I always enjoy. I wouldn’t call this a basshead style of bass though. The bass just sounds strong but well controlled without any bleed into the mids. The mids are pretty accurate and this actually sounds pretty neutral. Nothing exciting from instruments and I found the speed and decay to be pretty average. I prefer this to a slower sounding set of mids. Vocals are very detailed and probably the star of the show here. Both male and female vocals come in fairly smooth but detailed. Vocals feel a little more intimate and I found they fill up a lot of the center stage and feel very natural. I was very happy with the performance here. The upper mids do have a slight boost and I find it extremely tasteful given my love and hate relationship with upper mids and IEMs. The upper mids sound fast and detailed as it breaks into the treble. This definitely helps as the treble is a little more safe and slightly relaxed sounding. The treble still sounds accurate and it pulls in details really well. It just lacks a little sparkle and bite. I think the decay could be a little faster up top in general. This does make the Cadenza 12 sound like it lacks just a little sharpness. I still find it sounds airy even though it’s not really boosted. Overall I really like this tuning. While maybe not special, I find it very good at everything I listen to.


This is a pretty balanced soundstage to my ears. I find it's the widest and deepest sounding stage compared to what I have on hand IEM wise at the moment but since it’s a balanced stage, It lacks any neat effect when listening to music. I did find that the imaging was rather great and I had zero issues picking up on instruments with busy tracks. Including a few things I couldn’t pick up with a few of my mid $1K IEMs.


I don’t find the Cadenza 12 hard to drive and I would say it's about on average with other hybrid IEMs. It isn’t super sensitive either so I didn’t pick up any hiss from any of my balanced sources which is always enjoyable. I’m mostly using this on my SMSL stack and Hiby R6 III without any issues volume wise.

Stock cable​

The stock cable has a half sleeve design. As someone who was a huge fan of older Null Audio cables that used half sleeve nylon cables, I absolutely love this design. It has a not overly stiff nylon sleeve up to the split which then exposes the really nice sleeved hybrid copper and silver strands. The plug is using the same quick swap style plug system Effect Audio and a few other companies use which is probably my favorite system currently. It requires you unscrew the plug housing and then the plug can be pulled out and swapped to other options. I prefer a strong locking system so this and DUNU’s QD plug system are my favorite. I really like the design and weight of this stock cable. I honestly wouldn’t swap them unless you had a preferred cable to pair to it.

Personal gripes with the Cadenza 12​

I think my only two complaints with the Cadenza 12 are the shell design and price.

The shell is polished titanium so it will get scratched up from regular use which is a bummer for someone like me but others might not care. The shells slip out of my hands easily too after a few days due to the oils from my fingers and ears causing them to be slippery. Once again, a small complaint.

Finally, the biggest thing for me is the price. This IEM is getting a 5 star review since I genuinely enjoy the tuning and design but I’m still gonna complain about the price a little. I wanted the Cadenza 12 to launch at $2000 or right under $2K ideally. There are a few situations where the Cadenza 12 can actually be had close to my preferred price right now via pre orders till the 14th of March which will get it right at $2099. I do believe Letshuoer also does discounts for their VIP newsletter but I didn’t confirm whether those discounts work as well.

IEM comparisons​

THIEAUDIO V16 Divinity​

The V16 is my absolute favorite warm IEM and it performs really well for an all BA design. It however doesn’t quite meet the Cadenza 12 in terms of overall performance which is a real bummer since it’s a favorite IEM of mine. The bass is strong on both IEMs but the Cadenza 12 has more bass impact and it just sounds a little more engaging. The mids on both have a more neutral sound but I find the Cadenza has just a bit more accuracy from both the instruments and vocals. The V16 is just smoother all around in this region however. The upper mids on the Cadenza brings out a little more energy that the V16 can’t match. The Cadenza 12 can get a little hot if a song has an intense upper mid boost in the song which the V16 doesn’t have issues with ever. The treble on both are more relaxed but after A/B testing both back to back, the V16 sounds a little hazy and pulled back. I think this was what bummed me out. Both sound pretty close but the Cadenza 12 really excels in bringing in more details even though it doesn’t have a strong treble performance. Both are wider sounding but the V16 has more depth than width which make it sound unique on some tracks. The Cadenza is also very good, it just has a more balanced stage and does everything well. Both are extremely good IEMs in my book and if I had to choose between both, I would pick the Cadenza 12.

Effect Audio x Elysian Audio Gaea​

The Gaea is almost half the price of the Cadenza 12 and both have very different attempts at tuning but I thought it would be a good comparison to another favorite of mine. The bass on the Cadenza sounds like a super clean basshead IEM when A/B tested against the Gaea and it’s quite a difference in tuning and DD driver performance. The Gaea isn’t bad at bass it just has a very controlled bass with decent impact on its own. The mids are way faster and sharper on the Gaea and the Cadenza 12 really goes for accuracy instead of perceived detail from enhanced speed. The vocals on both are very detailed but the Cadenza wins with natural vocals. The upper mids are stronger on the Gaea but once we hit the treble the Gaea goes all in on speed, sharpness and treble energy. I think this works very well in helping with perceived detail retrieval given the $1.3k price of the Gaea. When it comes to overall detail retrieval and resolution however, the Cadenza 12 while not nearly as intense as the Gaea, really pulls in way more details over the Gaea. I find the Gaea a really neat IEM to listen to though. The staging on both is good but the Gaea is like the V16 Divinity and it has a deeper staging so the unbalanced stage does give a neat effect on some tracks over the Cadenza 12’s balanced stage.

Amping Combinations​

Hiby R6 III DAP​

I find the R6 III a somewhat neutral-bright source so I actually really liked this pairing overall. The lows are still strong and the mids sounded laser accurate. I found the vocals came off a little artificial at times with this pairing but it took effort to pick that out over other source gear. The R6 III has a small but noticeable “Sabre Glare” so it helped in this case by adding a little extra sharpness and spice up in the treble area which I found tasteful. Staging was about on par with my desktop impressions above. I had no issues with volume and I was around 55/100 max volume on low gain via the 4.4mm jack. Overall I think this is a very good pairing with the Cadenza 12.

SMSL SU-9/SP400​

This stack is what I base my sound impressions on with every review. Do I think the Cadenza 12 needs a mid-higher end desktop setup to sound good? No in this case and while I did like this pairing overall, I think something even like a simple dongle will get you 85-90 percent of the way to a good performance out of the Cadenza 12. I consider anything above 32/99 volume on my SP400 amp harder to drive for IEMs and the Cadenza 12 sat around 26-28/99 volume so not hard to drive at all.

Overall thoughts​

I think at the end of the day, anyone who listens to the Cadenza 12 will have the same reaction of “Wow! This is really good”. I do worry that most people who have lots of experience with higher end IEMs will come to the same conclusion I did…. Which is that the Cadenza 12 is really good and competitive but it’s not super unique sounding given the price and I believe this is simply due to the safe tuning they went with. I think this works really well as an all rounder and especially for the people who listen to a wide variety of music genres who don’t want to have multiple IEMs for each genre. This is very much a “buy it once and never worry about anything else ever again” type of IEM. While it may seem like I’m being harsh on the Cadenza 12, I really like this IEM and it has been one of my favorite IEMs in recent times. As such, it gets a full recommendation but I think price will be the big thing here. I would like to see this sell right at $2000-2100 instead of the $2299 MSRP. This can be had for a little less during pre-orders but this still remains a really high priced TOTL(to me anyways). I’m hoping it sells well enough though and that it stays relevant for more than a month or two after the reviews start popping up. While not the most unique flagship, this does everything right and I’m very interested to see what Letshuoer can do next. Thanks for reading!!
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Do they gather micro scratches like Kato's mirror finish does? Also, do they feel cold to the touch when inserting in to ear??
They do feel cold to the touch like other metal IEMs
My unit does have a little bit of micro scratches showing but I’ve been using them on the go but I really have to look to notice them. The pics I took in my review were after a month of usage.

It can feel cool to the touch when putting them in the ears if they’ve been in a cold place. At home where they stay in a 68 degrees room, no coldness when inserting them.
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