Reviews by Pingupenguins


Member of the Trade: BTG Audio / Q Audio
Pros: Best portable I've ever heard
Cons: Typical On-ear gripe. Hard to wear over a long time
So I got these used from another head-fi member for $220 shipping. EPIC WIN! I also won some HD25's from Razordog Deals back in June, so I get to compare the two!
I'm not into writing huge reviews since I don't consider myself to have "golden ears". I'll just say that the HD25's had horrible comfort issues and I hate the plastic build. The DT1350 are much more comfortable, but still have the typical over-ear issues. Pain after prolonged use.
The main thing I noticed was less of the treble sparkle on the DT1350's vs the HD25's. I like this because I hate piercing sparkle. Another thing I noticed is how the Dt1350 have more impact on the bass than the HD25's. I'd give the edge to the Hd25's for electronic, but for everything else, the DT1350 delivers.
That's my review. Short and sweet.


Member of the Trade: BTG Audio / Q Audio
Pros: Better direct amp than a iPod touch better battery life, compact
Cons: Noise, complicated user interface, pretty glitchy.
I've had my Zune for over a year now and I do still enjoy it greatly. This June I finally got a good pair of headphones and ever since have been beefing up my audio equipment. 
The zune can drive headphones directly better than the iPod touch (used to have audio jack broke 2 times). Problems arise when you begin using amps because the amp multiply the sound. including noise which is a problem for me on my Zune. Unlike iPhones or anything like that though. This thing is a brick. I've dropped this sucked more times than i care to imagine without a case and its still a champ. In that sense its better than a iPod, but If you don't care about durability in a portable setup. Go buy an iPod. If you want a brick. Get a zune.


Member of the Trade: BTG Audio / Q Audio
Pros: Style with comfort WITH sound!
Cons: Surroundings leak into the experience sometimes. Sounds like crap until broken in.
I got the Brown ones from They are very stylish, light, soft, and comfortable. I know Skullcandy gets a lot of flack from Audiophiles but for style and sound. I don't know anything like it.
Now my first impressions were very bad. When I put these on. I could notice great range and I heard things that I never heard with my Skullcandy Titan's, but I could no detect too much difference between the two. This disappointed me GREATLY. Bottom line: They sound like CRAP out of box and I've read many reviews before buying these headphones and 50% turn them away out of the box. And who can blame them! They sound like CRAP!
Now, this was a big purchase for me and I am new to the whole, Audio realm thing ya'll got going here. I read some great reviews by 2 noted audiophiles. Jude of Head-fi and Tyll Hertsens of InnerFidelity. So I stuck with the Aviators and "broke them in". I did this not by letting them play all day and all night, but by listening to them constantly. Yes, I did do one all nighter leaving them play while I slept but I also slept with them on a few nights because of their comfort. And what do you know. When I went back to my Titans, they started to sound cheap and pathetic when I once preferred them over the Aviators. 
So in conclusion, I think that people should not pass up Skullcandy's attempt into legitimate sound quality because people preferentially sidestep the name. Try these for yourself, don't let the status quo lead you. Blaze your own trail. They might not have WOW factor off the get go but they will wow you later on. Burn em in and enjoy them!
It's been quite a few months since I've had these and in that time. I've had the opportunity to listen to some amazing phones when I re-cabled them. Specifically the Beyerdynamic DT770.
Now I compared these two and I can honestly say I like the Aviators as a all around package. I did not like the fit of the Beyer's and the bass gave me headaches. When I switched to the Aviators, I noticed the narrowness of the sound stage compared to the Beyer's. Both are superb but I still love the fit and feel of my Aviators. SQ wise, both are sameish, if you get over the bass on the DT770 it would sound better, but I enjoy my bass deficient Aviators.
Anyway just a update!
I had the same experience, but with the iBuds => HD 25-1 II. To the inexperienced listener, huge quality bumps might not look "worth it" at first, specially if one is coming from crap. That's because you are taught to expect a world changing difference from $20 to $200 and while the difference is there, when you listen to quality for the first time, you can't notice (well, I couldn't) it at first. How come I paid 1000% more and can barely hear a difference? Are my ears bad? However, like all good things, quality is an habit. When you spend weeks listening to the good stuff and go back to iBuds or similar...., well, you just can't stand it anymore. I would rather go without music now than listening to anything<$80, and when I got my HD 25-1, I could hardly ABX them from $30 IEMs.

My take is that hi-fi is for everyone, but you need to train your ears first. And it's definitely worth it :)!
Yup. I think that burning the Aviators in is a must because I have read multiple reviews about users loving the in store sound then ordering them to be completely disappointed. If I remember the review I will post it.
Thanks for reading Cain!
Totally agreed. I was somewhat disappointed by my Aviators at first (not unduly so, but it just wasn't as wowing as I thought it would be) but looking back on my old Skullcandy/iBuds, the Aviators are a HUGE step up. And my brother just got new Aviators and doing a comparison, these are definitely headphones that need breaking/burning in.


Member of the Trade: BTG Audio / Q Audio
Pros: Durability
Cons: Better things out there.
I compared these headphones to Titan. FMJ offers thicker bass if you are looking for that and I have heard from numorous sources that the FMJ's last a longer time as compared to the Titan. But I would rather scarifice durability for quality and personally my Titans have lasted longer than the FMJs.
FMJ's lack comfort because of their long design. The noise generated by cord and other noise is greatly dampened. Titans don't offer as much noise isolation so I suppose the FMJ's are better for sports. Thumping bass to keep rhythm and noise isolation to disguise your weary panting from fatigue. But for easy listeners. Ones on a long ride or just chillin at home relaxing with tunes. The time when audio quality is actually critical. Titans are the better buy.
Conclusion: FMJ is not for the audiophile, but would fit just right in the work out scene. A better buy for quality is Titan. 


Member of the Trade: BTG Audio / Q Audio
Pros: Quick easy good value
Cons: poor quality won't last long.
I had these and they lasted a month. Turned them into Skullcandy for store credit and bought myself a second pair of Titan's. :)
Anyway Riots offer better audio quality, style, durability than Ink'd. I originally bought these using Skullcandy's warranty plan after buying a pair of Ink'd before. So I only paid $3 for shipping. These also offer a aluminium housing as opposed to only plastic. I have found that both the Ink'd and Riot have problems at the jack where after caring use they still lost one side of audio after a month. Though the Riot lasted about 1 and half while the Ink'd lasted 3 weeks. 
Moral of the story, Riot is a great value you can keep sending them in on Skullcandy's tab, but take the leap of faith and get Titan.


Member of the Trade: BTG Audio / Q Audio
Pros: Warranty and Price
Cons: Like most Skullcandy's, quality for style.
I have tested all of the in-ear headphones that Skullcandy has to offer. I have done this through the very good lifetime warranty plan offered by Skullcandy. I own a pair of 2011 Red/Black Titans and by far they have the best tone, in my opinion, of all the Skullcandy in-ear headphones. Both FMJ and 50/50 offer rich bass. If you are looking for bass then thats what your need. Personally my Titans lasted longer than my friend's FMJ's.
Titans offer the best tone and the only reason I buy Skullcandy is because of their warranty. I am no audiophile, but I seek good quality and Titan's offer they best that Skullcandy can offer. I have been told there are better headphones out there, but Titan's offer style and sound with a warranty plan that cannot be beat.
If your looking for pure quality look some where else, but if you like knowing whenever your headphones break you can replace them. I'd take that anyday.
i have tried a LOT of scullcandies as well, but never knew about any warrantee. i always break them within the first few months that i have them...
