Recent content by Jmop
  1. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Does the bass sound coherent with the rest of the signature then or would the FA19 not be your first pick for that type of thing?
  2. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Idk about you, but the Storm most definitely does not have a $5000 graph aha, but people are liking it so what do I know.
  3. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Lol was it you who had only the Storm as the top IEM?
  4. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    I’m liking the FA19 for cleaner bass and cleaner upper mids based on graphs if I have that right? I figure the 5k energy doesn’t feel too prominent due to that upper treble peak.
  5. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Frequency response isn’t everything, but it is when the response looks like the Trifecta :yum:
  6. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    TTROMSO goin back to Amazon. I rec it, go balanced if you wanna fix the ‘muddy’ quality of the bass, though I would say it’s more of a texture thing rather than the bass actually being loose. Just need to narrow down the gear I bought recently, I can’t see myself using this all that often. Upper...
  7. Jmop

    final E2000 & E3000 - Impressions Thread

    Where can I find the E3000T?
  8. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Lol at nihilistic.
  9. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Fun name, graph looks nice if a bit sub bassy for my taste. Good lookin out!
  10. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    What?? Where can I buy this?
  11. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Ok, lower treble can be a bit raw on the Orca, not sure if it’s the channel imbalance shown on Monk’s graph. I still like this fuller sounding treble compared to Polaris though. Wide stage, nice bass and mids.
  12. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    They shoulda done open back with the Orca’s faceplate design, a missed opportunity.
  13. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Do I really need to explain how the Orca sounds at this price? Just buy them, they are good. Am currently listening to the orientation with the most air, 1up 2down 3down.
  14. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Looks like we’re on the same page, my Orca should have arrived by today, will listen tonight.
  15. Jmop

    The discovery thread!

    Next level. Now we need the reverse.