Head Gear Reviews by Ceeluh7
  1. SIMGOT EA500

    5.00 star(s)
    Simgot EA500 ($79) Intro Today I am reviewing the Simgot EA500 which has undergone an inordinate amount of hype and praise over the last couple months. I can only liken it to the Blon BL03 madness of a few years ago or possibly the Olina craze last year. I think the difference is that the community now is smarter than in those Blon 03 days. We aren’t comparing the EA500 to $1000 sets like some did with the BL03. Thread after thread and in multiple Facebook Groups and even in different platforms we see my friends and fellow hobbyists gleefully...
  2. KZ ZVX 10mm Dynamic Driver IEM

    4.50 star(s)
    KZ ZVX Review KZ ZVX ($18) Today I am reviewing one of the newest KZ iems, the KZ ZVX. I feel as though I review one KZ set after another and I’m okay with that. KZ has been upping the ante for all of the budget scenes for quite some time. I would almost say that KZ/CCA owns the budget space. They literally outdo themselves on a regular basis in the under $35 arena. Mobileaudiophile.com has reviewed a number of KZ/CCA iems and will continue to as long as they keep pushing them out. I want to thank KZ as well as Tyvan Lam for providing the ZVX in...
  3. KBear Storm

    3.50 star(s)
    KBEAR Storm Review KBear Storm ($16) Intro Today I am reviewing KBear’s latest ultra-budget segment iem, the “KBear Storm”, courtesy of Keephifi. I’ve actually reviewed quite a few ultra-budget sets of late and was pleased to be asked to check out the Storm. I want to sincerely thank Keephifi for providing the Storm in return for a fair and honest review. Obviously, this doesn’t change any outcome of how I rate the Storm and I wasn’t provoked or coerced in any way to change my speach regarding the Storm. So, thank you. Okay, the KBear Storm… KBear...
  4. SoundPEATS Capsule3 Pro LDAC Bluetooth 5.3 Earbuds 42dB Hybrid ANC

    4.00 star(s)
    Soundpeats Capsule 3 Pro Soundpeats have surely come a long way. Not that they weren’t always a leader in the tws budget sector because they most assuredly have always had a nice stake to the budget pie. What I am noticing is that the quality is raising across the board with Soundpeats products to new levels, which really puts the noose around the necks of other tws manufacturers. Today I am reviewing the Soundpeats Capsule 3 Pro or “CP3” as I will call them. The CP3 comes equipped with many features, is dope looking and even sounds good too. I will...
  5. TRN MT4

    3.50 star(s)
    TRN MT4 Review Say hello to the TRN MT4. Thankfully I received this set from TRN themselves in exchange for a fair and honest review. Thank you very much for your kindness. I wrote a review some time last year of the MT4’s predecessor the TRN MT3. I quite enjoyed the MT3. It was a stand-out iem at an ultra-budget price and while there were some small issues, I couldn’t help but give it pretty high marks for how well it was tuned. Well now I have a chance to do the same with the MT4 and I gotta say, I quite like this set. TRN is a mainstay in the...
  6. FiiO FH15

    4.00 star(s)
    Fiio FH15 Review Fiio FH15 ($229) Intro I recently purchased the Fiio FH15 from Amazon US for $229 for the purposes of a review as well as my unending curiosity for what is out there in the great Audioverse. I am a blind buyer and I do not advise anyone to do the same. It doesn’t always end positively. Anyways, about the FH15, it is another in a long line of ‘FH’ series of iems. Fiio uses the ‘H’ in the name to define that this particular set is part of their ‘Hybrid’ line of iems. Well, we shall see how Fiio’s newest hybrid fares against the...

    3.50 star(s)
    Joyodio Shine Review Joyodio Shine ($80) I was recently asked to review the Joyodio Shine from the brand-new audio company “Joyodio” provided to me through Linsoul. This is the first time I’ve ever received a set through Linsoul, but I was not in any way asked to say anything or skew my thoughts in any direction so… Kudos to them and respect. Of course, I am more than happy to check this set out and give my most honest impressions. The moment I heard of the Shine I was immediately impressed with how advantageous this new company is to release...
  8. Fiio FW5

    4.50 star(s)
    Fiio FW5 Review Fiio FW5 ($149) Intro Upon receiving the news that Fiio was going to take another shot at a true wireless iem again I had to check this one out. So, of course I forked over $150 US to Amazon and had my new set of Fiio tws in a matter of about two days. True wireless is not my preferred listening method but when I am out and about you can trust that 100% of my life, I will have a set of tws in my jeans tiny extra pocket. Everywhere I go I have a method for listening to music or videos or podcasts. Lately that set has been the Fiio...
  9. QKZ X HBB Khan

    4.50 star(s)
    QKZ X-HBB Khan Review QKZ X-HBB Khan ($39) Intro I purchased the Khan off of Amazon US for around $40. Khan just so happens to be the 2nd collaboration in a matter of months from QKZ partnering with the “Hawaiian Bad Boy” from “Bad Guy Good Audio” of YouTube fame. Once again, the Bad Boy himself tuned this latest entry. I happened to watch his video and unboxing along with an explanation of the earphone Internals and my eyes went wide. I couldn’t let this set get away from me. Now, the Khan was tuned somewhat typical to another set which recently...
  10. Kinera Celest Pandamon

    4.00 star(s)
    Celest Pandamon Review Intro I received the Celest Pandamon from the fine folks at Kinera in exchange for my full and honest review and I intend to do just that. I will always provide an unbiased and truthfull account of any set I receive. So, thank you Kinera! I will do my best to explain exactly what I hear and feature the Pandamon in a way which helps the reader get a gauge for what exactly they are getting when purchasing this set. With that, here are my impressions of Celest Pandamon. Thank you very much for reading. Side Note: Please read...
  11. Kinera Hodur

    4.50 star(s)
    Kinera Hodur Review Kinera Hodur ($299) Intro I received the Kinera Hodur as part of a review tour through the USA. I sincerely thank Kinera for including me in this tour, allowing me to give my honest impressions about the Kinera Hodur. Of course, my impressions are my own, no sugar-coating, no false praise and never for monetary gain. Kinera is an honest company and never have they requested or required anything short of the truth and an honest review. Of course, they believe in their product, so they are very willing to put it all out there...
  12. Kiwi Ears Cadenza

    5.00 star(s)
    Kiwi Ears Cadenza Kiwi Ears Cadenza ($35) Intro Today I am reviewing the newest budget iem from Kiwi Ears, the Kiwi Ears Cadenza. I picked this set up from Amazon US for $35 and did so the second it went up for sale. Kiwi Ears is a relatively new company and truthfully, I don’t know much about them. I know the Kiwi Ears Orchestra did very well. Of course, the Orchestra goes for $499. That is a hard cry from the ultra-budget Cadenza. Kiwi Ears made a good decision to try their hand at the ultra-budget segment in my opinion. If looks were the...
  13. KB Ear Qinglong

    3.50 star(s)
    KBear Qinglong KBear Qinglong ($69) Today I am reviewing KBear’s latest iem in the “under $100 ” price segment, the KBear Qinglong. I was able to purchase the Qinlong on Amazon US for the sale price of $59. I recently reviewed the KBear Ink, which had gotten some up and down reviews. Some like it, some others… not so much. There were some certain issues with the Ink sonically, even though aesthetically it is a great looking iem. I believe that KBear may have purposed to right the wrongs of the Ink when they set out to create the Qinglong. Of course...
  14. Truthear HEXA 4 Driver Hybrid IEM

    5.00 star(s)
    Truthear Hexa Review Truthear Hexa ($79) Intro Another day another Chi-fi release into a bloated market where the next great iem is awarded on a weekly basis. Most iems have15 minutes of glory and then they are vanquished to the nether-reaches of community thought & opinion within the Audioverse. I’m still enjoying sets from 3 years ago wondering why they get moved into Chi-fi purgatory when clearly, they still stack up. Anyways, that is another lengthy conversation for another day. Today we will take a long look at the newest hype-train from the...
  15. DUNU KIMA Latest Single Dynamic Driver IEMs

    4.00 star(s)
    Dunu Kima Review Dunu Kima ($109) Say hello to one of Dunu Topsound’s newest iems to grace the high-end budget sector… the Dunu Kima. I couldn’t help but try to get my hands on this set. Normally here in the States we have to wait a little bit longer for some of the newer audio devices to hit our shores, so when something goes on sale closer to the product launch… I try my best to snatch them up. Of course, this is only if funds will allow me to do so. Fortunately for myself this is exactly what occurred with the set I am reviewing today. The $100...
  16. FiiO JD7 - Dynamic Driver IEMs

    4.50 star(s)
    Fiio JD7 Review Fiio JD7 using KBear 07 eartips Fiio JD7 ($79) I have always thought that Fiio is one of those companies that just…gets it. One thing you can count on with this company is getting more for your money. They seem to have always strived to connect with the consumer in ways that make the buying experience a fun experience. I have been purchasing Fiio iems and audio devices for quite some time and from their budget stuff to their…not-so-budget stuff, Fiio always puts together a fine package. Always one of the best unboxing experiences...
  17. Knowledge Zenith (KZ) EDC X

    4.50 star(s)
    KZ EDCX Review KZ EDCX ($9) Today I am reviewing the KZ EDCX. KZ asked if I would like to post a review of this little beast and I of course obliged. To that, I thank Tyvan Lam and KZ very much. KZ never has a shortage of options at all price points and in my opinion, they seem to get better and better as they stretch the dollar further with every new release. KZ also seems to give more for less with bang for buck earphones that seem to eclipse the market standards at price points. Or at least perform very well. Again, today I am happy to review...
  18. LETSHUOER S12 Planar IEM

    4.50 star(s)
    Letshuoer S12 Pro Review Full Review: S12 Pro Review Letshuoer S12 Pro ($169) It has been awhile since I first received the Letshuoer S12 Pro and so I realize how late to the party I am. However during that time the S12 Pro has been a constant iem that I’ve reached for in leisurely listening. I purchased the S12 Pro off of Amazon US for $160 about a month and a half ago and really have been meaning to complete a proper review. Unfortunately priorities, life, and an all consuming and ever growing l ultra-budget chifi market has kept me from...
  19. TRN MT3

    4.00 star(s)
    TRN MT3 Review TRN MT3 ($16) The company TRN seems to be on a tear lately. Release after release in multiple price points and styles, builds and materials all are performing well against the competition. As if they (TRN) took a page out of KZ’s book. Accept they went a step or two further by releasing original and differently designed iems yet all similar with a unique quality or two and released in rapid succession. TRN is doing well… TRN is doing well for themselves. I for one think the TA1 Max is one of the better iems under $50 (I recently...
  20. QKZ Audio QKZ x HBB

    4.50 star(s)
    QKZ X-HBB Review 25 October 2022 QKZ X-HBB Review ($19) Collab Here we go with another Hawaiian Bad Boy collaboration. Today I am reviewing the QKZ X-HBB which sort of took me by surprise upon seeing news of this set in the wild. I purchased the XHBB off of Amazon US for around $20. I have to say, right out of the gate, that I’m a fan of HBB (YouTube channel “Bad Guy Good Audio”). Always have been. I’m a direct type of person and seem to gravitate to anyone similar. I won’t go into a whole spiel, but I have been a fan of nearly all HBB collab...