music production
  1. V

    MM-500 vs DT1990 / HD600

    Hi Do you guys think a MM-500 would be a significant upgrade from an HD600 / DT1990 for music producing / mixing ? I have those atm and was thinking about upgrading my gear to the next level, would it be worth it in your opinion or the difference wouldn't be this big and I should invest in...
  2. S

    Upgrade from HD 530ii to HD 600/650/660s and an amp?

    Hello, I'm new to this forum and was hoping for some help. I've had a pair of HD530ii since the 90s and love them - on my second pair. But, these have now bitten the dust and feel I need to move on. I'm currently using them straight out of a Tascam US-1800 or via and Onkyo A-9010 amp. I use...
  3. giulioskij

    Music production (mixing, mastering) headphones advice?

    Hi everyone, I've been reading here since a time but I didn't find any useful information about this topic. I know, mixing and mastering on headphones is bad and one should definetively use monitors... but sometimes, for convenience, headphones can be a really useful tool. In partiular I was...
  4. Pinkomeno

    New to remixing, any help?

    So I've been lately on doing some remixes, like 20 or so but never actually get to end them. Not until this last one:!Wbg03Yaa!7rYT_cwdllbQ7rOLW4rGppZ1R2oBpM3yrRyBW3j84l0 So my question is: what do you think of it? P.S.: I know I could just upload the file to Head-Fi but it...
  5. Hexanix

    Newcommer. Looking for IEM advice (~100$) to use as Daily Drivers/Hobby-level music production

    Hello, my old daily driver IEM pair (HiFiMann Re-400) died on me and I'm looking to get myself something new. I'm going to be using them as my everyday iems (so mostly for walking around town, no exercising with them or anything) and possibly for hobby-level home music production (like, amateur...
  6. Shoomer

    All-rounder balanced amp that can drive Hifiman HE-560 + others

    Hello all, I hope you can help me out. I have a small home studio, it's just for fun at the moment - playing around with making downtempo <120 BPM House and Techno. I live in a tiny flat and I don't want to upset the neighbours so most of my work needs to be done on headphones. I have a pair of...
  7. garvtaneja

    Do 250 ohm headphones require amp/dac or just the audio interface will be ok?

    I've bought a pair of Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250 OHM headphones for the purpose of producing, mixing and mastering. I don't know if I'll just need an audio interface, or amp/dac or something else. What product/combination shall I buy? My budget is around 200 USD, but can increase if necessary...
  8. J

    Best earbuds around $50 for music production?

    For the last 15 years I've been using a pair of Sennheiser mx400 earbuds (bought for $10). I've always been totally happy with them and would gladly buy another pair, but wondered if anyone can recommend something even better? Ideally under $50 (I don't have a lot of money). I'll be using them...