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  1. H

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    I think a lot of reviewers don’t even get the product in hand. 😂
  2. H

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    Yeah the sound leakage on the Dali’s is non existent to unbelievably low.
  3. H

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    I don’t really believe in break in but I found myself falling in love with them more and more as I listened over the first 200 hours or so. It’ll be fun to see how your enjoyment with them grows over time and as you listen to more stuff. Still absolutely love these headphones and that’s having...
  4. H

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    I’m not sure where you are located but my dealer I got my pairs from specifically complained about how Dali didn’t seem to line reviews up for them and they were talking about wanting to get them reviewed. The guy even said he was considering getting some headphone testing equipment to help...
  5. H

    Most Unique Sounding Headphone(s) You've Heard

    Maybe not so much unique, but there was a pair of the highest end Klipsch ear buds I bought back in the day and they were incredible, and sounded absolutely nothing like a Klipsch speaker. Almost as if they really had no say in the design of the final product. They were extremely warm sounding.
  6. H

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    I actually really agree with this guy on almost all points. Weird but good “review” actually :)
  7. H

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    That’s a no brainer! I got a similar deal in the US at my dealer and went back to buy another pair.
  8. H

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    My dealer gave me such a good deal on the IO-12 I called them and told them to hold a pair for me to buy as a gift. Some impressions since I bought them. -I feel like they’re getting even more comfortable. Probably due to my head stretching them a bit. -the bass setting could be cool...
  9. H

    Got the Blues?

    My local audio shop played this for me as an example of Atmos music done right. I heard it in their big theater and it was mind blowing. I can’t get anywhere near that sound and space on even their highest end (truly incredible) 2 channel system. The guy said it’s an example of how 2 channel...
  10. H


    Just spent some time with these and was very surprised. I feel like they’re dramatically different than I remember the original Empyrean being. They’re still wildly comfortable, but I felt a lot of “fake detail” aka pushed forward treble at certain frequencies that made me scared of where Meze...
  11. H

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    Just because headphones happen to have ANC doesn’t mean that’s the only reason people would buy them. I don’t like being tethered to an amp or even a phone via a cable. The IO-12 had a lot to offer even past the Empyrean II they had which I found to be slightly harsh at some frequencies...
  12. H

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    Just picked up a pair of these after listening to them at the store and LOVE them. The ANC is pretty much worthless as mentioned, but it’s better than nothing. I wish they had different colors but I don’t plan on wearing these out anywhere. I listened to these, the Focal Bathy’s, and the new...
  13. H

    Nintendo switch.. still worth it?

    Super Mario wonder was absolutely amazing. Another great game that seems to suck out more performance from the hardware than seems possible is The Tourist. I’m very very exited for a hopefully dramatically more powerful new switch though.
  14. H

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Wow this is good. Just clicked your YouTube link on my phone and listened to the whole thing while working. Excited to hear this on a real setup later!