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  1. Flicoco

    Reply to review by 'Flicoco' on item 'Truthear Zero: Red'

    Yep! I personally love the tuning and for the ~$50 range this is overall ridiculously good.
  2. Flicoco

    Reply to review by 'Flicoco' on item 'Truthear Zero: Red'

    This was the best review ever about the Zero RED. Pros and cons are simply flawless. Those were my exact impressions too. Thanks a lot for your time.
  3. Flicoco

    Review by 'Flicoco' on item 'Grado SR325x'

    First of all, let me start by saying that if you're basing it off of these so called tier lists and opinions (more like rambling for content) by certain folks in the community and you're new to the hobby, you're probably biased towards not liking not only this particular headphone very much, but...
  4. Flicoco

    Review by 'Flicoco' on item 'Tripowin x HBB Olina SE'

    Let me start by saying that the upper mid focused sound signature might not be to everyone's liking (especially if you value a neutral and less energetic tonality) even though it's not aggressive nor overemphasized. It's tastefully done so. Treble is spicy but not overwhelming, very good...
  5. Flicoco

    Boom 3D audio

    Sure. My problem is with the Boom ON/OFF "magic" that they refuse to tell anyone what exactly it does.
  6. Flicoco

    Boom 3D audio

    I know i'm a bit late, but anyway, I used Boom 3D for quite some time when I only had my M40x and a cheap Sharkoon DAC, it made the M40x sound quite... Interesting. Even quite magical I would say. When I got better/different gear and was already deep into the audio healm, I unistalled it and...
  7. Flicoco


    Thanks a lot for your insights. I'm glad they're not bass heavy, I always thought they were. I'm also not a basshead but a good quality bass is definitely crucial to make any music feel lively.
  8. Flicoco


    That's refreshing to hear. From most reviews that i've been through, I thought these were bass cannons and that always seemed a bit off for such a flagship product.
  9. Flicoco


    What are your impressions? Is it really an end game keeper like most people say? I'm seriously considering one.
  10. Flicoco

    Reply to review by 'Flicoco' on item 'Grado G-Cushions'

    Using them on my 325x, the sound is more detailed/balanced and I liked the sound signature overall, even though it has lost that "Grado sound" a bit, mainly the midbass. Treble is just spot on and I don't get any annoying shrill, still has a good amount of bass, although not as punchy. I miss...
  11. Flicoco

    Review by 'Flicoco' on item 'KZ PR1 PRO Planar IEM'

    Got this as my first planar since I was curious to see how it sounded like. At first, I wanted the PR2 V1 (which was freaking awesome for the price) but since that black mesh fiasco, I decided to get the PR1 Pro. When I tried it for the first time (using with my phone and a good dongle) it...
  12. Flicoco

    Reply to review by 'Flicoco' on item 'Grado SR325x'

    Great review and it describes the 325x (and Grado as a whole) pretty well. I recently got one and I love how Grados are amazing at their own thing, the best analogy I can make about them is they're the headphone version of being right in front of the stage, I think this describes the "Grado...
  13. Flicoco

    Reply to review by 'Flicoco' on item 'Grado SR325x'

  14. Flicoco

    [Interest Check] São Paulo Head-Fi Meet

    Fala mano, sou do RS porém vou bastante pra SP, o único clube hifi que eu já vi no Brasil era em BH e mesmo assim o foco dos caras é mais na venda, também já morei um tempo em Brasília e lá a cultura em torno disso era praticamente zero, não sei como é SP, mas com certeza deve ser melhor. Foda é...