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  1. Dragonmilenario

    ANC DAC? technically impossible?

    Hello everyone! I’m curious: Could it be feasible to create a portable dongle DAC with active noise cancellation capabilities that allows seamless connection to any wired closed-back headphones without significantly altering the sound presentation? While it might sound like a silly question or...
  2. Dragonmilenario

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    No recognized analyst in the headphone world is ever going to review this model? Dali doesn't seem to send free samples to anyone... weird.
  3. Dragonmilenario

    Meze Audio LIRIC - The portable isodynamic hybrid array headphone

    I’ve got the FiiO K7, the iFi Zen DAC V2, and I’ve demoed the Questyle M15, Chord Hugo TT2, Woo Audio Minitube, and a bunch of others. In my opinion, the Liric 2 sounds best with the cheap iBasso DC04 Pro Dongle. Sometimes it’s not all about the price tag; it’s about synergy, especially when...
  4. Dragonmilenario

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I recommend you try the Liric 2. It has a very similar profile to the 109 Pro but is superior in every aspect, primarily in terms of instrument separation and other technical capabilities. I don’t think the Liric 2 and the 109 Pro are complementary. The Liric 2 is an improved version of the...
  5. Dragonmilenario

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    Hehe, right now I am well served with the Liric 2, but in the future, who knows?
  6. Dragonmilenario

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    I auditioned the Dali IO-12 again and, to my surprise, the result was much better than the first time via iPhone-BT. I connected the headphones to the iBasso DC-04 with the line-out cable and the sound was very natural and balanced, with no bass boost or anything. The voices sounded very natural...
  7. Dragonmilenario

    Meze Audio 109 Pro

    Are the cups made of plastic? They seem a bit plasticky in the pictures. Also, does the position of the connectors not cause any problems? The perpendicular position could potentially cause some issues, I suppose.
  8. Dragonmilenario

    Meze Audio 109 Pro

    The 105 AER is a more affordable version of the 109 Pro that shares a lot of its characteristics. 105 AER
  9. Dragonmilenario

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    But this one isn’t even a bad review :) He loves the E3 a lot, but like any other headphones in the world, it has its flaws.
  10. Dragonmilenario

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I don’t know what the fuss is about. He claims that the E3 is a hell of a headphone and one of the best in its price range, although he prefers the musical approach of the Liric II. I had more or less the same experience and ended up purchasing the Liric 2. Like I said, the Dan Clark fanbase is...
  11. Dragonmilenario

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    He describes exactly my take on both headphones. I don’t try EQing the E3, though; I never EQ. To my tastes, the Liric 2 are better, but I can understand others preferring the E3. Liric 2 has the emotion and the fun, while the E3 carries the technical and raw representation. But there’s...
  12. Dragonmilenario

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    To me, the Liric 2 are the headphones that have the best ability to deliver those ‘oh, hello?’ moments that you described. I’m rediscovering my music collection and hearing things that aren’t there or are presented in a different way, and I’m thrilled about that. This week, I want to go to the...
  13. Dragonmilenario


    So, regarding Wave Theory: Statement A: The Meze 109 Pro is a well-valued headphone at $800. Statement B: The Meze Empyrean II is sonically on a level worth $800. I have listened to both, and there’s no way they sound alike. The resolution, instrument separation, timbre, and sense of...
  14. Dragonmilenario


    For me, it’s more about how the music is presented: the Hifiman way (a steak cooked rare or even blue, without salt or pepper) or the Meze way (the same steak but cooked more and with some condiments). In my view, the HE-1000SE is the purest example of this raw presentation, while the Meze Elite...
  15. Dragonmilenario

    The Closed-Back Headphone Thread (Plus Comparisons & Reviews)

    Another take: He prefers the more musical approach of the Liric 2 but considers the E3 to be great and very technical headphones.
  16. Dragonmilenario

    Bathys or closed headphones with Mojo 2 (and which headphones match well with Mojo 2 too?)

    All the BT ANC headphones have a lot of sound issues, even the best ones like the Bathys, Solitaire T, Dali IO-12, or Mark Levinson. There are a lot of compromises, and if you don’t need wireless, it’s nonsensical to opt for this kind of headphones. Instead, get a good wired closed-back, connect...
  17. Dragonmilenario

    The Closed-Back Headphone Thread (Plus Comparisons & Reviews)

    I very much agree with Josh’s take, but I don’t think the E3 has a level 10 sound, more like a 9 if you can tolerate the unnatural 3-4 kHz peak. I place the E3 and Liric 2 at the same sonic level; the E3 is more ‘correct,’ and the Liric 2 is more ‘fun,’ but the detail and resolution are very...
  18. Dragonmilenario

    Meze Audio LIRIC - The portable isodynamic hybrid array headphone

    My brother has the OG Liric, and I don’t see any differences between them in the clamp force or placement. If you don’t have issues with the OG Liric, you shouldn’t have any issues with the Liric II either; the few extra grams don’t feel any different. Consider reaching out to Meze about this...
  19. Dragonmilenario


    Many thanks for these tracks; the Liric 2 also shines on this.
  20. Dragonmilenario

    Meze Audio LIRIC - The portable isodynamic hybrid array headphone

    For me, it helps to adjust the length of the headphones to be slightly on the smaller side. To achieve the best seal and comfort, the headband needs to do its job, allowing the earcups to rest in an elevated position. In other words, try the smallest position you can that is comfortable...
  21. Dragonmilenario

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Liric 2 it’s perfect for that.
  22. Dragonmilenario

    Meze Audio LIRIC - The portable isodynamic hybrid array headphone

    Wow, your hearing is above the 20 Hz-20 kHz limit of the average human. Congrats! I’m not joking; this is remarkable.
  23. Dragonmilenario

    Meze Audio LIRIC - The portable isodynamic hybrid array headphone

    Thank you for your response. I don’t want to waste your time; I think you’ve made your point. Only notice that to me, this situation is very weird, the only three reviewers who notice this are from the same site. Maybe a faulty unit? Anyway, If someone is wondering what we’re talking about...
  24. Dragonmilenario

    Meze Audio LIRIC - The portable isodynamic hybrid array headphone

    I respect your opinion and I don’t want to sound rude or anything, so first of all, please accept my apologies if something is off in my message because English is not my mother tongue. The ‘air’ situation above 15 kHz is very common in Hifiman Headphones like the Arya Organic or HE-1000SE...