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  1. GustavMahler

    My "Wonderful" DT660 BROKE today

    Well, you wonder how much tume it takes for the beyer DT660 to break in? Well, That i don't know. But what i do know is that it takes about a few months for it to break! I just took them gently off my head today, And i noticed that the part that spins and connects the earcup to the headband...
  2. GustavMahler

    Should i get the RL Concero HP?

    I need a dac/amp or dac+amp that can be moved from my living room to the garden, Then to my laptop in my other room etc. I have the PS1000e. Do you think i should go with the concero or do you have any other suggestion? Thank you
  3. GustavMahler

    PS1000e/PS1000 owners: What AMP/DAC are you using?

    I am trying to find out what is the best combo with the PS1000e. If i'll find out that a few people are really enjoying the same AMP/DAC i may get it. I can't audition it so i'll have to rely on opinions. Convince me! Ready? Shoot! :)
  4. GustavMahler

    Using a DAP as a DAC for a desktop amp

    Is it possible? I have an iBasso DX90 and i can connect the line out to the amp. The question is do desktop amps have such an analog input, Or only the analog input of the two seperate cables for right and left? Is the kind of connection i am talking about between the line out of the DAP and...
  5. GustavMahler

    Best DAC/AMP for PS1000e

    What is the best combo with the Grado PS1000e in your opinion? 
  6. GustavMahler

    PS1000e-Tube or solid?

    I have been listening to the PS1000e with a mcintosh SACD player with a built in solind state headphone amp, And i compared it to the Trafomatic Experience Head One, And i think that the Trafomatic won. Which amp do you think is the best match with the PS1000e? If i liked the Trafomatic...
  7. GustavMahler

    Best DAC/AMP for the PS1000e

    I have the Grado PS1000e and they are amazing. I currently listen to them with my iBasso DX90. What dac/amp would compliment them the most? I consider all price ranges as i am willing to save up money for it. Thanks
  8. GustavMahler

    Using HD650 cables with HD700

    Are the cables compatable with the 650's. In other words can i use the cables i have for my 650's with the HD700?  Thanks
  9. GustavMahler

    Can a headphone Y splitter damage my headphones?

    Hi, I have a Y splitter connected to my PC, And if i hit or move one of the headphones it makes sound in the other one. Now i understand that one headphone can start sending a signal to the other headphone just like a microphone. Is it a bad Y splitter (I think probably it is) But can it cause...
  10. GustavMahler

    How to use dolby headphone?

    Is there a way to use Dolby headphone with potplayer? And with pc games?
  11. GustavMahler

    Beyer DT660 for studio use?

    I've got them recently and they're okay. But a little too bright for me and not reach enough. Maybe some more break in is needed but i suspect it's not the cause. Still the closed pair with the best soundstage i've ever heard, So i'll keep them. What about using them for studio monitoring and...
  12. GustavMahler

    Was the research process of the PS1000 really 50 years?!

    Grado claims so. I know you can't know for sure but is this possible in the headphone industry to research for 50 whole years? If it's true i would be really happy since i am getting them now :)
  13. GustavMahler

    Straight, Direct or sur. decoder?

    I am really confused by these decoders. I connect my laptop to my receiver. What mode do i need to select when using 2 speakers and when using 5.1? Also, Are there some other good decoders i should consider? BTW i don't really get what a decoder does-It processes digitally-So if it remains...
  14. GustavMahler

    Connecting an external dac to a receiver?

    The av receiver will output a signal to a tv and will be connected to multiple speakers. Is it possible to hook up an external dac to the receiver and then an amp and then headphones? I want to watch tv and listen to discs with my headphones sometimes and not through the receiver's medium...
  15. GustavMahler

    A very high damping factor=Overdamping headphones?

    Can i overdamp headphones by a really high damping factors? Is there a maxinmum recommended damping factor or only a minimum?
  16. GustavMahler

    DAP specs showing only power output and not voltage-With what impedance??

    The specs shows output of 2 x 2.4 mW. What does the first 2 mean? It has only one output and no gain settings, Only volume. And how can i know how much wattage i'll get with certain headphones with certain impedance? I know how to calculate this only when they give the voltage, Not the...
  17. GustavMahler

    Driving two headphones simultaneously from the same amp?

    1) If i have two trs ouptuts and i am driving two different impedance cans-It will divide the power equally, Right? (Instead of 1mW for single headphone, 0.5mW for each) 2) If i have a balanced amp with 2-3pin balanced output, And also a single ended trs (By the way why is single ended called...
  18. GustavMahler

    Can i connect a microphone into a balanced amp with XLR inputs?

    1)Can a balanced amp with two or one xlr inputs be used as an input for a microphone? Then can the amp output the amped signal from the the microphone to the computer, Using it as a preamp for the mic? Or maybe i must get an audio interface? I am not sure where the analog wave is converted to...
  19. GustavMahler

    Good XLR big 4pin to trs 1/8 adapter?

    Is this good enough? I want to connect my soon arriving balanced PS1000 which are terminated with a big 4pin XLR to my DX90's 1/8" input.
  20. GustavMahler

    What are all of the available desktop balanced dacs/amps today?

    I understand there are not so many. Is it possible to list the ones you know? I need it for my soon bought balanced PS1000. Thanks
  21. GustavMahler

    Balanced dac/amp?

    I can't seem to find a comparison of different balanced dac/amps. I'll be getting a balanced ps1000 soon, And i want to see what are the possibilities. If you could compare the sound it would be great, Thanks. And also-The ps1000 will have a big 4pin XLR-Is it a broblem using 2x3PIN XLR from...
  22. GustavMahler

    ps1000 vs ps1000e in terms of sound?

    Is the sound signature much different? I f i liked the ps1000e will i like the ps1000?
  23. GustavMahler

    Good 4 pin XLR to trs adapter?

    Preferably on ebay. It can be either 1/8" or 1/4" trs. (Does it change quality?)
  24. GustavMahler

    Balanced headphones question

    1) Is there a way for headphones to support a regular 1/4"/1/8" connection and a balanced XLR? Is there an adapter maybe? 2) Is there a balanced phone connector, Not an XLR? 3) If i use a short cable to connect my dac to my amp, And a long cable to connect my amp to the headphones-Then i...
  25. GustavMahler

    What impedance affects damping factor?

    Do the dac's input and output impedance and cables and the amp's input impedance and cables have an impact on the headphones damping factor? I know at least the amp's output impedance and the headphone cable have an affect on the headphones damping factor.. Thanks!