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  • Users: gLer
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  1. gLer

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    I agree with the third camp thing, especially since I reacquired the 12t recently and remembered how its combination of almost perfect tuning with top-tier techs won me over first time. That ability to sound utterly realistic while still being fun is very engaging, even with its BA bass (yes...
  2. gLer

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Have you heard both Xe6 and Rn6 yourself and compared them to each other to reach your conclusions?
  3. gLer


    It doesn't :wink:
  4. gLer

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    The question, then, is if you turn FW up well past your low volume comfort level, does it still sound smooth or does it pierce? My litmus test for IEMs is how they sound at a volume higher than I'd normally listen to recreationally (which is already higher than most). If they can keep it...
  5. gLer

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Yeah, if I had a dollar every time someone said a BA bass drivers sounds like a DD... 😅 That said there are a few IEMs that sport dedicated BA woofers, U12t and Storm, to name just two. So maybe M9 was first (not sure?), but it's own unique in that regard. Also, as a huge fan of U12t, I have...
  6. gLer

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    But they do have BA bass?
  7. gLer

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Haven't heard either of those but Z1R is my all-time favourite IEM so YMMV. I'm sure they're both decent IEMs if they're so popular.
  8. gLer

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    There is no true alternative to Z1R. All the rest are their own thing. IE900 comes closest sound-wise, but has its own strengths, comfort being one. You could try Legend X, still the best bass-first monitor around imo.
  9. gLer

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Sennheiser IE900.
  10. gLer

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    I used a drop shipper specific to my country.
  11. gLer

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Hey guys, my review of Beat Audio's audacious ultra-flagship, Orbit Saga, is now online.
  12. gLer

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    USB-C adapter works great in USB DAC mode.
  13. gLer

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Yes, works perfectly with anything. I do wish it was smaller, like just the top part without the extended 'stalk'. That would have been perfect.
  14. gLer

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    Yeah the cases are REALLY nice. Home run @Eric Chong!
  15. gLer

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    School of Athens is officially in session 😁
  16. gLer

    Fir Audio Thread - Discussion and Impressions

    You do realise using a 64 Audio cable with your FIR IEM invalidates your warranty? It's right there in the fine print. Just kidding of course, great find.
  17. gLer

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    The better question here would be if everyone has an OTL? And if not, why not!? (Hint: it's a great cable) 🤭
  18. gLer

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    Maybe you should ask yourself that question based on your post above?
  19. gLer

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    I prefer the tonality, FTS makes Xe6 treble too bright for my liking and doesn't work as well with the bass as OTL. I'm a huge fan of PWA cables, but for Xe6, OTL all the way.
  20. gLer

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    This post makes me disproportionately happy for some reason. I dare you cross-post to the Discovery Thread at risk of HF meltdown 😅
  21. gLer

    Sony Walkman custom firmware (non-Android)

    Just shows how differently we hear things. I auditioned the R2R2K extensively and just didn't get it. Sounds more Delta Sigma than R2R to me. Not even in the same universe as the 1Z imo. 🤷🏻
  22. gLer

    The Official 64 Audio Thread | apex & tia Technologies

    Hi guys, my full review of 64 Audio's sumptuous N8 is now online here. Eye candy galore. Enjoy! :heart_eyes: