Recent content by Toddy
  1. Toddy

    The Sennheiser HE1 and how I came back after 16 years hiatus from Headfi (acquisition, unboxing, installation, and impressions over time)

    This one is probably more special than not bad ;-) It's also interesting to see how the not-so-intelligent AI translates the ‘Speiseteil‘ (energizer):L3000:. And of course I apologize for steering this thread that far away from the HE-1. Especially since it is such an entertaining read.
  2. Toddy

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    If the RME was also used as the amp, it could have been the culprit. It simply has not enough juice. Although its DAC is a really good source (or part of it.) Which is why I use it with Topping A90D just for its power of almost 10W per channel.
  3. Toddy

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Perhaps I should have expressed that more clearly. I was looking for amp recommendations and in the meantime have acquired a Fiio Q7. But the TT2 is a very common suggestion in this thread (and probably a good pairing with the E3.)
  4. Toddy

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Perhaps not arguing. But more and more are jumping on the E3 train and ask which amp they should pair it with. (I am was one of them.) And reading all 100+ pages of this thread is something of a mammoth task.
  5. Toddy

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    One could say they are picky—they only like good (=expensive) equipment. But I think they are worth it. In a good chain, they really shine and have TOTL quality.
  6. Toddy

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    That must be a head-fi record.
  7. Toddy

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I use my A90D with an RME ADI2-DAC. But that alone would be more than 1k nowadays. And though being an AIO, its amp is by far not powerful enough for the E3. Hence the A90D. I also use (and really like) Jan Meier‘s Corda Daccord-ff which is permanently discounted to less than 400 Euros, but...
  8. Toddy

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I use a Topping A90D, which should be around half of 1K. But power is not everything. For example, I also have a Fiio Q7 which has more than enough power, but the A90D and Jan Meier‘s Corda Classic drive the E3 much better. The Corda Classic even single-ended (as it has neither balanced outputs...
  9. Toddy

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    Startin the weekend with some nice tunes. Zeitgeist (glow in the dark) Polar Nights IEMs driven by a Fiio KA17 on an old cell phone.
  10. Toddy

    Zeitgeist IEMs

    I really liked them when I tried them out at High End Munich, so I couldn't resist the trade fair offer. The fit is not really ideal for my ears, but they were the IEMs I liked best at the trade fair. I didn't really find Campfire's €3000+ models any better, and certainly not sixfold. And since...
  11. Toddy

    New Site Platform Bug Reports and Feedback Thread

    Oh… That explains everything, of course:wink:.
  12. Toddy

    New Site Platform Bug Reports and Feedback Thread

    Curious. My time zone is set to American Samoa😲. But I am sure I haven't touched this setting since setting up the account almost two decades ago (and setting it to CET of course.) And I haven't left the continent for more than those two decades… Seems to be a case for quoting my favorite line...
  13. Toddy

    New Site Platform Bug Reports and Feedback Thread

    Disruption to the space-time continuum?
  14. Toddy

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Quite interesting, how many of these were there. It felt like half a year's production run.
  15. Toddy

    Munich High End 2024 or does anybody has a bottle opener?

    It‘s more like a classic trade fair than something like a Canjam. And yes, it was crowded. So much so, it was almost impossible to really audition a headphone there, be it open or closed. Only the closed booths (like Warwick Acoustics‘) were a little quieter, but even there the noise syphered...