Recent content by Steve999
  1. Steve999

    Sound Science Corner Pub

  2. Steve999

    Sound Science Corner Pub

    “Wait, what” is so 21st century. Maybe it was more like, “Oh wow, man, no way. You blew my mind.” Groovy, baby. Actually, I like the tune. :)
  3. Steve999

    Sound Science Corner Pub

    Thanks for the info on the Dave Grusin Discovered Again album. I have the original LP so after I read your post I started playing the “Plus” version on Spotify. It’s fun hearing a great-sounding 1976 recording on 2020’s-fidelity media and speakers. Another fun fact: Captain Bacardi was...
  4. Steve999

    Sound Science thread for songs you can't get out of your head

    Can’t Get You Out of My Head
  5. Steve999

    Sound Science thread for songs you can't get out of your head

    What we have here directly above are what we in the business call two consecutive violations. Refresher: The only requirement for this thread is that you link to a song you can't get out of your head. Except for the other requirement, which is that must you have fun. It's supposed to be...
  6. Steve999

    What is your reference recording?

    . . .
  7. Steve999

    Acoustic Shadow

    There’s a tourist steam engine train ride in Lancaster, PA, in Amish country, with some large hills alongside it, where there is some pretty freaky stuff going on acoustically, which they demonstrate by blowing the train whistle while stopped or going slowly on the tracks. It’s been a while but...
  8. Steve999

    Question about FIR Filtering

    Interesting discussion!! When I used to use turntables and receivers had “subsonic” filter buttons pressing the filter button would get rid of all kinds of rumbly and grungy sounds that made themselves known in quiet passages or between songs when playback was at high volumes. When I recorded...
  9. Steve999

    Sound Science thread for songs you can't get out of your head

    Are you sure? Because I think you might be wrong. But it really doesn’t matter. This is the fun thread, not another Misstra Know-it-all thread. Please, let’s keep it that way. : John Lennon loved the film and refused to return the videotape and...
  10. Steve999

    Sound Science thread for songs you can't get out of your head

    As stated in post #1 of this thread, by me: The only requirement for this thread is that you link to a song you can't get out of your head. Except for the other requirement, which is that must you have fun. It's supposed to be cathartic to post the song you can't get out of your head. The song...
  11. Steve999

    24bit vs 16bit, the myth exploded!

    I like Brahms’s four symphonies a great deal. His other works I am not quite so fond of, as the melodies in the concertos and chamber music never seem to click for me so easily. But the symphonies are full of melodic ideas and motifs and wonderful arrangement of instrumental sounds, and details...
  12. Steve999

    24bit vs 16bit, the myth exploded!

    Fl Monk was a quirky dude and had bouts of serious mental illness. I don’t know why he said what he said when he said it. He said in one interview that musicians are subconsciously also mathematicians, or something like that. It’s an aesthetically interesting statement, but I personally...
  13. Steve999

    24bit vs 16bit, the myth exploded!

    No, some decent amount of professional musicians don’t know much about math. Just as not all mathematicians are musicians, subconscious or otherwise, so it is that not all musicians are mathematicians, subconscious or otherwise. And then there’s some overlap, whether you are speaking...