Recent content by skhan007
  1. skhan007

    FLUX Mentor Class-A dual-mono headphone amplifier.

    I think I read about that- use a few washers between the pads and driver? I might give that a go.
  2. skhan007

    FLUX Mentor Class-A dual-mono headphone amplifier.

    Cool- Well, the bass and sub-bass on the Abyss is the best I've ever heard in my life. If you like bass and want that "front row at the concert" kick in the head, look no further. The Tungsten is no slouch. Its bass is very present and strong, but not as powerful as Abyss. The sound stage on the...
  3. skhan007

    FLUX Mentor Class-A dual-mono headphone amplifier.

    Yes, thanks. I do feel lucky. I got them from another member and just struck the deal a couple of days ago. They just arrived today. I know other people are agonizing on the wait list, so it's very fortunate for me to get these. Hope I can answer any questions or provide any info on the...
  4. skhan007

    FLUX Mentor Class-A dual-mono headphone amplifier.

    OK, just got these new cans today. Putting them through the paces with the Mentor, as the Tungsten is reported to be some difficult headphones to drive. On High power mode, I've got the Mentor volume at about 1 or 2 O'Clock and they are driving the Tungsten INCREDIBLY well. There is no doubt...
  5. skhan007

    Feedback by 'skhan007' on listing 'ZMF Auteur OG'

    Great transaction, thank you!
  6. skhan007

    Mod House Audio Tungsten - Planar Magnetic Headphones - Impressions and Discussion

    None, got them from another member. Thanks! I'll be sure to update the WA22 thread with impressions.
  7. skhan007

    Mod House Audio Tungsten - Planar Magnetic Headphones - Impressions and Discussion

    Just arrived!! DS Tungsten. I have a busy weekend, but I'll put these through the paces and report back. Giving a very brief listen right now with the Flux Mentor and they sound superb, so far.
  8. skhan007

    microZOTL 3 by Linear Tube Audio. True High End Audio.

    Go join Audiokarma and educate yourself. There’s a lot to learn about TT’s, cartridges, phono stages, etc.
  9. skhan007

    microZOTL 3 by Linear Tube Audio. True High End Audio.

    Turntable- Yes! Input number two for my Kenwood TT and Sota Pyxi phono stage. It sounds absolutely phenomenal with the MZ3. Love this set up.
  10. skhan007

    Woo Audio WA22 Amp Owner Unite

    I have GEC 6080 and Tung Sol 5998. The latter has more output power and a bit more liveliness in the high end. The 6080 is very balanced across the frequency range and my favorite of the 6080 tubes I've tried. To answer your question, yes- worth trying. They're both TOTL, to me.
  11. skhan007

    Mod House Audio Tungsten - Planar Magnetic Headphones - Impressions and Discussion

    Yup- Just got the Flux Mentor a few weeks ago (single unit, not the stack). Anxious to try it with the Tungsten one day.
  12. skhan007

    FLUX Mentor Class-A dual-mono headphone amplifier.

    Not sure if this has been answered, but I didn't see it in the thread: Does anyone list power (watts) at different headphone impedances? We know 11.5 watts @ 32 Ohms and 1.6 W @ 300 Ohms. How about watts @ 50, 100, 150 Ohms? Perhaps there's a basic math formula to estimate?
  13. skhan007

    Sennheiser HD800 S Impressions Thread (read first post for summary)

    LOL, if this is the "new thread", which started in 2016, I think we have differing definitions of what constitutes at new thread.
  14. skhan007

    ZMF Auteur Thread

    Can any of you guys compare the Auteur OG to the Dan Clark Ether 2? I know the latter is planar, but curious about similarities? I ask because someone kindly offered me a trade for my Auteur and of course, I'm curious!
  15. skhan007

    Woo Audio WA22 Amp Owner Unite

    Good point. I have the RME ADI2, which might be outputting what you've described.