Recent content by plakat
  1. plakat

    Grado Fan Club!

    That was actually a few days ago, and it’s a second batch of tmwhat I called the PS2000x — which is really excellent btw. Both offers won’t last, so if you’re interested get one soon…
  2. plakat

    Grado Fan Club!

    Your perspective is fully valid to me, not tainted by you maybe being new around here. Your thoughts and comments are very welcome. I think there’s always differences in perception, expectations and wording, so the same thing can sound vastly different in different people’s descriptions. And I...
  3. plakat

    Grado Fan Club!

    That’s interesting… I also like house, and I’m quite sure it’s not my music that’s missing bass ;-) With the RS1x upper mids are getting straining to my ears (I’m rather sensitive in that area) before bass would get thumping for me. It’s not that I’m missing something, I now know of it’s...
  4. plakat

    Grado Fan Club!

    I've been using my new PS2000x for quite some time these past few days, just lovely. First Grado model I came across that can cope with some deep electronic bass. Love it. I also had the GS1000x on loan over last week. While I really liked the almost orange wood and the very lightweight feel, it...
  5. plakat

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    I think that one belongs to @ampair He owns quite a collection of classic AKG models
  6. plakat


    Buying blind always carries a risk. There’s no single headphone that’s a completely safe bet. Can’t be I’d even say. And before someone mentions the HD650… I really dislike that one ;-)
  7. plakat

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    You’re welcome back anytime!
  8. plakat

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    today we took the chance to celebrate our tenth anniversary. Of course with some Schnaps. It was nice to see you all again, or for the first time as with @oratory1990 Addendum: my notes indicate that the second meet was on 2014-03-29… so maybe the first one was even in 2013
  9. plakat

    Grado Fan Club!

    I don’t think they try to upsell you accessories. I have F, L and G spare pads and experimented quite a bit, but essentially like them best with default pads for all models I tried. I can’t stand S pads for comfort though. Overall I think that the default pads is just what they recommend.
  10. plakat


    that’s quite a challenge… one I failed again and again ;-) I have to admit that I like playing around with different headphones though
  11. plakat

    Grado Fan Club!

    My interpretation of the text on Grados website would be Rabat the gold sounds identical to the regular 325x. Just a different color and possibly more resale value — depending on how many will be built. I have to admit that I’m tempted. Definitely not because I need more headphones… they just...
  12. plakat

    Grado Fan Club!

    For those interested in getting a PS2000x / PS1000LE: there seem to be a few available again. I like mine very much...
  13. plakat

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Definitely interesting. I hope there will be enough attendance to make it worthwhile for you.
  14. plakat

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Thats already better than yesterday ;-)
  15. plakat

    Grado Fan Club!

    very nice :-) I’m still tempted to get one of those…