nonno breuss
Headphone Inventory
Utopia, hd650, L300 anniversary, se530, KSE1200
gone: Sony R10 (bass light version), W3000ANV, k701, he400, sr325, RS1
Headphone Amp Inventory
Red Wine Audio Bellina DAC/AMP, little dot mk 3, RME Fireface 802, Apollo Twin, Stax 353x and 006t, Shure KSE1200, Gone: Leben
Source Inventory
Main: DI20HE, Pontus II
Studio: Red Wine Audio Bellina and RME Fireface 802
Mobile: Chord Mojo
Cable Inventory
Dana Cable (for Utopia)
Other Audio Equipment
living room: Cyrus II with PSX tuned by Clockwork Audio, KLH Model 5, in studio: Genelec Speakers and sub


Power: NZ-4000 Filter -> Airlink balanced transformer
Source: Pi2AES -> DI20HE -> Pontus II Main: Tuned Cyrus II -> KLH Model 5 + 3xREL T1 sub
PC: RME 802 -> 5xGenelec 8020 + 7050B sub
Cans: 1. Stax 353x or 006t -> L300 LT / 2. Little Dot II -> Utopia with Dana Cable Lazuli Ref. / 3. Red wine audio Bellina tube dac -> igalvanic -> Shure KSE 1200 / 4. mojo -> SE535