Recent content by NJoyzAudio
  1. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Ultron 5 Thank You for those kind words! Just want to help others as MANY really good people here have helped me! At some point you will help others too, so don't forget to pay it forward! Enjoy the Amp as yes I think you have a lot of smile raising times ahead (and hair pulling as you start...
  2. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Renexx Congrats on the combo and I'm envious I've missed out getting G73R's several times. and ordered and almost got a set of Visseaux 6V6 Coke bottle ST shape, that posters here like Robert has said in this forum are the best 6V6's he's used (alas the seller went to test and one of the tubes...
  3. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Ultron 5 Sorry been working on some new portable items I wanted to try out, less about my tube amp this week and that damn pesky day job called "work" keeps getting in the way.... Just want to re-enforce, Tube Rolling isn't limited to brands, or type of tubes. its about the sound you are...
  4. NJoyzAudio

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    Dpeterfy32 Warrenpchi is correct, I want to get between 72 and 96 hours on them before doing critical listening. Then I will be swapping back and forth between OTL, SoA, Euclid and Aristotle, so will need some time. Add to this I have a car show to judge this weekend, and well it will be late...
  5. NJoyzAudio

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    Excited as DHL dropped off late this afternoon, some new Eletech cables I have acquired!!! Pardon the crappy photos but excited to try these out! The unboxing experience almost rivals that of the Parnassus series with plexiglass silk screened inserts and imagery, right down to the magnetic...
  6. NJoyzAudio

    Introducing the "Baroque Eartips" - Now Available!

    Thank You Eric! Bought and have been using the MS size of the Baroque and a little better isolation with a better seal (small works but leaves a little wanting for isolation, the M was too big for me and did not seal well or were uncomfortable on my daily driver IEM's) And it left the sound...
  7. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Ultron 5 Well… If it’s just surge protector, I’d recommend separating the amp from the rest just because you don’t want to overload the circuit, but to be sure you might want to consult an electrician Whether SS or tube, you should give the amp its own dedicated plug as a best practice IMO.
  8. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Ultron 5 I do use one but it’s really a basic one as I have lots of computer HW in the same room so just making sure it’s filtering with all that electrical noise inducing HW in the same area, and it’s more about filtering than insuring against power sag or surges. I’ve had it hooked to a higher...
  9. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Ultron 5 Sorry did not mean to imply you must/should change out your DAC. As I mentioned your gear looks to be fine. Just wanted to throw out options for you to keep in mind. Early in this thread, there were posts with people using both the DACs you own, you can refer back on. If you so choose...
  10. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Been on a tube finding mission after a little hiatus from doing this, and will probably cut myself off after the final tubes I've sourced arrive mentioned in my previous post the Silver Plate Mazda made 12Au7W/6189's Still enjoying them but I came across these different than what I see others...
  11. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Betula Once again a great post, right on the mark, and very very similar to how I view this hobby. Appreciate your posts ALWAYS, and again Thank You for the kind words. Yes for tubes R2R DAC just seems to be the way to go for me,.. for now. I'm trying to see if moving up to the latest Holo...
  12. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Ultron 5 You have some very nice gear in your chain, and the right frame of mind/attitude that your opinion is the only one that matters to you! (great way to look at gear in this hobby, as the best judge is you) Much of the gear you have I have either looked at previously, or auditioned via...
  13. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Ultron 5 Easiest way to explain it, is it’s a way to personalize the sound. Tube rolling is a way to fine tune/adjust the sound to your liking. This is what I and others here commenting about tubes, are trying to do, and why we change (roll) tubes to find combinations we like and provide the...
  14. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Betula! Well said and could not AGREE with you MORE! Bravo!
  15. NJoyzAudio

    Cayin RU7: 1-Bit Resistor Network Dongle DAC /Amp

    Yanec Bravo - Nicely said Agree because in this hobby everyone hears differently and what is so great about this hobby of higher end audio, there is something (dap, dac, etc) for everyone that meets their needs, it just isn't always the same for any 2 individuals. That doesn't make either party...