Recent content by ngohw
  1. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    Always good to see such meticulous detail go into measurements but I would be lying if I said I knew what any of this meant
  2. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    I read that 50mA and 100mA is entirely based on the headphones you use. For me, I notice zero difference on my LCD-2 Classics, but others insist there is a huge difference on their headphones (that are not LCD-2C). It might be worth creating a list of some sorts for headphones that are affected...
  3. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    Nope, I use Apple Music exclusively out of convenience — so there’s always going to be a slight bottleneck, but for me it’s a price worth paying to make my life easier both at home and away.
  4. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    Funnily enough I’ve been eyeing the V550 PRO for my next amp purchase whenever that may be… good to hear the cheaper option is already an improvement!
  5. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    Adding onto this, I did manage to try the Holo Audio Cyan 2 R2R Ladder DAC amongst other R2R DACs. While it undoubtedly provided a nice warm signature, I did feel as though it sounded muddy and I couldn't separate the mids from the instruments. The Qutest was the only DAC I tried that day that...
  6. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    I have really enjoyed Chord's FPGA DACs (Qutest, Hugo TT) -- if you ever get a chance to try them out, I definitely would recommend it.
  7. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    That's actually super interesting. I recently got my hands on a Viking Weave XLR cable, super high quality, and my average room temp during these summer months is 22c -- but looking at the temp guage now, it's at 46c only compared to the 52c on my old, cheap 4.4mm cable. I would've never...
  8. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    From what I recall didn’t they say the 69c auto shutdown is way below a temperature that would actually affect the internals anyway? It can get as hot as it wants but as long as the internals aren’t getting fried to death I couldn’t care less
  9. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    I was not a believer at all in keeping your amp on overnight but I have started to notice I always seem to enjoy music a lot more towards the end of the day when the amp has been on for a while... might keep it on overnight for a few days to see if I still feel the same way
  10. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    I was just listening to that last night! Fantastic album. I've been giving Radiohead's 'In Rainbows: Live from the Basement' album a listen too, equally as great
  11. ngohw

    Chord Hugo TT High End DAC Amp Impressions Thread

    yeah, I do have a feeling it's because I was passing it through a thunderbolt 4 dock -- but I'm not willing to give up the convenience. I can't notice a difference between coax and USBH anyway
  12. ngohw

    Chord Hugo TT High End DAC Amp Impressions Thread

    I've only ever used the TT with an external amp in Aune S17 Pro. there is admittedly a massive retail price differential, so maybe I'm bottlenecking the TT's performance a bit, but I use neither 3.5mm or 6.3mm jacks and have no intention of using either :P the Aune s17 pro provides almost a...
  13. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    I think its entirely fair to almost call them the Apple of this hobby, where they always cherry pick numbers and use the 'best-sounding' ones regardless of how useful or relevant they actually are :P
  14. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    measurements mean nothing if your ears hate it :) that's my general attitude towards it. I appreciate graphs as theyre a reflection of the manufacturer's care in producing sound, but ultimately they should not define your opinion on it! lovely, I'll have a look through them all I will admit...
  15. ngohw

    Aune S17 pro

    agreed, I would never buy iFi products brand new -- but if I can get a good price for it, why not? :P what would be good upgrades from Aune S17 PRO? I'm interested in still keeping the unit and using it as a preamp to see how it performs