Recent content by LobalWarming
  1. LobalWarming

    The Reference 6SN7 Thread

    With a 6SN7 to 5670 adapter, yes it is. But not at that way, way overpriced price. Many better and much cheaper options in the 6SN7 glass universe.
  2. LobalWarming

    The Reference 6SN7 Thread

    Only 13,000? Not including backups, right?
  3. LobalWarming

    The Reference 6SN7 Thread

    Thanks. We live to collect. Or collect to live? Or both?
  4. LobalWarming

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    LOL! Heard it's an especially good pairing when consumed inside vintage vehicles of similar taste and quality. 🤣
  5. LobalWarming

    The Reference 6SN7 Thread

    Exactly. Words that @bcowen hoards lives by. :joy: 🤣🤣
  6. LobalWarming

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Or hear much of anything for a few hours afterwards. Threshold shift is bee-aah-ch. 🤣
  7. LobalWarming

    Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread

    Fascinating... is your new $3500 tubular monster 23 times more enjoyable than the wee Vali 3 or only 1.8 times? :ksc75smile:
  8. LobalWarming

    Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread

    Start anywhere you like... but expect you'll stay on the Brimar 4003 for longer. :ksc75smile:
  9. LobalWarming

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Indeed! The delicate activities sensitivities of sophisticated collectors like us are misunderstood. It's simple: We're not tube hoarders, we're tube connoisseurs - at scale. 🤣
  10. LobalWarming

    Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread

    Vali runs the 5670 at roughly 1/3 capacity the spec limits. Not going to burn up a tube too fast. Do you sleep more than once a week, for more than 4 hours a night? If so, no worries. A fresh mil-spec 5670 should live well over 10,000 hours in the Vali, probably much more. But why take the...
  11. LobalWarming

    Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread

    Well... for one... they aren't a new 'manufacturer', but a new re-branding entity. Which is fine, if they were honest about sourcing from PSVane with a steep pricing premium.
  12. LobalWarming

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Artificial Idiocy can't always compensate for natural idiocy. Fortunately. :joy:
  13. LobalWarming

    Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread

    Nice try. But @bcowen will have turned that glass into his Marylyn Memorial Statue. Or worse. Or better. :ksc75smile:
  14. LobalWarming

    Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread

    True. But give them 80+ years to build the brand rep. We can wait... No, we can't! From what I've seen, Ray tubes are selected versions from PSVane manufacture. That means we only have wait another 50-60 years. Is that so bad? 🤣
  15. LobalWarming

    Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread

    The short answer: None of those tubes are compatible with Val 3. Do NOT use. The longer answer: None of those tubes are compatible with Val 3, because the E80CF is triode/pentode tube, would need a custom adapter to work in the Vali. And another E80CF unless you felt comfortable strapping the...