Recent content by Livestock110
  1. Livestock110

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Better names: Hifiman SUV (Susvara UnVeiled) Unprotected Sus (feels good, but you're taking a risk) Susvara UnSafe (aka SUS)
  2. Livestock110

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Should've called it "Unprotected Sus". More enjoyable, but you're taking a risk!
  3. Livestock110

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    Stellia is so smooth, it makes Elegia sound like sandpaper... There's a serious driver issue with Elegia that EQ cannot fix. The treble shrillness is so bad. I did love Elegia when it was my best headphone. But Stellia has me spoiled - it's such an experience. Best closed-back I've ever used...
  4. Livestock110

    Ferrum Audio ERCO - Headphone DAC/Amp

    4.4 to XLR adapters are cheap enough. I'm not sure how Erco Gen2 compares to Wandla, but I own Erco 1 - Wandla is a major upgrade from it. I'd say get Wandla and an XLR to 4.4 adapter, unless you can get Erco 2 much cheaper!
  5. Livestock110

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Wandla vs Erco (gen 1)... I am blown away. Testing with LCD-5, Hypsos and Erco as the amp section. No more treble glare. I didn't realise how much glare Erco suffered from. Wandla is clean and natural, with the smoothest timbre I've ever heard. Whilst being very punchy and detailed. Treble is...
  6. Livestock110

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    It's the nice thing about Stellia, it's a real leather product that ages gracefully. Apart from the few half-stained ones with lines going down them haha. You can protect them if you prefer brand new. Or enjoy the leather maturing over time.
  7. Livestock110

    Forza AudioWorks Impressions Thread

    Mine too. I got my cable about 9 days after ordering (to the UK) which was really fast!
  8. Livestock110

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Do you know if GS edition will reach UK distribution? Or is it exclusive? The list of improvements and features has me hooked!
  9. Livestock110

    Audeze LCD-5 Review, Measurements, Interview

    I feel like LCD-5 is slept on heavily by most, without EQ. It makes a huge difference having EQ with these. They respond so well to it. Technical performance is the best I've heard in any planar, so far. It trades blows with Susvara, where both headphones offer a different style but similar...
  10. Livestock110

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Nice to hear it's a huge improvement. Do you have any more thoughts? I use an Erco (gen 1) which I could pay to upgrade to gen 2. But I'm also really curious about upgrading to Wandla instead. Mostly curious about how the stage, separation and smoothness/timbre compare.
  11. Livestock110

    Ferrum Audio ERCO - Headphone DAC/Amp

    Very nice impressions! Interesting you mentioned the treble "hash" - It's something I especially notice with Focal Utopia or Stellia (less so with LCD-5). This slightly grainy, dry effect in the upper mids and treble. It's smooth, but with a weird grainy texture that shouldn't be there. Glad...
  12. Livestock110

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    I'm fairly sure the best method is the leather cleaner + protection cream I mentioned. Stellia uses unprotected, full-grain/aniline leather, which many other products also use. For this type of aniline it's really the best you can get. It can remove stains, the cream prevents them also, but...
  13. Livestock110

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    The cleaner should help some discoloration, I haven't needed it on mine yet, but it's made for sensitive aniline leather! I've seen good reviews for the stain removal part. Using the cream afterwards will help restore and protect the finish too.
  14. Livestock110

    Focal Stellia Review, Measurements, Interview - Head-Fi TV

    I've been using Leather Master - leather protection cream from Amazon (comes with a cleaner too). Furniture Clinic also makes a similar one. It's kept the leather brand new and hydrated. The cream stops your skin/hair oils from staining it. Just apply every 2 months or so, with a white cloth. I...
  15. Livestock110

    Forza AudioWorks Impressions Thread

    Got the Forza Noir Mk2 for Focal Stellia - No microphonics anymore! Sound quality is a huge improvement. It's airy, clean and natural up top, none of the rigid sharpness I heard before in the treble. Bass is tighter and less bloated/fatiguing. Stage feels more fluid, and extends out into the...