Recent content by Hypops
  1. Hypops

    For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

    Back to listening to the Sivga Nightingale sans EQ. When these gel with a recording, they’re freaking magical. Night Reign (2024), Arooj Aftab It’s been an exceptional year for releases by women vocalists. Add this to the growing list.
  2. Hypops

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    So I’ve been looking into this more. Sounds like the developer of AutoEQ has periodically changed the target. As of a year ago, Jaako switched from strict Harman to a slight modification of Harman with less of a peak at 3k. I’m curious what the result looks like, but haven’t seen the AutoEQ...
  3. Hypops

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    Had no idea. Still more evidence that IEM targets are still a Wild West compared to full-size headphones!
  4. Hypops

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    Not surprising. AutoEQ re-tunes everything to the Harman target--which many find overly bright (too much upper mid and treble) and thin (scooped mids). Worse, the Harman in-ear target is very likely missing something important that the over-ear target isn't. The research has yet to identify what...
  5. Hypops

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    I don't think it's something they endorse people doing themselves, so my guess is that they'd ask you to send it in for a battery replacement. I'd wait until it's out of warranty before attempting the replacement yourself. Also, they made changes to the way desktop charging works to prolong the...
  6. Hypops

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    Couldn't hurt. I'm on iOS, but when I connect via USB it also automatically connects via bluetooth too.
  7. Hypops

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    It's been a while since I first set mine up and don't fully remember the process, but have you tried a direct USB connection?
  8. Hypops

    For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

    Working while on the road demands the big guns. It's a Symphonium Meteor morning. Dark Times (2024), Vince Staples The cynical poet of our dark times goes deeper into the bleakness.
  9. Hypops

    The discovery thread!

    Yeah, add it to the someday pile! IIRC this is the set that crinacle used to dismiss the SA6 (as its pale imitator) back in the day. Actually doesn't look terribly off (graph-wise) from the EPZ 530 that I've been eyeing. And dang, man, I really do keep looping back to all-BA sets.
  10. Hypops

    The discovery thread!

    Heh. So is this a fool's quest noobs like myself embark on, trying to find a quality bright-leaning set with some meat on its bones?
  11. Hypops

    Headphone & Amp Impedance Questions? Find the answers here!

    As one of the other responses mention, "32 Ohms" can mean a lot of things, depending on how (un)even the impedance curve is. Surprised that those DAPs have such high output impedance actually, but I'm not a DAP user, so I could be wrong (my amps are typically a lot closer to 0 Ohms than 1 Ohm)...
  12. Hypops

    For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

    "Chromakey Dreamcoat" is an album and genre unto itself. That single track basically invented chillwave completely on its own.
  13. Hypops

    The discovery thread!

    Even more so than the Davinci, the Meteor has that tuning itch fully scratched for me. It’s a fantastic tuning though. Dang. I assumed there was no headphone community to speak of in NM. Cool. No idea.
  14. Hypops

    The discovery thread!

    Not at all opposed to general BA-ness (timber, bass, unvented). Only problem is that when I try to branch out, I keep gravitating back to all-BA sets!
  15. Hypops

    The discovery thread!

    More of a someday/endgame price for me, but always good to keep an eye out for discounts and used.