Recent content by Hairspray
  1. Hairspray

    Wow! Sennheiser HD 540 Reference are so good.

    Hi there. It's been a while since I've posted here. It might be old news, but I hope this could be interesting for some of you who worries about "rattle", which was my case. Chances are high that it is NOT related to a driver defect. Just clean up the cups (hair, dust, etc.) and you will be...
  2. Hairspray

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

    this is a french singer-songwriter known for being very-very picky when it comes to recordings and.... plus, it's a recent recording, from 2014 (i cannot tell if it's a 80 or a 250 though) since i'm on foobar (wasapi event mode) + ODAC and O2, i guess i'm hearing exactly the same as he does...
  3. Hairspray

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

    just re-compared my 250-250 to my Q701 (bass port mod + foam tweak) Q701's soundstage is so unique... although a few people claim it sounds unrealistic however, positioning does matter too the DT 250-250 is famous for its neutality, and it IS damn neutral, but its positioning is just...
  4. Hairspray

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

      current leaders? who can improve neutrality?   anyway, if you compare speakers (flatness) with headphones (neutrality), the HP's FR could in fact be improved
  5. Hairspray

    The Beyerdynamic DT250 Thread

      the 250-250 has neither strong nor weak sub-bass, mid-bass, or what else.. it is neutral not the "most" neutral (that wouldn't make sense) just neutral neither fun nor boring it's a totally underrated headphone of the very highest calibre
  6. Hairspray

    Sennheiser HD540 Reference I Manual

      Ok man, no problem. I bought the Ref I in 86 or 87, why would I lie about that? You are probably right about the PDF though: I just checked for my original manual but couldn't find it (I probably downloaded a more recent version, I don't know). Anyway, just scan your '86 original version...
  7. Hairspray

    Apple EarPods are excellent

      your really rate them? do you hate them or did you rate them (a review) ?
  8. Hairspray

    Sennheiser HD540 Reference I Manual

    This is the original manual that came with my 600 ohm 540 Ref I. I bought them in 1987 or something. I scanned the manual, it's not a copy from the internet. The "1/91" has nothing to do with the release date.  
  9. Hairspray

    Beyerdynamic DT 150: Bloody Brilliant!

      As the title says: the 150s are bloody brillant, really.
  10. Hairspray

    Sennheiser HD540 Reference I Manual

    Hi harry015,   There is a whole thread about the 540 Ref I (almost 60 pages):   Original manual (PDF)...
  11. Hairspray

    Apple EarPods are excellent

      I didn't explain myself properly or you missed the point. Those aren't the best earbuds or earpods. I totally agree. But: "The low bass rolls off very early"? You do know that those little suckers come free with every iDevice. Even at $29.90, I would call them budget kings. IMO, they...
  12. Hairspray

    Apple EarPods are excellent

    "Dirac app" ? what's that? some kind of equalizer or something?
  13. Hairspray

    Apple EarPods are excellent

    Just received my iPhone 6. The Earpods are fantastic. I did a short test (source: iPhone 6, which is really excellent). Apple Earpods vs. Sennheiser 25 and Nocs NS400 Seriously, those are very-very good... Pretty neutral (on the warm side though), very airy, huge soundstage, excellent...
  14. Hairspray

    Apple EarPods Thread

    Just received my iPhone 6. The Earpods are fantastic. I did a short test (source: iPhone 6, which is really excellent). Apple Earpods vs. Sennheiser 25 and Nocs NS400 Seriously, those are very-very good... Pretty neutral (on the warm side though), very airy, huge soundstage, excellent...
  15. Hairspray

    Beyerdynamic DT 150: Bloody Brilliant!

    Fully agree.   BTW, DT 100 was initially made for vocals (tracking, broadcasting, etc.). DT 100 is a niche product.