Recent content by GoldenSound
  1. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Joe Hisaishi is top notch!
  2. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    The GSE does do a bit of depth related adjustment when using HP mode, though it's subtle (intentionally)
  3. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    You can yep! At the first batch is sold through but second batch is ordered and on the way
  4. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    1) Yep! As long as you can adjust gain on your sub this will work fine. 2) It's a cleaner signal path/method of doing it. Previously you either would need to use digital volume control, or go through the analog MUSES chips. The new circuit is a fixed value adjustment with fewer components and...
  5. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    No new info atm, Ferrum has said it should be ready late this month, or possibly very early next month, so shouldn't be much longer!
  6. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    Because significant R&D time and cost was put into the development of both the firmware and hardware changes. If there was no price change it wouldn't have been possible to do in the first place. The decision was made to merge the new hardware changes over to new units of the regular Wandla as...
  7. GoldenSound

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I requested the measurements because you said Andrew and I were lying and that our findings were not based in reality. I stand by my findings, but until there is objective data available, it's unfair to state absolutely that Andrew or myself are "making stuff up". Additionally,
  8. GoldenSound

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Nothing is being made up, we are just sharing our own findings. When we review a product we will also measure and show objective data as 'basis in reality' . There currently aren't any measurements of the Immanis available and neither of us have a review unit of the Immanis to measure...
  9. GoldenSound

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    The Wandla GSE is a has nothing to do with and is in no way competing with the Immanis (and on the point of 'unofficial' influencer endorsement vs MOT stuff, my direct involvement with that product is quite clear and transparent)
  10. GoldenSound

    Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread

    For those in the UK Hifonix has a unit in store to demo and available to order
  11. GoldenSound

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Just fwiw, you can literally do the same EQ for free
  12. GoldenSound

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Ehh not necessarily, mitch's filters only correct upto about 7khz (also EQ is free :P)
  13. GoldenSound

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Im just meaning the one I tried it on. Though fwiw my objections have been consistent across all setups I've heard it on
  14. GoldenSound

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Hopefully someone will be able to measure one soon. I wasn't able to do any manual sweeps with what was available at the show, but my test tracks definitely had some oddities Also fwiw I've tried immanis multiple times, including using their own amps (and also an ifi phantom). At the Munich...
  15. GoldenSound

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I didn't hate those either. I just felt the sound wasn't upto par with the price. I enjoyed them though