Head Gear Reviews by captainmuffins
  1. Tanchjim Origin

    4.00 star(s)
    Back in September I was in Shenzhen for the Shenzhen International Audio Show and Tanchjim was exhibiting there. I managed to listen to the then-named Oxygen Gen 2 and was very pleasantly surprised as they took a very different direction from the Kara which was released earlier in 2023. Back in the wild days of 2024, the earphones known as Oxygen V2 decided it was time for a makeover and switched to the hipper name, Origin. Guess what's in our studio today? Yep, you got it the Origin. Starting with an unboxing. If you have been following Tanchjim...
  2. TruthEar Nova

    4.00 star(s)
    Today we have a look at the Truthear Nova, currently priced at 149.99 USD, but can vary slightly depending on region. It follows the Truthear DNA of having incredible performance for a much lower price than similar offerings, and the Nova sits at a considerable tier above the Zero and Zero:Red which got raving reviews. So, will this garner the same kind of attention? Let’s find out. To begin, the box is a sleeved cardboard box that comes with a new Truthear waifu, Shiroi, and the entire package is a relatively modest size. Inside the box, there’s a...
  3. Simgot EA1000 "Fermat" In-Ear Monitor

    5.00 star(s)
    Simgot EA1000 Fermat Video Review EA1000. Please Support! This year has been a busy year for our friends at Simgot. Earlier this year, I think it is safe to say that the community was wow-ed by the level of detail that was on offer by the EA500. That was followed by by cheapie offerings with the EW100 and EW200 which bottom shelf divers happy. Especially the EW200 where the tone quality is just so good. It was just full sounding which is very newbie friendly. If this is your first IEM video and looking for what to buy? Consider the EW200. But...