Recent content by angelom
  1. angelom

    T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone

    The problem for me is that I always have pride in never being a sheep! (never following the crowds). So, my BIG ego is preferring thinking that I am a rebel son going away and then coming back, and not being just a poor lost sheep that is returning to the flock! :)
  2. angelom

    T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone

    The same idea but using more elegant/literary words: The return of the prodigal sons. :)
  3. angelom

    Side By Side Comparison - AirPods Max, B&O H95, Dali iO-6, B&W PX8, ML 5909, M&D MW75, Focal Bathys and more

    Confirmation/expectation bias, marketing BS and snake oil are very more real than maaaaaany people will know. And reading soooo many posts, often with fancy audio jargon by supposed experienced people, is only making things more bad because then many people with no experience will only...
  4. angelom

    Side By Side Comparison - AirPods Max, B&O H95, Dali iO-6, B&W PX8, ML 5909, M&D MW75, Focal Bathys and more

    Is really impossible for me being angry with you. ---------------------- The key two aspects of my original post are: 1) "For human ears", not for bats or moths ears. 2) "In genuine blind tests", not opinions, semi-tests, NO confirmation/expectation bias. From my experience is a very futile...
  5. angelom

    Side By Side Comparison - AirPods Max, B&O H95, Dali iO-6, B&W PX8, ML 5909, M&D MW75, Focal Bathys and more

    Go to the science forum of head-fi and post exactly the same comments. You will not surviving 5 seconds there.
  6. angelom

    T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone

    Probably this isn't your type of music, but this track on the ST is have a wonderful reproduction. The midrange, specially, and the low frequencies, too, are very, very, very correct.
  7. angelom

    Side By Side Comparison - AirPods Max, B&O H95, Dali iO-6, B&W PX8, ML 5909, M&D MW75, Focal Bathys and more

    The 4 years old Shure Aonic 50 and the 2 years old Mark Levinson 5909 already offering LDAC. LDAC, scientifically, for human ears (in genuine blind tests) isn’t offering better sound than AAC or aptX, but marketing nonsense is VERY effective, like is in several other aspects of audio.
  8. angelom

    T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone

    This track is a very good example of what sometimes I missing in the sub-bass part of the spectrum with the iO-12, and how the reproduction of this frequency, together with the mids that having very good weight and presence in the ST ---specially, for me, reproducing the sound of what is a...
  9. angelom

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    Two reasons: 1) I already losing A LOT of money in last 7 months: first by selling my one year old Solitaire T (ST) when I buying and keeping the iO-12; then losing money again when buying the ST for second time and decide returning and keeping the iO-12; and now even losing more money because...
  10. angelom

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    Not necessary. All that you need doing is going to the iO-12 product page in the Dali website, then scroll down to bottom to the "downloads" section. If there is a new firmware update, you will seeing this in that section with instructions for installing. If you don't see anything, is mean that...
  11. angelom

    T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone

    For the people that use Apple devices and have some/big frustration with playback controls of the ST, a long time ago I buying (and recommending in this thread) this excellent BT remote for Apple devices by Satechi. The construction quality is excellent and the design is very nice and intuitive...
  12. angelom

    T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone

    You aren’t the only person experiencing this, and this is why early in this thread I criticising several aspects of the ST but still saying “I love this imperfect child” because of others great aspects of this headphone. Selling my first (one year old) pair and returning the second pair 3...
  13. angelom

    T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone

    Yes, this is true and one very unique and remarkable aspect of the ST. And BT HQ mode is offering a sound that is not only incredibly close with the fully passive mode (with 3.5mm cable) sound, but is actually not easy truly knowing when you're using one mode or the other. I don't know if you...
  14. angelom

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    Here is a new review of the iO-12 that is very decent in its contents in comparison with other more typical mediocre 'reviews', and is nice that is a woman, not a man, that is writing the review.